After the emperor left, Zhou Ruiyuan and Du Wanchun breathed a sigh of relief.

This time Zhou Feng sent the man out before returning.

"How is it, are you okay?" Du Wanchun asked in the direction the emperor left.

Zhou Feng took them into the house and said, "Don't worry, the emperor didn't find out."

Du Wanchun turned to Zhou Ruiyuan and said, "That's good, but my husband, we still have to be more careful in the future and try to meet the emperor as little as possible."

Zhou Ruiyuan walked to her side, held her hand and said, "Well, don't worry, I understand."

The next day, Du Wanchun and Zhou Ruiyuan came to Zhou Feng's shop.

I don’t know why the business of the incense shop in the capital has been getting better and better since Du Wanchun came. Usually, customers come one by one in the shop, but today the shop is really full of people.

Zhou Ruiyuan and Du Wanchun were busy in the shop after a while.

They didn’t have time to relax until the evening.

Du Wanchun took advantage of the lanterns at night and followed Zhou Ruiyuan to the market.

Miss Han also came today.

She took Du Wanchun’s hand and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law, come, I will take you to see the lanterns."

Zhou Ruiyuan followed them, holding the things Du Wanchun had just bought.

Du Wanchun bought clothes and shoes for the three children, and also bought some nourishing herbs for Aunt Zhou.

Those things were probably half a person high when piled up.

However, Zhou Ruiyuan was tall and strong, and he was still walking briskly with them in his hands.

The night in the capital was very lively. Many women from official families in gorgeous clothes were walking on the road, with all kinds of lanterns on their heads.

There were little rabbits, lotus flowers, peonies, and so on.

Du Wanchun looked up, her heart full of joy. The crescent moon reflected the lanterns, which sparkled from afar.

Miss Han saw the sugar man, let go of Du Wanchun's hand and ran forward, "Sister-in-law, wait a minute, I'll buy you a sugar man."

Du Wanchun smiled and replied, "Well, go slowly, there are many people here."

Han Yan'er was young and lively, and walked towards the sugar man seller with big strides.

There were people on the road, and Du Wanchun was pushed forward by the people behind her.

"Husband?" She looked back and found that Zhou Ruiyuan was gone.

Du Wanchun stopped and called forward, "Husband! Husband!"

She called several times in a row, and more and more people were passing by behind her.

Gradually, a few rough men said impatiently: "If you want to leave, go quickly! Don't block the road here!"

Du Wanchun listened and hurriedly walked to the eaves on the side.

She walked to the door of a lantern seller and looked up to see Zhou Ruiyuan standing beside her.

Zhou Ruiyuan stretched out his hand and put his arm around her shoulders, saying softly: "I'm behind you."

Du Wanchun breathed a sigh of relief, "I thought you were lost."

Under the bright light, Zhou Ruiyuan lowered his eyes and looked at her, "Don't worry, no matter where you go, I will be behind you."

Du Wanchun felt warm in her heart and leaned into his arms.

Zhou Ruiyuan carried something in one hand and held her tightly in his arms with the other hand. He walked back to the crowd and slowly walked towards the river.

Han Yaner came back from buying sugar men and saw Zhou Ruiyuan and Du Wanchun from a distance. She ran over and called: "Brother, sister-in-law!"

Du Wanchun looked back at her and slowed down.

Han Yaner handed her a small sugar man who looked like Du Wanchun, "Sister-in-law, take a look, does this look like you?"

Du Wanchun took it in her hand and thought it looked like you.

Han Yaner smiled and said, "The shopkeeper just said that this sugar man was made to look like an immortal. I think he is bragging. Let's not talk about whether there are immortals in the world. If there are immortals, how can ordinary people like them easily see them?"

Du Wanchun did not deny her words, but she always felt that the sugar man looked familiar.

She had never worn this goose yellow long dress with wide sleeves, but she felt familiar with it.

She took the sugar man in her hand and looked at it again and again, and then handed it to Zhou Ruiyuan.

Zhou Ruiyuan also felt that the sugar man looked familiar, but he liked it very much and was reluctant to let it go.

Han Yaner saw that her eldest brother and eldest sister-in-law had such a good relationship, and her eyes were full of envy.

She led them to the river.

At this time, the riverside was full of people, each holding a lotus lantern, ready to release it into the river.

Zhou Ruiyuan bought a lantern from a small vendor, and then handed it to Du Wanchun, "Listen, let's release the lantern in this river.

Wishing is very effective. "

Du Wanchun took the lantern, "Really?"

Zhou Ruiyuan nodded, "Try it."

Du Wanchun slowly came to the river, squatted down, and put the lotus lantern in her hand into the river.

Soon the lotus lantern flowed down the river.

Du Wanchun quickly closed her eyes and made a wish silently. She hoped that she could be with Zhou Ruiyuan for a long time, and she also hoped that the Zhou family would be blessed with good fortune and health forever.

Just as she finished making a wish, her wrist was suddenly grabbed by someone.

When she opened her eyes, she found that she had been dragged into the river.

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