"Will the people you brought sign a death contract or a living contract?" Jiang Shuyue asked straight to the point.

The brooding man bowed and replied: "Whether the lady wants a death contract or a living contract, we can discuss it. There are those who are willing to sign a death contract and there are also living contracts."

As the brooding man said this, he quietly raised his eyes and looked at Jiang Shuyue, and saw that she looked at the girls sharply.

The brooding man had seen countless people, and he saw at a glance that the lady in front of him was not simple, and then he lowered his eyes and put away his thoughts of underestimating her.

"I want a death contract, and those who are willing to sign a death contract, please step forward."

More than ten girls took a step forward in unison.

Several older girls looked hesitant, exchanged glances with each other, bit their lips and lowered their heads while holding the corners of their clothes.

They had reached the age of marriage, and they only wanted to sign a one-year living contract. If they signed a death contract, the marriage would be decided by the master.

"All of you look up at me, and we will keep those who are attractive to us."

Jiang Shuyue walked back and forth in front of the girls.

The girls were very curious. When the master selected the servants, they would look at the appearance. They all raised their heads and looked timidly at the girl who might become the master.

Seeing Jiang Shuyue's eyes sweeping back and forth on the girls' faces, Gao Mu's forehead jumped when he saw her like a dandy visiting a brothel to select girls.

After a while, Jiang Shuyue asked, "What can you do?"

The trafficker was afraid that everyone would talk too much, so he pointed to the girl on the right, "You can speak one by one, just tell the truth."

"Greetings, girl. I can do embroidery and other things."

"Well, not bad, you stand on this side."

The girl had beautiful eyebrows and eyes, and she didn't talk cunningly. Jiang Shuyue was very satisfied.

"I can cook."

"I can wash clothes."

Soon, Jiang Shuyue selected ten available people, and each girl looked decent.

The ancients said that the face is born from the heart, and Jiang Shuyue believed in this thing called face reading.

However, she mainly looked at people's eyes. People's eyes are the windows to the soul. As long as you observe carefully, the eyes of honest people and those who are good at calculating are different.

It took Jiang Shuyue half an hour to pick all the people she needed.

The gardener who took care of the garden, the gate servant took two shifts, the servant who managed the stable and the coachman, and the sweeping of the inner and outer courtyards.

Thinking that the kitchen also needed strong men, she also specially assigned two servants who could cook to the kitchen.

The maids who were assigned to the kitchen to cook were very happy.

There were more than 20 young men and young girls in total.

After selecting the people, the rest of the things were left to Qiuju to deal with, and Jiang Shuyue returned to the inner courtyard.

Qiuju collected the indentures of everyone and paid the silver.

It was rare for a trafficker to meet a master who did not bargain.

After pocketing the banknotes, she bowed to Qiuju and said, "Aunt, if you need someone in the future, just send someone to tell me. I will still send the smartest person in our pawnbroker to you for your review."

Qiuju was a little uncomfortable with becoming the aunt in charge.

Qiuju asked Cangyun to send the pawnbroker away.

She said to the new maid, "Our young lady is kind. Although the contract is a death contract, if you find someone you like and get married outside the house, the young lady will return the contract to you. If you work for three years, you will be given a settlement allowance."

"The monthly salary is the same for everyone. Each girl will get two taels of silver per month. If you are loyal to the master, the salary will increase in the future."

The girls were so excited that they looked at each other, and the joy in their eyes could not be hidden.

Generally, maids who first entered a wealthy family to work as maids only received one or two taels of silver.

Only the big maids who served closely received two taels of silver.

The Jiang Mansion only divides work but not levels. The girls are all happy and smiling, as if they have found a treasure.

The girls who just walked to the door regretted hearing such generous treatment.

If they had known that working here would not delay their marriage, they would have found a way to stay.

Under the urging of the traffickers, several people walked out unwillingly.

Qiuju rewarded the girls with silver ingots and asked Gao Mu to take them to the inner courtyard to settle down.

When the servants heard that the maids were treated so well, they were all eager to wait for Qiuju to announce their monthly salary.

Qiuju looked at the servants looking at her with expectant eyes.

She pointed to the few people who were assigned to be gardeners, "When you are too busy, you can ask them for help. The monthly silver is five taels per person per month. If you do a good job and are loyal to the master, there will be an increase in the future."

Qiuju took out silver ingots to reward the servants.

She said, "The other conditions are the same as those of the girls serving in the inner courtyard. If anyone betrays the master, he will be handed over to the government at the most serious level, or sold out at the least."

"Don't worry, aunt. The conditions of our Jiang Mansion are unmatched in the whole capital."

The doorman took the silver ingot and smiled to show his loyalty.

"That's right. Once you enter the Jiang Mansion, you should consider yourself a member of the Jiang Mansion."

"Everyone should go to the front room to settle down. Clothes and other things will be distributed later."

After Qiuju made the arrangements, she went to find Gao Mu.

Time was in a hurry, and there was no time to prepare uniform clothes for the maids and servants.

As soon as she walked to the first hanging flower gate, she saw Gao Mu coming out.

Gao Mu saw Qiuju was in high spirits and said with a smile, "Congratulations to Miss Qiuju for becoming an aunt."

Qiuju glared at him, "You used to be very honest. It's true that people get smeared by the company of ink. You have learned to be slick from Master Nangong."

"No, did I... say something wrong?"

Gao Mu's silly look made Qiu Ju want to hold back her laughter.

"Miss, there is no one she can trust. We are the elders around her. There are so many things to do in Jiang Mansion. You and Cang Yun have to help me share the burden."

"Miss Qiu Ju is too polite. It's my duty."

Qiu Ju was not polite when she ordered Gao Mu to do it. She walked towards the backyard without stopping and said without looking back: "Wait for me outside for a while. Let's go to the street to buy clothes."

An hour later, Gao Mu and Qiu Ju came back. Gao Mu distributed all the clothes. Qiu Ju also bought two sets of clothes for him and Cang Yun.

Back at Xingyue Courtyard, Jiang Shuyue handed a stack of banknotes to Qiu Ju.

"Miss, I'll just look for you when I need you."

Jiang Shuyue smiled, "Silly girl, now is different from before, you have to learn how to use people, take Lan'er and Mei'er with you when you go shopping, they are smart, they will learn with more practice."

Qiu Ju took the banknote, "Miss, you are right, I can't handle it alone, from now on, I will leave the shopping to Lan'er and Mei'er, and I will be the chief steward."

Jiang Shuyue laughed out loud at her look.

She glared at her coquettishly, "What chief steward, do you think you are a eunuch? From now on, you will be the steward of the Jiang Mansion."

After that, she added, "Tomorrow you go to find out what the situation is with Jiang Jiaojiao's marriage. Now that we are settled, we should also care about our former concubine sister."

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