The two of them were very close.

Mr. Fang had always treated the Zhou family well, but now that he was old, he didn't care much about the family's money.

Hearing that Du Wanchun had arrived, he quickly sent a servant to welcome them in.

Du Wanchun followed the servant inside, and when she saw Mr. Fang, she bowed to her and said, "Mr. Fang."

Mr. Fang quickly stood up and said, "Wanchun, you are now the wife of the county magistrate, how can I ask you to bow to me? I should bow to you."

Du Wanchun smiled slowly and said, "Mr. Fang, you are the elder, and I should be the one to bow to you."

Mr. Fang welcomed her into the house, and then asked the servants to serve two cups of fine tea.

Zhang Qiuhe sat beside him without any hesitation, listening to the conversation between Du Wanchun and Master Fang.

"Wanchun, what do you want to see me today?" Master Fang asked with a smile.

Du Wanchun took out a few fruits from the basket in her hand, put them on the table, and said, "Master Fang, there are a lot of fruits in my newly bought farm. I thought I couldn't finish them, so I took them out to sell."

Master Fang was delighted when he saw the fruits she took out, "Wanchun, how do you know that our Fang family is short of fruits?"

Du Wanchun smiled puzzledly, "What do you mean, Master Fang?"

Master Fang said slowly, "My eldest son is doing fruit business in the capital. He usually pays tribute to the palace and some dignitaries. But this year, my eldest son's orchard suffered a disaster, the harvest was not good, and he is short of fruits!"

Du Wanchun's eyes Zhong also showed a look of joy, "Master Fang, that's just right, we can sell our fruits to you. These fruits are not fully ripe yet. We should have no problem loading them on the boat and going to the capital!"

Master Fang listened and nodded repeatedly, "Yes, Wanchun, you really helped us a lot. If we don't pay tribute to the palace in time this time, the emperor will blame us, and our Fang family will be finished."

Du Wanchun comforted him and said, "Master Fang, you don't have to worry now. Our top priority now is to pick the fruits and transport them over quickly, otherwise if we delay for a few more days, the fruits will probably go bad."

Master Fang nodded repeatedly.

Du Wanchun didn't even mention the price first.

Master Fang gave her two hundred taels of silver directly, and gave her another two hundred taels after all the fruits were transported to the capital.

Du Wanchun agreed to everything.

Master Fang quickly sent people to Du Wanchun's new farm to pick fruits.

The orchard was very large, and more than 50 people were sent to pick the fruits. It took three or four days in total. For safety, Master Fang specially sent people to move all the ice in the ice cellar at home.

On the fifth day, they were transported to the capital.

Going by water is much faster than riding a horse. It took less than five days to reach the capital.

This time, Master Fang personally led people to the capital, and then arranged the unloading. He sent all the fruits to the palace and some dignitaries at the fastest speed.

After the delivery, Master Fang breathed a sigh of relief.

"The Zhou family's fruits are good. They didn't go bad at all during the transportation."

The fruits they transported this time not only grew well, but also tasted very delicious.

They didn't go bad even after bumping and rubbing along the way.

When they were delivered to the emperor's table, each one was red and looked very delicious.

He also specially picked a few and sent someone to send them to Concubine Duan.

After taking the medicine secretly given by the emperor, Concubine Duan became increasingly ill. She used to vomit blood, but now she is bedridden.

She only thought she was sick, and never thought that the emperor had poisoned her.

She was very happy to see the fruit sent by the emperor. She couldn't eat it at first, but she forced herself to eat two bites.

After these two bites, Concubine Duan's appetite improved, and she even ate a bowl of rice in the evening.

However, at night, Concubine Duan began to have frequent dreams.

She dreamed of the late emperor, the concubines who were killed by her, and finally Aunt Zhou.

When she saw Aunt Zhou, she was very happy, "You are dead too, right? Right?!"

Aunt Zhou smiled slightly in her dream, and then hugged a little girl, "My dear granddaughter~"

Concubine Duan woke up suddenly, and then broke into a cold sweat.

She, who couldn't walk a few days ago, suddenly felt full of strength. She called out twice, but when no one responded, she got up and went to find a maid to drink some water.

Just then, she found a maid pouring medicine residue.

She smelled the residue and felt that it tasted wrong, so she asked the maid, "What medicine is this?!"

The maid was startled, "My lady, this is the medicine you usually take."

Concubine Duan learned

After learning some medical skills, she squatted down and grabbed the medicine residue and smelled it, "No, this is poison, one of you gave me poison!"

In order to make Concubine Duan drink the medicine on weekdays, they specially put some honey in it to cover up the medicinal properties, but now the smell of the medicine residue is very strong and difficult to conceal.

The maid knelt down hurriedly without answering.

Concubine Duan stepped forward and grabbed her neck, asking, "Who asked you to do this?"

The maid was so scared that she trembled and said the word "Emperor".

After hearing this, Concubine Duan was shocked, "How could it be him?!"

Her face was full of confusion, and then hatred surged, and she was so anxious that she spit out a mouthful of blood and fainted.

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