The two of them were so busy that they had to eat together.

Du Wanchun turned her hand, held him in her arms, and buried her face in his arms, "Husband. We won't go to the shop tomorrow. Let's take Mianmian and the others to the market."

Zhou Ruiyuan gently stroked the back of her head and kissed the black hair on her forehead. "Let's go to Qingzhou Prefecture. I heard that there is a new snack shop there. I'll take you there to eat."

Du Wanchun was very happy to hear that.

At this time, Zhou Ruiyuan's kiss suddenly fell, like a soft cloud gently brushing her lips.

Du Wanchun noticed his abnormality, held his face and kissed him back, "I'm almost well again."

Zhou Ruiyuan's breathing stagnated when he heard this, and a slight flame appeared in his eyes as he looked at Du Wanchun.

But soon, he put out the flame himself, kissed her little nose, held her cheek against his chest tenderly, slowly closed his eyes and said, "Madame Zhuang said it would take at least three months, I'm not in a hurry."

Du Wanchun looked up at his face with his eyes slightly closed, chuckled, hugged his waist again, and said with a smile, "Okay, wait a little longer."

Other couples are sticky when they are newly married, and after having children, they gradually lose the surging feeling of the newly married.

But Du Wanchun and Zhou Ruiyuan are different. The two are not only closer than before, but also more affectionate than before.

As the night deepened, the two hugged each other and slept until dawn.

After dawn, Zhou Ruiyuan got up early and prepared the carriage.

The children had never been out of the house since they were born. Aunt Zhou was a little nervous, so she didn't let them take all the children out, only Mianmian and Qing'er.

Mrs. Wu stayed in the village all year round and didn't go out. Du Wanchun also wanted to take her out for a walk. In addition, she wanted to buy some gifts for her two sisters-in-law, so she asked Mrs. Wu to help look at them.

The three of them took the two children to Qingzhou Prefecture.

After arriving in Qingzhou Prefecture, they first went to the residence of Governor Zheng.

Governor Zheng looked at the child in Du Wanchun's arms and loved him very much, "The last time I saw her, she was still a skinny little monkey. Now I haven't seen her for only one or two months, and she has become a little fat."

Little Mianmian is fat because she can eat and sleep well.

Zhou Ruiyuan held the child in his arms, looking at her with all his might. Hearing that Zheng Zhifu said his daughter was a little fat, he quickly smiled and said, "My daughter Mianmian looks like her mother, not fat."

Zheng Zhifu stroked his beard and laughed, "Yes, not fat, not fat."

Du Wanchun followed Zhou Ruiyuan to sit in Zheng's house first.

Mrs. Wu was beside her, lowering her head and looking a little timid.

But the child in her arms was very brave, looking around with round eyes.

After everyone had lunch in Zheng's house, they went to the market.

The market in Qingzhou Prefecture is several times larger than that in Cheng'an County.

The last time they came, Du Wanchun followed Mrs. Zhou to send Zhou Ruiyuan to participate in the provincial examination. Now it has been several months.

Zhou Ruiyuan walked in front with the child in his arms. When he saw the candied haws, he immediately stopped and bought two, one for Du Wanchun and the other for Mrs. Wu.

Du Wanchun took it in her hand and ate one with a smile. It was sour and sweet, very refreshing.

Then she continued to walk forward.

Du Wanchun looked at the shops here while walking. She and Aunt Zhou were thinking about whether to open a rice shop in Qingzhou Prefecture.

The group happened to stop in front of the rice shop.

Madam Wu quickly pointed to a small plaque on the rice in the rice shop and said, "Sister Wanchun, look at this."

Du Wanchun looked carefully and saw that it said Zhou's fragrant rice.

Madam Wu took back her hand and said, "Is this Zhou's rice?"

Du Wanchun grabbed a little rice and smelled it, shaking her head and said, "It doesn't look like our rice."

The rice in their family has a unique fragrance.

However, because the third prince and Zhou Zhao were not there, the rice production in the family was much less. In addition to selling it in the Cheng'an County shop, it was not sold in other rice shops at all.

Madam Wu listened and immediately understood, "They are using your reputation to sell rice."

Du Wanchun looked at the words "Zhou's Fragrant Rice" and his face darkened.

Madam Wu also grabbed a handful of rice, smelled it, and then said angrily: "The shopkeeper of this rice shop is really despicable, using their inferior rice to pass off as your good rice. If people in Qingzhou Prefecture think that Zhou's rice is like this, how are you going to do business in the future!"

Madam Wu was right. This rice shop sold inferior rice under the name of their Zhou family, which would only ruin their reputation.

Du Wanchun hurriedly called Zhou Ruiyuan in front of him, "Husband, I

Come to this rice shop and have a look. "

Zhou Ruiyuan turned around and happened to see the words "Zhou's Fragrant Rice" on the rice bag, and immediately turned around and walked towards her.

Du Wanchun walked slowly into the rice shop.

A fat and short shopkeeper came over and said, "Sir, what do you want to buy?"

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