The wedding was held in the hall, and the wedding was held in the hall.

"Is the Magistrate Qu going to get married?" Zhang Qiuer walked up to Du Wanchun and asked, looking at the invitation in her hand.

Du Wanchun smiled and replied, "Yes, on the eighth day of next month. I heard him say that the girl is from our Changliu Village, and I don't know whose daughter she is."

Zhang Qiuhe turned and went into the shop to put the goods on the shelves. "Anyone who can marry Magistrate Qu must be a good girl."

Although Magistrate Qu of Wanzhou County is young, he is a good official. People in more than ten counties around him respect him very much.

"Of course." Du Wanchun put away the invitation, came to Zhang Qiuhe, and asked with a smile: "When is the wedding date for you and Brother Wang?"

Zhang Qiuhe blushed and lowered her head, "It will be soon. I heard from Aunt Wang and Aunt Zhou that it should be next month."

Zhang Qiuhe has no family members, so the Zhou family is equivalent to her family members.

Aunt Zhou and Aunt Wang are handling her wedding together.

Du Wanchun took her hand and said, "The dowry has been sewn, but it still lacks some gold and silver jewelry. I will take you to buy a set later."

Zhang Qiuhe's face was full of gratitude, "Wanchun, you have given me enough gold and silver jewelry, no need to buy more."

Du Wanchun smiled and said, "Not much, not much, you are the shopkeeper of my Zhou family's incense shop, any amount of gold and silver jewelry is worth it."

Zhang Qiuhe's eyes were slightly red, "Thank you Wanchun, if it weren't for you, I would have starved to death at home with my little one."

Du Wanchun smiled with raised eyebrows, "Speaking of thanking, I also want to thank you. If you hadn't helped me look after the shop, our Zhou family's incense shop wouldn't have been so good."

Zhang Qiuhe rubbed her eyes and showed a hint of shyness, "Wanchun, these are all what I should do."

Du Wanchun didn't push her back and forth anymore, and took her directly to the market.

Before leaving, he asked the shop assistants to keep an eye on the shop.

After the two came to the market, they visited two gold shops. Du Wanchun didn't buy much, but after careful selection, she bought a peony gold hairpin.

Zhang Qiuhe originally wanted to refuse, but she couldn't resist Du Wanchun, so she accepted it for the time being.

When the two came back, they happened to pass by their own rice shop.

There were many people gathered in front of the rice shop, "This rice is fake, how dare you Zhou family sell fake rice to us!"

Zhang Qiuhe stopped and pointed to the front and said, "Wanchun, look, something seems to have happened in front?!"

Du Wanchun slowly stopped laughing, "Let's go and see."

The two quickened their pace and walked into the shop.

A man in dark blue clothes was seen holding a bag of rice and said, "This rice is fake, look, the bag of rice I bought yesterday for three taels of silver is actually fake!"

As he said, he opened the rice bag and saw that the rice inside was black, and it was moldy rice at a glance.

"How can we eat rice like this? Yes, I didn't expect the Zhou family to dare to sell fake rice!"

"I said, how can a woman do business? That Du is just a farm woman!"

Du Wanchun pushed everyone aside and walked inside, "You said this rice was bought from our Zhou family?"

She asked the man in dark blue clothes.

The man in dark blue clothes didn't even look at her, and snorted coldly: "Could it be fake? There is only your Zhou's rice shop nearby. Did I remember it wrong?"

Du Wanchun squatted down, grabbed a handful of moldy rice, and said coldly: "But this rice is not from our Zhou's rice shop."

The man in dark blue clothes stood up suddenly, pointed at her fiercely and said: "You want to cheat, it's obviously your Zhou's rice, you actually said it's not, you are bullying others!"

"Look at your husband, the county magistrate of our Cheng'an County, and he is doing such a heinous thing."

"Fellow villagers, don't come to her house to buy rice! She is a troublemaker!"

The man became more and more excited, but at this moment, a flower pot from a family on the shop fell down and hit him directly at his feet.

The man was shocked and fell to the ground with a big fall, crying in pain.

"Who is it? Who is this?!"

Everyone was startled and looked up.

The man was sitting on the ground, shaking with fear. He looked up and saw that the windows were closed and there was no one.

"This is really a ghost!"

He said, patting his buttocks and continued to say to Du Wanchun: "You must give us justice. I bought the best fragrant rice, how come it turned into moldy rice."

Zhang Qiuhe was angry on the side

She was so angry that she shouted, "I think you are just looking for trouble. You just picked up a bag of moldy rice and came to our Zhou family. How can you prove that the rice was bought from our shop?!"

She said, then turned around and shouted to all the onlookers, "Fellow villagers, you have all bought rice from our Zhou family rice shop. You know best what our rice is like."

"You can tell whether the rice is good or not by just eating it. If there is really a problem, everyone would have discovered it long ago. Why wait until now?"

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