The king of the house was in trouble.

"You mean the emperor?!"

Everyone was shocked, especially Aunt Zhou. She had always thought that the Lu family was framed by the Wu family, but she didn't expect that it was arranged by the emperor!

Zhou Ruiyuan frowned and said to Butler Sun sternly: "You'd better tell me the truth."

Butler Sun lowered his head and cried with a trembling voice: "My Queen, Your Highness, it was really the Emperor. He threatened me with my family, and I really couldn't do anything. At the beginning, someone from Lord Wu did come to me, but I told Lord Lu about it, and Lord Lu told the Emperor about it, but the Emperor didn't blame Lord Wu. A few days later, the Emperor secretly found me and forced me to put the evidence of treason in the Lu Mansion."

"The master probably guessed that it was the Emperor. He found me before he died. I told him the truth, and he After telling the Lu family where the gold was stored, I secretly took the gold and ran away before the soldiers arrived. I was grateful to Lord Lu. If he hadn't told me to take the gold quickly, I would have been killed by the emperor. "

He cried harder and harder, "I was grateful to Lord Lu for saving my life, so I never used the gold. I was forced to harm the Lu family, and now I would be a beast if I used the gold!"

Du Wanchun suddenly realized after hearing his words that Lord Lu asked Butler Sun to take the gold away not to save him, but mainly to leave a way out for his descendants, and didn't want to let the emperor get away with it.

Or, there was something special left in the gold.

She thought, and immediately asked Zhou Ruiyuan: "Husband, where is the gold?"

Zhou Ruiyuan understood what she meant, turned around and took out all the gold in the house.

They had melted the pieces in the mountains before, and there was nothing inside. It was probably in the remaining gold.

At this time, Aunt Zhou seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly turned over the gold, and finally found a piece of gold with a crooked Lu Lu word engraved on the back.

She held the gold in her hand and said: "The gold in our family is all engraved by me. I thought it was interesting when I was young, so I engraved one, and this is it."

Du Wanchun took the gold in his hand, looked at it carefully, and then made a gap from the base, and then opened the inside along this gap, and saw a key fell out.

"Key?" Butler Sun was shocked.

Zhou Ruiyuan took the key in his hand and asked Butler Sun: "Do you know what you want to do with the key?"

Butler Sun nodded, "I know, I know."

Zhou Ruiyuan's face was happy, and he said to him sternly: "Speak!"

Butler Sun knelt in the direction of Aunt Zhou and said: "Your Highness, Madam, this key is the Lu family's warehouse."

"Hasn't the Lu family's warehouse been confiscated by the emperor a long time ago?" The third prince said coldly.

Steward Sun looked up at him and said quickly, "Your Highness, the Lord had concerns about the Emperor and Lord Wu a year ago. To be on the safe side, he found a hidden place outside the capital and hid half of the things in the storehouse at home. This key is the key to the door of the storehouse."

Everyone sighed after hearing this.

Zhou Ruiyuan's eyes were calm, and he didn't completely believe what he said. He squatted down and patted his face with a dagger and said, "How do I know what you said is true? If there was such a storehouse, you would have told the emperor long ago."

Steward Sun replied in a hoarse voice, "It is helpless to frame the Lord. The emperor doesn't know about this, so he naturally won't force me to ask where the storehouse is, and I am even less likely to tell him on my own initiative."

Zhou Ruiyuan listened and thought about it.

Aunt Zhou slowly stood up and came to him, "Where is the warehouse?"

Butler Sun hurriedly said: "In the Yanyun Mountains in the western suburbs of the capital."

Aunt Zhou nodded lightly, "Okay, we can't believe what you said for the time being, so we can't let you go. You must live with us during this period."

Butler Sun didn't struggle anymore, and sighed: "Forget it, it's my fault, I will pay for it myself, if you want to kill me, kill me."

Zhou Ruiyuan stood up, put away the dagger, and said coldly: "Don't worry, if I let you die, it's a bargain for you."

As he said, he turned his head to look at Aunt Zhou, "Mother, send someone to the Zhu family to tell them that Butler Sun is our old friend and he will stay in our house for a while."

Aunt Zhou replied: "Okay, I'll go tell Aunt Zhu now."

After she finished speaking, she walked out of the yard.

Zhou Ruiyuan grabbed Butler Sun and locked him in the woodshed in the backyard, and

And locked three or four locks.

Coming back from the backyard, Du Wanchun came up to him and asked, "Sir, can you trust his words?"

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