The dead body was broken, and the dead body was broken.

Madame Zhuang held Aunt Zhou's hand, gradually came to her senses from the shock, and knelt down with a plop and said, "Madam! Is it really you? Or am I dreaming?!"

Madam Zhou was also sad to see her old friend, and held her hand and said, "It's me, I'm not dead."

Madame Zhuang burst into tears with red eyes, "Madam, it's great that you are still alive! After I knew you were in trouble, I almost followed you!"

As she spoke, her face was full of tears.

After she finished speaking, she suddenly looked up and looked around, "Where are the princes? Are they okay?"

Mrs. Zhou said slowly, "Don't worry, Ruiyuan and Feng'er and Zhao'er are all fine."

Madam Zhuang breathed a sigh of relief, but her tears still flowed, "My queen, you and the princes are really miserable. You are obviously of noble status, but you were harmed by that bitch and became like this!"

As she said this, she trembled and rubbed Mrs. Zhou's rough sleeves.

In fact, she and Du Wanchun's clothes were made of the latest fabrics, but they were still far from the expensive silks and satins in the palace.

Madam Zhuang's eyes were full of heartache. In her heart, Mrs. Zhou was just like her own sister, and she helped raise the three children, just like her own sons.

Du Wanchun walked to her side and handed her the paddle.

Madam Zhuang took the handkerchief, looked up at her, and asked in confusion: "Who is this young lady?"

Auntie Zhou smiled and said: "This is Ruiyuan's daughter-in-law."

Madam Zhuang knelt down and said: "It turns out to be the Crown Princess."

After saying that, she kowtowed heavily.

It was the first time that Du Wanchun received such treatment. She quickly helped Madam Zhuang up, "Madam, get up quickly. You are the elder, how can you kneel to me?"

Madam Zhuang replied: "What elders and juniors? You are the master and I am the servant. Naturally, I kneel to you."

Auntie Zhou stopped her, "Madam, we are not in the palace now. I am no longer the queen, and you are not a servant. You don't have to be polite in front of us."

Madam Zhuang's eyes were full of tears, and she sighed again.

Auntie Zhou then told her about what happened to her in the past few years.

Madam Zhuang was very distressed, and her tears never stopped.

After Auntie Zhou finished speaking, thinking about the noise outside just now, she asked her, "Mammy, I heard from the prince that your hometown is Rong County, why are you in Cheng'an County?"

Mammy Zhuang's face was slightly yellow, and she was very thin. In addition, there were scars on her face, and it was obvious that she had a hard life.

Du Wanchun handed her the chicken on the table.

She was probably very hungry, and after hesitating for a moment, she immediately took it in her hand and started eating.

Aunt Zhou handed her a handkerchief, "Eat slowly, be careful not to choke."

After eating two bites, Aunt Zhuang slowed down and said slowly: "After the queen got into trouble, I was rescued by the third prince. He gave me money to return home. After I returned home, all the land in my family was occupied by others. Later, in order to settle down in the village, the villagers acted as matchmakers for me. I found a small vendor of the same age as me at the head of the village."

"I thought we were old and could live well together. Who knew that he stole my silver and came to Cheng'an County to do business. After the business was successful, he turned his face against me."

Mrs. Zhuang's eyes became redder and redder as she spoke.

Mrs. Zhou was very angry when she heard it. She calmed down and asked her: "How much silver did he take from you in total?"

Mrs. Zhuang lowered her head, her teeth trembling, "All the silver, about one hundred taels."

One hundred taels of silver is enough for an ordinary farmer to have no worries about food and clothing for a long time.

Mrs. Zhou looked at it and sighed.

I wanted to say something to Madam Zhuang, but when I thought of a woman who was helpless in the village, I couldn't help but want to find someone to rely on.

After all, she understood best how hard it was for a woman in this world.

She still had several sons at home. If Madam Zhuang were alone and encountered a powerful bandit, she would probably lose her life.

Madam Zhuang wiped her tears and continued, "It was also my own stupidity that I found this beast. He is not a human being. Not only did he take my money, he also drove me out and made me beg on the street!"

Aunt Zhou comforted her, "It's better not to follow this kind of person. Why don't you continue to follow me? My daughter Wanchun will be born in a few months. I will feel relieved to have you around."

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