The two of them were very happy.

Zhou Ruiyuan looked at the child in his arms, shook his head and smiled, "Nothing, I'll hold her for a while."

Du Wanchun looked at him and smiled helplessly.

She had never realized that Zhou Ruiyuan was a daughter slave before, but now he would hold his daughter whenever he had time.

Madame Zhuang came over with the cooked chicken soup, "Wanchun, come here, Madame has brought the chicken soup."

Du Wanchun sat up slowly and smiled at Madame Zhuang, "Thank you for your hard work, Madame."

Madame Zhuang smiled and said, "It's not hard, how about trying it?"

Du Wanchun took the soup bowl in her hand.

Madam Zhuang's cooking skills are very good. The chicken soup she stewed is not greasy at all. It contains red dates and yam, which tastes very delicious and a little sweet.

Du Wanchun usually eats two large bowls.

After seeing her finish eating, Madam Zhuang smiled and said, "There will be chestnut cakes later. I'll ask your mother to bring them to you."

Du Wanchun hurriedly thanked her, "Thank you, Madam."

Madam Zhuang likes to cook for her, especially every time she sees her eating deliciously, she is very happy.

Seeing Du Wanchun's face become smiling, she hurriedly turned around and went back to the kitchen.

As soon as Madam Zhuang left, County Magistrate Li came.

Aunt Zhou hurried into the house and called to Zhou Ruiyuan, "Ruiyuan, County Magistrate Li is here."

Zhou Ruiyuan listened and nodded lightly, "Okay, mother, I'll go over right away."

Aunt Zhou walked to his side and wanted to take the child from him.

Zhou Ruiyuan turned his body to the side, avoiding her hand and said, "No, I'll just hold her."

Mrs. Zhou joked, "Look at you, you're so reluctant to leave your precious daughter."

Zhou Ruiyuan smiled, came to Du Wanchun's side, and pulled the quilt for her, "It's cold these days, be careful not to catch a cold."

Du Wanchun smiled and nodded, "I know, husband, you should go quickly. County Magistrate Li rarely comes here to find you on weekdays. I guess something big has happened."

Zhou Ruiyuan kissed her forehead gently, and then carried the child to the front room.

County Magistrate Li saw him coming and hurriedly said, "Ruiyuan, Liu Xiangxiang has been found."

Zhou Ruiyuan was delighted to hear this. , walked slowly towards him and asked: "Where is she?"

Mr. Li said seriously: "She came to my house to find her sister."

Zhou Ruiyuan suddenly realized, "It's just like Wanchun said, she will definitely come to find her sister."

Mr. Li frowned and continued: "But there is something I find strange."

Zhou Ruiyuan said slowly: "You tell me."

Mr. Li lowered his voice and said: "My wife originally wanted to ask her sister about the details of the year, but Liu Xiangxiang was very excited and didn't let her sister speak, saying that it would bring trouble to herself."

Zhou Ruiyuan's eyes also He sank down, "It seems she knows something."

Mr. Li nodded, "I thought so too, but she refused to say it. My wife was afraid that she would leave, so she kept her in the mansion now."

Zhou Ruiyuan pondered, "You are right. Concubine Wu has been sent to the cold palace now. Logically, she should not be so afraid, unless the person she is afraid of is still in a high position and has great power."

Mr. Li took over and said, "So could that person be the emperor?"

Zhou Ruiyuan was stunned. The Lu family's affairs were arranged by the emperor before. Could it be that his mother was also sent to the cold palace by the emperor?

Is he really so cruel? After doing evil things, he pretended that nothing happened?

Then why do you want to find them back now?

Just when he was puzzled, Zhou Ruiyuan found that his hand was warm.

He looked down and found that it was the little girl in his hand who urinated.

Magistrate Li, who was standing by, also saw it and quickly stood up and said, "Ruiyuan! She?! She?"

Zhou Ruiyuan didn't despise him, picked up the child and quickly said, "Sir Li, I'll go change the child's clothes first."

After that, he strode into the house.

Du Wanchun saw him hurriedly carrying the child in his arms and asked, "Sir, what's wrong with you?"

Zhou Ruiyuan put the child in the cradle and said, "Mianmian peed."

He then skillfully changed the urine container and clothes for the child.

These days, Zhou Ruiyuan basically took care of his daughter himself, so he was already familiar with these things.

After changing the clothes of the little baby in his hand, Zhou Ruiyuan turned around and told Du Wanchun what Magistrate Li had just said.

After Du Wanchun pondered for a while, he said, "Sir, I have a good idea."

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