The baby was still crying, and the baby was still eating.

Mrs. Wu looked into the room.

Mrs. Zhou smiled and said, "Xu Xiaomei is feeding our eldest child."

With three children in the family, Du Wanchun and Xu Xiaomei really couldn't feed them all.

Mrs. Wu handed her child to Du Wanchun and quickly took Xiao Mianmian from Mrs. Zhou's hands.

The crying baby stopped crying immediately and started eating.

At this time, the little boy in Du Wanchun's hand suddenly started crying.

The child seemed to be only one month older than Mianmian.

Mrs. Wu became anxious when she saw her child crying.

Du Wanchun quickly held the little boy and came to her side.

Little Mianmian, who was still drinking milk, grabbed the little boy's hand by accident.

The little boy who was crying just now suddenly stopped crying, opened his big watery eyes, and looked at the little Mianmian beside him.

Aunt Zhou on the side laughed and said, "Look, these two children are really destined to be together. They stopped crying as soon as they were grabbed by Mianmian's little hand."

Mrs. Wu was also surprised, "Yes, my Qing'er usually can't be touched by anyone, but I didn't expect that he likes Mianmian so much."

Du Wanchun looked down at the little baby holding Mianmian's big eyes in his hand, and was also a little surprised.

Soon, Mianmian was full and smiled.

The little boy returned to his mother's arms as he wished.

Seeing that Mianmian liked Wu, Aunt Zhou smiled and said, "Wu, you can take care of Mianmian in the future. Let Xu and Wanchun take care of the eldest and second child."

As she spoke, she took out five taels of silver from her bosom and handed it to her, "I'll give you ten taels of silver every month. This is a deposit."

Mrs. Wu was very surprised and bowed with the child in her arms, saying, "Thank you, Aunt Zhou."

Ten taels of silver a month is not a small amount for an ordinary farmer.

Ordinary men only earn a dozen or twenty taels a day.

Mrs. Wu's family is in a difficult situation. A woman has to raise a child. For her, this silver is life-saving money.

Aunt Zhou helped her up, "It's just that you have to live here with the child these days."

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. I just want to have food to eat with the child."

Having food to eat is not only important. Since Du Wanchun gave birth to the child, Aunt Zhuang has tried every means to make food for Du Wanchun every day.

Either pig stomach or pig trotters, and various small desserts to relieve greasiness.

Recently, even the little sister of the Xu family has become fat.

Du Wanchun breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Mianmian had food.

With two wet nurses for three children, Du Wanchun herself was much more relaxed. Most of the time, she didn't need her to be with her all the time.

She took advantage of this time to start the rice shop business.

The business of the shop was getting better and better, and the silver in the account was increasing. The horses bought by General Mo and Lu Yan outside the pass and the soldiers they recruited were also increasing.

After Lu Yan and Zhou Zhao settled the marriage, they rushed back to the border without stopping. At the same time, they received the news that Zhou Feng was going to get married.

With the matchmaking of the Third Prince, General Han agreed to marry his daughter to Zhou Feng.

This was another happy event for the Zhou family.

General Han also controlled a lot of troops from Xuanyue Kingdom. If they really wanted to besiege the capital, they would definitely need his help.

In the capital, the emperor heard that General Han's daughter was going to marry a small trader, and he was curious for a moment, "Does General Han agree to this?"

The old eunuch bent over and replied, "I heard that Miss Han was making a fuss at home. At first, the Qiu family came to ask for marriage, but she drove them away. Later, she insisted on marrying the trader. General Han loved his daughter and had no choice but to agree."

The emperor found it interesting, "To get General Han to agree to this marriage, the trader must be very capable. I'll go and see when I have time."

The emperor was afraid of General Han. He was originally worried that he would marry other officials in the court. Now that his daughter was going to marry a small trader, his originally tense heart was about to fall.

The next day, the emperor brought the little eunuch to the door of Zhou's incense shop.

He looked at the four words on the plaque, and after a moment of silence, he said, "Zhou family, which Zhou family?"

The little eunuch slowly said, "I heard it's the Zhou family in Qingzhou Prefecture."

"Qingzhou Prefecture..." The emperor muttered softly and walked slowly inside.

Zhou Feng was counting the bills inside. When he saw the guest coming, he hurried forward and said, "Sir, what kind of incense do you want to buy?"

The emperor paused when he saw him.

Zhou Feng was also surprised and stared at him in a daze.

Standing there in a daze.

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