After Du Wanchun returned home, he sent someone to inquire about the Feng family.

Auntie Wang knew a maid who worked as a maid in the Feng family's kitchen, and she had heard a lot about the Feng family.

"Wanchun, the old man Feng is ruthless and smart. His brothers fought to the death before, but he never thought that later, his brothers took a small part of the property and could not leave with their families. I don't know what means he used."

Auntie Wang said while eating melon seeds.

She was happy recently because of her son's marriage, so she smiled when she spoke.

After hearing this, Du Wanchun slowly replied, "What a coincidence. Before we went to Wanzhou County, he was not in a hurry to open a rice shop. When we were about to open one, they were eager to drive us away."

Auntie Wang spit out a mouthful of melon seed shells, "That's because he got the silver and the shop. If he didn't have these things, he couldn't open a rice shop."

As she spoke, she looked up at Du Wanchun and lowered her voice and said, "I heard that Mr. Feng likes gambling, and he never loses. He has won a lot of wealth for the family."

Du Wanchun smiled and said, "Nine out of ten gambling losses, if you didn't lose before, you will lose in the future."

Auntie Wang didn't understand what she meant. She took a mouthful of melon seeds, smiled and nodded, saying, "That's right."

Du Wanchun stood up and poured her a cup of tea.

At this time, Madam Wu came over here holding Xiao Mianmian and Xiao Qing'er.

The two little guys can sit up now.

Du Wanchun specially sewed a mat and spread it on the ground for the children to play on.

Look, little Mianmian is tired from playing and is crying for her mother.

Du Wanchun's three children are all worry-free, but the third one is the most clingy.

The eldest is the most stable and usually acts like a little adult, while the second one is the most naughty and often stands up by holding the bed.

Xu Xiaomei is startled every time.

So now Xu Xiaomei is extra careful and keeps an eye on those children every day.

There are many children in the family, and as they grow up, it becomes particularly lively.

Aunt Zhou and the third prince will come to look after the three children every day after they are done with their work.

In particular, the third prince has long regarded these three children as his grandchildren.

He will bring them anything fun and delicious, and he especially dotes on little Mianmian.

Little Mianmian is one of the few girls in their family for several generations.

Du Wanchun took little Mianmian from Mrs. Wu and came to the kitchen.

Madam Zhuang was busy in the kitchen, "Little Mianmian is here, Madam Zhuang has steamed some water eggs for you."

After saying that, she took out a small bowl from the steamer.

In the bowl was the freshly steamed water eggs, Madam Zhuang sprinkled some sesame oil on them, and then came over with it.

When Little Mianmian saw the steamed eggs, she waved her hands happily.

Du Wanchun held her and sat down, took the bowl from Madam Zhuang, and because the bowl was a little hot, she quickly put the bowl on the table and blew on the eggs inside.

After waiting for the eggs to cool down a little, she began to feed Little Mianmian.

Little Mianmian was a little chubby, and when she ate, her cheeks bulged up when she pouted her mouth.

Madam Zhuang looked at the child eating, her heart melted, and she quickly turned around to prepare steamed buns.

Several children in the family like to eat steamed buns, and she always steamed two large baskets.

Little Mianmian was about to finish eating.

Aunt Zhou came out of the incense shop and kissed Xiao Mianmian's face, then asked Du Wanchun: "Wanchun, I heard that there was trouble in the rice shop. What's going on? Do you want me to ask my fifth brother to go to the shop to watch?"

Du Wanchun looked up and smiled and replied: "Mom, don't worry, I sent someone to ask, it's the Feng family in Wanzhou County, they saw that we were going to open a rice shop in Wanzhou County, so they were a little jealous."

Aunt Zhou's face was full of anger, "That Feng family is really too much, they don't open it themselves, so they won't let us open it!"

Du Wanchun replied: "I heard that the eldest brother of the Feng family is preparing to re-open the shop himself. Newly opened rice shop. ”

Auntie Zhou was a little surprised after hearing this, "Then what should we do?"

Du Wanchun raised her eyebrows and smiled, "Mom, don't worry, I have my own way."

Auntie Zhou always believed in Du Wanchun very much. Hearing her say this, she was slightly relieved, but still reminded: "Wanchun, if you need our help, you must ask, don't force yourself."

Du Wanchun nodded and said, "Well, I know, mother."

Auntie Zhou quickly took a handkerchief to wipe Xiao Mianmian's mouth, "My dear granddaughter, come, hold it."

Xiao Mianmian quickly smiled and stretched out her hand.

Auntie Zhou will

She held him in her arms and coaxed him, her face full of smiles.

The whole family seemed not to be affected by this incident.

At the same time, in Cheng'an County.

Master Feng had not come out of the gambling house yet.

The owner of the gambling house said, "Master Feng, do you still want to gamble? I see you can't afford the money anymore."

Master Feng had been gambling here for a whole day and night, and lost all his belongings.

His face was blue, his eyes were blank, and there was only one word in his mind, that is, he must win the money back, otherwise their Feng family would be finished.

He bit his tongue and slapped the table heavily, "I still have two houses, three shops and a farm."

This was his last belongings.

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