In Peach Blossom Nunnery, Aunt Meng's health is getting stronger day by day. She thinks that the flowering period of peach blossoms will not last long, so she has to quickly pick the petals to make wine. She strives to earn more money this year and prepare more winter clothes for the sisters in the nunnery.

She came to the peach grove and was busy picking flower petals with the sisters in the nunnery.

"Sister Meng, your health has just improved. It's better to rest under a tree for a while. It's good to have us here." A young sister-in-law pointed to a wicker chair under a peach tree in the distance.

The wicker chair was specially prepared for her.

Aunt Meng was also thirsty at this moment and nodded, "Okay, I'll come back after taking a rest."

Aunt Meng came to the tree alone, drank half a cup of mint tea and lay on a wicker chair to rest.

The warm spring sun makes people drowsy, and bees are buzzing overhead, as if singing a lullaby.

Aunt Meng is wearing a pink dress today, which was her favorite color when she was young.

Recently, there are always girls from the capital coming to stay at Peach Blossom Nunnery. Perhaps it is because the girls are dressed up brightly, and the nunnery is full of life.

As her body regained its health, she felt refreshed.

In the dead of night, she secretly thought that even as a sister-in-law, she should be glamorous, wear her favorite clothes, wear her favorite hairpin, and grow old beautifully.

The right minister came to the outside of Peach Blossom Nunnery and saw a group of people busy in the peach garden from a distance. He thought they must be the sisters-in-law in the nunnery, so he walked towards the peach grove.

The air is filled with the faint fragrance of flowers, and peach blossoms are blooming on the branches, clusters in clusters, the petals are tender and tender, and they are beautiful and charming under the sunlight.

The Prime Minister had no intention of admiring the flowers. He was only interested in seeing the person he missed as soon as possible.

Thinking about Meng's methods and his debt to her over the years, he walked too fast and stumbled under his feet. The peach branches trembled when he touched them, and the petals fell down one after another.

Just when he had just walked a certain distance, he saw a wicker chair placed under a peach tree, and the familiar person was lazily lying on the wicker chair with his eyes closed and meditating.

She was wearing a lotus-colored long dress. The color was elegant and fresh, blending in with the pink peach blossoms around her without any sense of inconsistency.

Her skin is as white as snow, and the years have left no trace. Her face is still as beautiful and refined as before. Her long eyelashes cover her beautiful eyes, and the expression on her face is as calm as waves, with an indescribable tranquility and peace.

A breeze blew by, causing the peach branches to dance wildly, and she didn't even know that some petals fell into her arms. The wind picked up a few strands of hair on her forehead and danced lightly with the wind.

Her eyelashes trembled slightly and her brows stretched, as if she was enjoying the warm spring sun.

Suddenly, a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, as if she was thinking of some pleasant past event.

She blended in with the surrounding scenery, as if she were a picture of Sleeping Beauty in a peach garden, and the Prime Minister couldn't bear to break the tranquility and beauty.

The right minister stopped and looked at her for a while, resisting the urge to rush up and hug her into his arms, and finally suppressed his excitement and whispered:

"Yun Niang."

A long-lost name rang in my ears.

Aunt Meng slowly opened her eyes and saw that the person coming was the Right Prime Minister. She frowned slightly, "Your Majesty the Right Prime Minister is busy with official duties, why are you here?"

"Yunniang, are you okay?"

"I'm very well, and I don't need to worry about you, Your Excellency."

"I, I just found out today, that, that poisonous woman..." The right minister's voice was so choked that he couldn't continue.

He looked at the person lying on the wicker chair with earnest eyes, "Yun Niang, I'm sorry, I failed you. Can you go back with me?"

He didn't care at all that his former lover treated him coldly, and continued to persuade: "As long as you come back with me, I will let you be the first wife. From now on, I will never step foot in her yard again. I want to I’ll make up for you and make up for all the time we’ve lost.”

There was a touch of sarcasm in the corner of Aunt Meng's mouth, "What good thing are you thinking, Lord Right Prime Minister? You have a lot of wives and concubines, and I can't live a free life. If I go back to die with you, do you think I am still the stupid girl I was back then?"

"She doesn't dare anymore. Believe me, Yun Niang, have all the poisons in your body been cured?"

Only then did the right minister notice that her face did not look like she had been deeply poisoned.

Meng Yunniang sat up and reached out to flick the petals off her dress.

She pointed to the path leading to the outside of the peach forest and said: "Your Excellency, please come back. All the women living here are women. It is really not convenient to entertain you."

Meng Yunniang's expression was indifferent, her mood was as calm as water, neither happy nor sad, and she didn't even have the strength to hate him.

"Mother Yun, I am here on the orders of the emperor to persuade everyone to go home and get married. I have to go to the nunnery in a while. You are in charge here, so you have to help me convey the emperor's message to everyone."

Seeing the right prime minister kicking his nose and face, Meng Yunniang stood up and said, "Cui Jing, don't push yourself too far. The emperor will never say such ridiculous things. I know what you are thinking as well as you."

"Impossible! It's never possible. Even if I, Meng Yunniang, want to get married, I won't marry a heartless and unjust person like you!"

The right minister did not expect that his gentle lover would turn a cold shoulder on him.

He just thought she was taking out her anger on him and continued to defend: "Yun Niang, I have said countless times that marrying her was not my intention. You are the one I want to marry."

"You've been an official for so long that you can't listen to what others say. Years ago, I made it very clear that I don't want to share the same husband with her. You can follow your sunny path.

When I crossed my single-plank bridge, she even thought of killing me. It would be better for us to stay away from each other until we die. I still want to live for a few more years and take a good look at this bright spring sun and these flowers. "

"Yunniang, as long as you come back with me, I will divorce her."

The Right Prime Minister was about to pull Meng Yunniang's hand, but Meng Yunniang took a step back and shouted with a cold face: "Right Prime Minister, please respect yourself!"

The nuns who were picking flower petals heard her voice and looked over here.

Seeing a man dressed elegantly approaching Aunt Meng, a nun shouted: "There is a lecher molesting Sister Meng, sisters, hurry up and get your weapons."

"Quick, here are sticks."

"I have a sickle here."

In an instant, the nuns rushed up with sticks and sickles in their hands.


When the Right Prime Minister turned around, the nuns rushed up and the sticks rained down on him.

A nun who knew the law shouted:

"Beat him, beat him to death, Wanling law stipulates that if you beat a lecher to death who enters the nunnery, you don't have to pay with your life."

The Right Prime Minister didn't expect that he would be beaten up before he could reveal his identity.

Meng Yunniang didn't expect everyone to act so quickly. She waved her hands, "That's enough, just kick him out."


"Yunniang, tell them to stop, they are trying to murder an official appointed by the court." The right prime minister ran away like a stray dog, circling around a peach tree.

"Oh, bah! You are a stinking hooligan who claims to be an official appointed by the court. I am the Queen Mother who has come down to earth to deal with scum like you."

Seeing the nuns attacking from the front and back, the right prime minister asked Aunt Meng for help, "Yunniang, tell them to stop, this is going to kill people!"

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