The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Du Wanchun blushed when she heard this and immediately withdrew her hand.

Zhou Ruiyuan was definitely a man who dared to speak and act. Since he had the child in his belly, he had been restraining himself.

She didn't dare to provoke him.

Seeing that she was obedient, Zhou Ruiyuan carefully massaged her feet, "I heard from Doctor Xu that pregnant women's feet are prone to edema. Soaking feet more now and pressing acupoints will be good for the future."

Du Wanchun felt sore and itchy on the soles of her feet, and pulled her feet back slightly, "Husband, it's okay, let's go to bed early."

Zhou Ruiyuan saw that she was a little uncomfortable, so he didn't continue to massage. Doctor Xu had explained that the first time the massage should not be too long.

He picked up the towel beside him, wrapped her feet, and after drying them carefully, he put her feet on the bed.

"Wanchun, you take a rest first, I'll go pour the water." Zhou Ruiyuan said, turned around and picked up the basin and walked out.

He was eight feet tall, and he stood straight when holding the basin. Although he was pouring water for washing feet, he still exuded a unique nobleness.

Du Wanchun looked at the back from a distance, and her heart was warm.

Some people, no matter what they do, no matter whether they are rich or not, you will feel happy just by looking at them from afar.

The night is not as cold as before, and the wind blows on the face with a little warmth.

After Zhou Ruiyuan poured the water, he returned to the room, carefully held her in his arms, gently covered her belly with both hands, and raised the corners of his mouth until he fell asleep, and the smile was still on his face.

The moonlight slowly sprinkled in from the window, and it was another ordinary and warm night.

The spring day was about to end, and the weather was getting sunny and hot. The incense balls placed in the yard to dry in less than three days were all dry.

Aunt Zhou picked up one and lit it in the incense burner.

A sweet fragrance slowly spread in the house.

This fragrance was the unique fragrance of fruit at first, and the elegant fragrance of sandalwood when you smelled it carefully, and after a while there was a sweet and non-greasy flower fragrance.

One incense ball has three fragrances.

This surprised Aunt Zhou herself.

She then lit another one and smelled it carefully. She found that the fragrance was long-lasting, fresh and elegant, and made people feel comfortable.

What's more amazing is that the fragrance lasts longer than ordinary incense, and is more suitable for being placed in the tent. It is somewhat similar to the avocado tent incense commonly seen in Beijing.

But it is different from the avocado tent incense. The fruity fragrance is different, and there is also a hint of spring grass fragrance.

Aunt Zhou couldn't help but sigh: "This fruit is really good. I have been making incense for so many years, and I have never smelled such a good incense."

Zhou Feng and Zhou Zhao nodded in agreement.

Du Wanchun smiled and said, "Mom, let's give this incense a name?"

Auntie Zhou stared at the incense ball in her hand and said, "Why not call this incense Chun Yi Nong, which is made in spring."

She looked at Du Wanchun again and said, "At the same time, there is the word Chun in Wanchun."

The two brothers Zhou Feng and Zhou Zhao listened and nodded repeatedly, "Very good, Chun Yi Nong, the fragrance is floating under the moon, and spring is strong in the tent, mom is very good."

Then Auntie Zhou asked Du Wanchun, "What about Wanchun, how about this name?"

Du Wanchun picked up an incense ball and said with a smile, "Mom, I think this name is good too."

Zhou Ruiyuan went to the Du family's porcelain kiln, and Auntie Zhou didn't ask him, and the family happily decided.

Auntie Zhou quickly took a wooden box to pack the finished incense balls. She first picked out some good ones and asked Zhou Feng to take them back to the capital.

Then she gave some to Du Wanchun and asked her to sell them in two incense shops in Cheng'an County.

With the new incense, Zhou Feng rushed back to the capital without stopping.

He had only been away from the capital for more than half a month, and the shops in the capital had changed a lot.

The Yuan family, which used to be the only one in the capital, could no longer make incense. It seemed that their family had encountered evil spirits. No matter what method they used, the incense they made was smelly.

Once the previous inventory was sold out, the shop was completely empty.

Since the Yuan family had no incense to sell, many new incense shops opened in the capital one after another.

The incense shops sold similar incense to the Yuan family. Many people could not buy them, so they bought them in these newly opened shops.

The business of Zhou's incense shop was full at the beginning, but gradually fewer and fewer people came.

The clerk in the incense shop was very excited to see Zhou Feng coming back, "Boss, you are finally back. If you don't come back, our incense shop will have no business."

This is how business works. Your family makes it, and his family makes it. There are only so many people buying it, so naturally more people will come.

There are fewer and fewer.

Zhou Feng was not in a hurry, and directly took out the new perfume he brought this time, "You want to put this perfume on the shelf, and then light two in the shop."

The clerk was very happy to see that it was a new perfume, and quickly took it in his hand, "Okay, shopkeeper."

In addition to the new perfume, Zhou Feng also brought a lot of new perfume creams made by Aunt Zhou.

Although the mint perfume cream sold well before, some dignitaries did not like to use the same things as ordinary people, so Aunt Zhou specially made a new perfume cream mixed with peony water, which has a strong fragrance and can also beautify the skin.

Zhou Feng asked the clerk to put all these things on the shelf.

It didn't take long for the fragrance in the shop to attract the ladies passing by.

These ladies like rare things the most, and they asked when they walked into the shop: "Shopkeeper, do you have new perfume in your shop?"

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