The clothes were very delicious.

Du Wanchun saw that Aunt Zhou was so enthusiastic, so she felt embarrassed to refuse and thanked her gratefully: "Thank you, mother."

This mother made Aunt Zhou very happy and angry, "Wait a minute, the clothes will be ready soon."

After she finished speaking, she called Zhou Zhao on the side: "Zhao'er, go and get the medicine you bought and show it to my sister-in-law to see if it's this."

"Okay! Mother!" Zhou Zhao smiled and moved the rice in, and then took out a few small packets of medicine.

Aunt Zhou took the medicine bag and handed it to Du Wanchun, saying, "I don't know if I bought the right medicine. Take a look."

Du Wanchun took it in his hand and smelled it, and smiled and said, "Yes, this is it."

Zhou Zhao, who was standing by, was overjoyed, "Then let's go to the field and spray the medicine to see if the crops can still survive!"

Aunt Zhou put down the needle and thread in her hand, nodded and said, "Let's go, go now, and wait until the field is ready, so I can sew clothes for your sister-in-law."

Zhou Zhao turned and went into the house to get the backpack and hoe, with a smile on his face. Since his ears were healed, he has been energetic in everything he does.

The group quickly packed up and prepared to go to the field.

Aunt Zhou originally didn't want Du Wanchun to go, but Du Wanchun insisted on going, so she followed her wishes.

Zhou Ruiyuan and Zhou Feng, one of whom had bad legs and feet and the other blind, stayed at home to help chop firewood and cook.

When Du Wanchun and the others finished spraying the medicine in the field, it was already evening.

Aunt Zhou wiped the sweat from her forehead and looked at the sunset glow from the mountainside, her face full of joy, "This is a good sign. When the weather is good, the things in the field grow fast."

Sure enough, just as she said, the things in the field did grow fast.

The next day, when Aunt Zhou brought Zhou Zhao to the field, she was stunned by the scene in front of her.

The originally yellow and withered rice turned green, as if it was a few points taller than yesterday.

The cabbage and lettuce in the field have grown big leaves.

Aunt Zhou looked at these vegetables with great joy, "The medicine Wanchun said is really effective. Look, these rotten vegetables are alive. There are also these cabbages. They can be picked and eaten today."

After she said that, she squatted down and picked a handful of cabbage leaves and shook them in her hands.

Zhou Zhao nodded and smiled: "Yes, mother, sister-in-law is really amazing. If it weren't for her, we would have almost dug up all these vegetables!"

As he said this, he walked to the end of the vegetable field to see if there were any other vegetables. Suddenly, he saw a lot of leaves growing in the empty space next door. "Mom, look!"

Auntie Zhou walked over when she heard the sound, and saw that the land that was originally full of stones had actually grown radish leaves.

"This is really strange, something has grown in this land!"

When they bought this good land, they were fooled into buying the bad land next door. The bad land was full of hard stones and they couldn't dig it.

I haven't come to the land to see it for a long time, and radishes have grown!

This shocked Zhou's mother and son.

Zhou Zhao hurriedly walked to the radish field and pulled out a radish by grabbing the leaves. The radish was not big, with dark pink red skin, round and plump, and looked delicious.

Aunt Zhou looked puzzled, "Could it be that this piece of land was cultivated by your aunt and her family?"

Zhou Zhao peeled the radish and replied, "No, if they knew there was this good land next to our land, how could they easily return it to us."

Aunt Zhou really couldn't figure it out, and asked in confusion, "Then what's going on?"

Zhou Zhao was educated, and he couldn't figure it out for a long time. Finally, he found a reason, "Mom, maybe this piece of land has been abandoned for a long time, and it has gradually become fertile, and no one has taken care of it, so these radishes have grown."

Aunt Zhou was half-believing and half-doubting, staring at the radish for a long time.

Zhou Zhao bit into the radish, and it was crispy and sweet, just like the fruit in July, very delicious, "Mom, come and try it, this radish is really delicious, just like the crabapple we used to eat."

Cranberries are small red-skinned fruits. No one grows them in the village here, and usually only wealthy families can eat them.

"Really?" Aunt Zhou was full of curiosity. She also pulled a round radish, peeled it and took a bite.

The radish was very juicy. It was sweet and refreshing. There was no spicy taste of radish at all. Instead, there was a fragrance of fruit.

She took a few more bites and chewed them carefully. "This radish is really delicious."

Zhou Zhao smiled and said, "I'm right, mother."

Aunt Zhou stood up and looked at the basket behind him. She smiled and said, "Come on, I

Let's pack a few more and bring them back for your eldest brother and his wife to try."

"Here, mother." Zhou Zhao lifted the basket behind him and handed a small hoe to Aunt Zhou.

The mother and son squatted down with the small hoe and dug radishes in the field.

The small radishes in the field seemed to be endless, and they could not be dug out clean no matter how hard they tried.

After a while, they dug a big basket.

After the radishes were dug, Aunt Zhou took the big hoe again, removed some weeds from the field, and then cut off a few small shrubs around, and surrounded the two plots of land together.

Although the two plots of land were surrounded by woods, there was a pond on the lower right, which was quite convenient.

It was almost noon, and Aunt Zhou and Zhou Zhao returned home with radishes on their backs.

Du Wanchun cooked the rice early, and when she saw them coming back, she hurried to greet them, "Mother, third brother, what are you carrying? "

After entering the house, Aunt Zhou put the basket on the ground, took out a peeled radish from it and handed it to her, "Wanchun, try this radish."

"Mom, where did this radish come from?" Du Wanchun took it in her hand and looked at it in confusion, then took a bite. The sweet fruit fragrance swept around her lips and teeth, and she was refreshed with just one bite. She sighed quickly, "This radish is really delicious."

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