The money was so much that it was worth the money.

Then Du Wanchun looked at the gold and said, "So much gold can probably be exchanged for a lot of copper coins. Should we open another spice shop in the capital?"

Zhou Feng now runs a spice shop in the capital, and his business is very good on weekdays.

Mrs. Zhou smiled and said, "Your second brother wrote to me some time ago saying that he wanted to open another spice shop."

Du Wanchun said slowly, "Let's take some of the gold and open a bigger spice shop in the capital."

"It would be better if it was bigger than the previous spice shop of the Yuan family." Mrs. Zhou curved her eyebrows, her eyes full of expectation.

At this time, Zhou Ruiyuan said again: "Our rice is so fragrant, why not open a rice shop in Cheng'an County and the capital, and transport our rice there to sell."

Auntie Zhou and Du Wanchun were stunned and thought it was a good idea.

The family agreed to take out some gold to build a house, take out a part to open an incense shop and a rice shop, and give the rest to Zhou Zhao and their uncle to recruit soldiers.

The next morning, Auntie Zhou took Auntie Wang to make another batch of incense.

Now the more shops are opened, the more incense dew and incense pills are needed.

Gradually, the three of them are not enough.

Auntie Wang suggested finding two reliable girls in the village to make incense together.

Auntie Zhou was worried, "Where can I find reliable girls now?"

Auntie Wang thought for a moment and said, "I will help you look these days. If there is a suitable one, I will bring it to you to see."

Auntie Zhou thanked repeatedly: "Thank you, sister Wang."

This side is busy.

Zhou Ruiyuan and Du Wanchun were going to the Zhu family. Before they left the house, someone from the Zhu family came.

It was the eldest son and daughter-in-law of the Zhu family.

When Zhou Ruiyuan saw them, he was immediately sure that there must be something wrong with the daughter-in-law of the Zhu family.

"You are the eldest son of the Zhou family, right?" The eldest son of the Zhu family asked Zhou Ruiyuan.

Zhou Ruiyuan replied, "Yes, I am."

Zhu Laoda said slowly, "Didn't my parents give you a piece of land yesterday?"

Zhou Ruiyuan replied with a gloomy face, "Yes, what's wrong?"

Zhu Laoda looked at his wife and said, "My parents gave you the land without asking us, and my husband and I want to buy it back from you."

Zhou Ruiyuan lowered his voice and asked them, "You haven't farmed here for a long time, why do you have to take this piece of land?"

Zhu Laoda looked at his wife again, hesitantly said, "Our Zhu family grew up eating this piece of land, so we have feelings for it. Very deep. "

Zhou Ruiyuan said slowly: "What if I don't want to sell it?"

Zhu Laoda was shocked, lowered his head, looked at his wife, and said helplessly: "I have said that they must not want to sell it, you still don't believe it."

Zhu's eldest daughter-in-law hurriedly strode to Zhou Ruiyuan and pleaded: "You Zhou family should not lack this piece of land, we will give you thirty taels of silver, with this money, you can buy two more plots of land."

Zhou Ruiyuan's voice was still cold, "Coincidentally, we went to the land yesterday and thought that the land was not bad, so we didn't want to sell it."

Zhu's eldest daughter-in-law turned pale, "You went to the land?"

Zhou Ruiyuan nodded.

Zhu's eldest daughter-in-law bit her lip, her face became worse and worse, and finally said that sentence, "There is a very important thing in that land."

"What is it?" Zhou Ruiyuan asked deliberately.

The eldest daughter-in-law of the Zhu family was silent for a moment, then gritted her teeth and continued, "It's something my father left for me."

"Your father? Where is your father from?" Zhou Ruiyuan continued to ask.

The eldest daughter-in-law of the Zhu family was stunned for a moment and was unwilling to answer him.

Zhou Ruiyuan then turned sideways with a cold look in his eyes and prepared to go into the house, "I did dig out some things from the ground, but since you said it was something your father gave you, you have to let your father come and get it in person."

The eldest daughter-in-law of the Zhu family was shocked, "You said let my father come to get it?"

Zhou Ruiyuan nodded, "We, the Zhou family, will never take other people's things, but we have to make sure whether that thing is yours. You must let your father come to testify, otherwise I won't give it to you."

The eldest daughter-in-law of the Zhu family looked a little ugly. After hesitating for a moment, she nodded and said, "Okay, I'll let my father come."

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