He looked up at this strange capital.

This place is not as prosperous as the capital of Wanling, and the number of pedestrians on the streets is not as many as the main street of Wanling.

The architectural style is also very different, with a unique charm.

Before entering Yunmeng City, Nangong Zeyue asked his brothers to put away the flags and sails.

He concluded that Mo Ziyan would not dare to assassinate openly in the capital.

Passersby saw the handsome young man in bright clothes and horses leading a group of people towards the palace, and they all cast curious eyes.

Nangong Zeyue did not feel uncomfortable when a girl cast a bold look.

Along the way, I don’t know how many girls fell in love with him.

He had learned about the customs and customs of Liang State in the Honglu Temple before, and had some understanding of the folk customs here. When it was his turn to face it, he was not used to it for a while.

Gongxi Shuo and his envoys saw that they had entered the capital, and they were no longer sleepy.

Finally came back alive.

Seeing that it was still early, no one was ready to go home. They were so angry that they had to meet the emperor to complain.

In the palace, the guards were stopped outside the Liang Palace.

"Please report on my behalf that the envoys who went to Wanling have returned."

The guards were loyal to the emperor. When the envoys went to Wanling, they received a secret order to report to the palace as soon as they saw the envoys' team return.

There were guards outside the emperor's palace for protection. The guards who stopped the guards were obviously the kind of people who ate and slept in different places.

After hearing the news that the eldest prince had returned, they deliberately made things difficult for the messenger.

The guard said with a cold face: "The emperor just drank the medicine and lay down. You and I are guilty of disturbing the emperor's rest. The envoys have returned and they can go home. If there is anything, it will not be too late to report tomorrow."

The guards were stunned by the guards' words and stood there, not knowing what to do.

The emperor's dragon body was not in good health and was getting worse. Everyone knew about this.

When the emperor sent the secret order, he did not say how to deal with special situations.

The guard saw that he had no intention of leaving, and pointed to the Jingping Palace where Mo Ziyan lived, "The emperor is ill, you can report to the third prince, he will handle it."

"No, I will wait here and report to the emperor when he wakes up."

The guard estimated that the envoys would enter the palace in half an hour, and it didn't matter whether he could see the emperor at this moment.

"When will it be the third prince's turn to make decisions on the emperor's affairs!"

A cold and sharp voice sounded behind the two of them, and the guard turned around and knelt down in shock.

"See the queen!"

"Queen, the envoys have returned to the capital, and they are also back..." The guard was interrupted by the queen before he finished speaking.

"You follow me to see the emperor."

The guard stood up and raised his head slightly, and saw that the person in front of him was dressed in gorgeous clothes, and his eyes seemed to have experienced wind and rain, slightly vicissitudes, elegant temperament, graceful and solemn.

The phoenix crown on her head showed her status as the queen.

With just one glance, the guard hurriedly lowered his head and followed.

Didn't the queen stay in the Buddhist temple all day to study the scriptures and ignore the affairs of the harem? Why doesn't it look like that today?

Is the rumor wrong?

The rumor is true. From the moment she lost her beloved son, the queen began to be depressed.

Especially since she never gave birth to a prince, she had given up the idea of ​​competing for fame and fortune with the women in the harem.

She handed over the power to manage the affairs of the harem to Concubine Jing, and devoted herself to studying the scriptures and doing good deeds.

Until one day, the maid beside her said to her excitedly, "My queen, great news, I heard that the prince is still alive, and the emperor is preparing to send an envoy to Wanling to welcome him."

The queen believed the maid's words. The maids had good sisters on duty in other palaces, and it was inevitable that they would leak the news when they met privately.

The queen turned a deaf ear to the outside world for many years, but her heart was not blind.

She knew all the monsters and demons in the palace.

It's not that she didn't suspect Concubine Lan, but she didn't have the evidence to bring her to justice.

Her methods of seducing the emperor were beyond the reach of the women in the harem. As the third prince came of age, she almost had everything under her control in the harem.

When she learned that her son was still alive, she was like an extinguished candle, and the light of hope in her heart was rekindled.

She found loyal old ministers and told them about Nanzhao's ambitions.

Those old ministers had long complained about the arrogant third prince.

Seeing that the queen had cheered up, they all came up with strategies to deal with the upcoming battle for the throne.

Today, the queen came to see the emperor to see if he had any news about the envoy's return.

From the day the envoy left Yunmeng City, the queen sent people to clean up the palace for her son while counting the days for the envoy's return.

She estimated that he should be back in the next few days, but she didn't expect to see this scene when she walked outside the palace.

In the emperor's bedroom, Emperor Liang was lying on the dragon couch with a listless look.

He was nearly fifty years old and his face was slightly pale, with wrinkles left by the years between his eyebrows.

The palace was filled with a faint smell of medicine. When the maid saw the queen enter, she paused slightly, and hurried to the incense burner to pick up the feather fan and waved it gently. The pleasant fragrance quickly covered up the unpleasant smell of medicine.

Although the emperor of Liang was weak, he still held a scroll in his hand.

When he saw the queen come in, a trace of surprise flashed across his eyes.

After the queen greeted, she called the guard in.

"Really, the emperor, he, he is really back?" After listening to the guard's report, the emperor of Liang grabbed the queen's hand and was so excited that his beard was shaking.

Seeing that the emperor was in better spirits, the queen ordered the maids around him to reward the guard who reported the news before letting him leave.

The queen is a virtuous woman, and treats the concubines in the harem with kindness. Although the emperor favors Concubine Lan a little more.

But he respects the queen.

The reason why the position of the crown prince has been vacant for so many years is very complicated.

Although the second prince is talented, he is indecisive and worried that he will be easily controlled by his relatives.

He once thought of making the third prince the crown prince, but this idea was dissuaded by several old ministers with death.

The old ministers unanimously believed that the third prince was born to the princess of Nanzhao, and it is possible that he will be instigated by Nanzhao in the future, and the territory of Liang will be easily taken away by Nanzhao without any effort.

The emperor of Liang thought carefully. If that is the case, the consequences will be unimaginable. How can he face his ancestors?

In the end, the matter of establishing a crown prince was left unresolved.

When the emperor of Liang was still the crown prince, all the concubines gave birth to daughters. After he and the queen got married, they finally gave birth to a legitimate son, but when he saw that there was an accident with the successor, he was very guilty in his heart.

Over the years, he felt very guilty in his heart.

If he had not been bewitched by the beauty that day and had paid more attention to the queen, none of this would have happened.

When the Emperor of Liang learned that his son was about to enter the palace, he was extremely surprised. The legitimate son he had been waiting for day and night finally came back.

He quickly called the guards to go out to greet him, dropped the memorial in his hand, and the queen helped him get off the dragon bed.

The queen and the maid helped him change into a casual dress.

It is said that a happy mood is the best medicine, and the sickness on the face of the Emperor of Liang disappeared.

As soon as he was ready, a guard came to report, "Your Majesty, the envoy has led the prince to the front hall."

"Quick, take a seat, I will go right away."

The Emperor of Liang waved his hand and walked towards the front hall.

The queen was so excited that her hands in her sleeves were shaking, and she followed closely accompanied by the maid.

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