The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

Mrs. Wu looked at her daughter in shock, "You asked me why I was here, shouldn't I ask you why you were here? This is my room."

Miss Wu Liu was shocked when she heard this, and she looked up and looked around, only to see that it was still her mother's room.

"Why am I here?" Miss Wu Liu looked around in confusion.

At this time, she realized that she was holding a bowl of almond juice in her hand.

Mrs. Wu sat up impatiently and asked her, "What are you holding in your hand?"

Miss Wu Liu shook her head, "I don't know what it is."

After she said that, she took a few steps back and accidentally bumped into the table behind her. The thing in her hand was not held firmly and fell directly.

All the white almond juice was spilled on the ground.

"Ah! What's wrong with you, kid?!" Mrs. Wu quickly stepped back and prepared to call the maid outside to wipe it.

At this moment, the calico cat beside her came over, lowered its head to smell the almond juice on the ground and licked it.

Then the calico cat kicked its hind legs, stuck out its tongue and fell down.

Mrs. Wu happened to see it when she turned around, "Ah! My cat!"

She quickly picked up the cat on the ground and found that the cat had stopped breathing.

Miss Wu Liu stood aside and was stunned, "What's wrong with this... cat?!"

Mrs. Wu stared at the almond juice on the ground, and suddenly looked up at Miss Wu Liu, "It's poisonous, right? You want to poison me in the middle of the night to kill me, right?!"

Miss Wu Liu was shocked and her face turned pale. She knelt down and said, "Mother, it's not me, how could I poison you?!"

Mrs. Wu stood up immediately with a cold face and called outside, "Come! Come quickly! Call the master!"

The maid outside the house was sleepy and hurried to call for help after hearing what Mrs. Wu said.

Miss Wu Liu knelt on the ground, her eyes were blank, and she always felt like she was dreaming.

Not long after, Master Wu came and called a doctor by the way.

The doctor looked at the almond dew on the ground and said, "Master, Madam, the almond dew on the ground is indeed poisonous."

Mrs. Wu was so angry that she trembled all over. She pointed at Miss Wu Liu and said fiercely, "You stinky girl, I have always loved you all these years. How can you do this to your own mother!"

Mr. Wu also looked at Miss Wu Liu with anger, "Treason!"

Miss Wu Liu's face was full of grievances. She cried and said, "Dad, Mom, it wasn't me, it really wasn't me."

Mrs. Wu pointed at her with a trembling hand and said fiercely, "If it wasn't you, who else could it be?!"

Miss Wu Liu covered her face and shook her head like crazy, "It wasn't me, Mom, it really wasn't me. I don't know what happened. I was obviously sleeping, but I don't know how I opened my eyes and went to your room."

Mrs. Wu's tears came out, "You girl, you are still talking nonsense at this time."

Mr. Wu had a calm face, but he didn't rush to get angry.

At this time, the doctor just now suddenly came over and said, "Master, Madam, Miss Six doesn't seem to be lying."

"Don't seem to be lying? Then where did this poisonous almond juice come from? If I hadn't woken up early, it might have been poured into my mouth!"

Mrs. Wu said, tears streaming down her face, and she quickly took out a handkerchief to wipe the corners of her eyes.

The doctor looked around and whispered, "Master, Madam, I think Miss Six is ​​possessed by evil spirits."

"Possessed by evil spirits?!" Mrs. Wu and Master Wu exclaimed.

The doctor nodded, "Yes, I see many patients on weekdays, and I have also encountered such patients as Miss Six."

"Possessed by evil spirits? How could she be possessed by evil spirits for no reason?" Mrs. Wu cried even harder.

Mr. Wu looked solemn and sighed, "Doctor, do you know any way to save her?"

The doctor looked at Miss Wu Liu, whose forehead was black, and sighed, "How can a doctor like me have any way to save her? Please take Miss Liu to the temple to pray more often."

Mr. Wu and Mrs. Wu looked disappointed.

The doctor looked up and looked into the house again, and said, "I heard that this house used to belong to the Lu family."

Mr. Wu paused, "Yes, this piece of land is indeed the Lu family."

When the Lu family was executed, the Wu family took over the house and rebuilt it, making it twice as big as before.

Originally, Mr. Wu thought that this house was unlucky and didn't want to live in it, but later he heard that the house had good feng shui.

The Lu family is

Because of the Feng Shui here, a queen was born in the family.

Mr. Wu decided to believe it once and moved here with his family. He thought that Concubine Wu would be crowned as the queen, but who knew that she would be banished to the cold palace.

He nodded and said, "That's right."

The doctor frowned and said to Mr. Wu in a low voice, "Sir Wu, there are too many wronged souls here, so it's not surprising that evil things happen. You should take Miss Six to eat vegetarian food and chant Buddhist scriptures to keep her safe."

Mr. Wu and Mrs. Wu's faces sank, and their eyes showed a hint of coldness.

The doctor didn't say anything more and turned around and left here.

After the doctor left, Miss Six Wu also fainted because of shock and fatigue.

Mr. Wu quickly sent someone to send her back to the room.

Mrs. Wu looked at the figure of her woman being raised up, and grabbed Mr. Wu's sleeve and said, "Sir, do you think what the doctor said just now is true?"

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