After Mrs. Chang came back, she thought about it for a long time and felt that the peasant woman she saw today was Lu Zhou, the former queen. But just like Du Wanchun said, even if she knew that Aunt Zhou was the queen, she couldn't spread the news. The more she thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong. She wanted to write a letter to her father in the capital, so she quickly took out a piece of paper and a pen from the table. However, the pen tip broke just after she wrote it. "Why did this good pen break? Is it because no one has lived here for too long?" Mrs. Chang said to herself, and then took another pen. She only wrote one word with the pen, and the pen tip fell off again. Madam Chang stood up and quickly took out all the pens in the room. After checking them all, she saw that the pen tips had all fallen off.

She quickly called the maid, "Xiaochun, why are all my pens broken?"

The little maid looked at the broken pens and was also surprised, "Madam, I remember when I just cleaned the house, these pens were all good."

The two elders of the Chang family have passed away now. This old house has not been lived in for a long time. It is not surprising that the things inside are broken.

Madam Chang just thought that the maid was not careful when cleaning.

She quickly said, "Go buy some more pens, and buy some paper and ink by the way."

The maid quickly responded, "Yes, Madam."

After the little maid said that, she turned around and left the study.

Madam Chang was thinking about what she saw today with Aunt Zhou. If she was really the Queen, wouldn't it mean that the prince was not dead?

The more she thought about it, the more excited she became.

At this time, the voice of the little maid came from outside the house: "Madam, there is a guest who wants to see you."

"A guest?" Madam Chang muttered softly. She just came to Cheng'an County, how could there be a guest so soon. "

She replied: "Let the guest in."

"Yes, Madam."

Madam Chang slowly came to the front yard, and was shocked to see the third prince in the yard. Then she quickly packed her clothes, tidied her manners, and walked to the third prince: "Prince, why are you here?"

The third prince looked back at her, "I have been visiting old friends in Cheng'an County recently. I heard that you were here today, so I came to see you."

Madam Chang lowered her head, with a little shyness on her face, "I didn't expect that the prince would think of coming to see me."

The third prince walked slowly inside with his hands behind his back, "You and I are old friends, why wouldn't he come to see you. "

Mrs. Chang looked up at the back of the Third Prince, wondering whether to tell him about what she saw the Queen today.

In the past, when they were not married, Mrs. Chang admired the Third Prince, but the Third Prince only had Lu Zhou in his heart, so she could only bury this admiration in her heart.

The Third Prince looked back at her and said, "You are going back to the old house this time. Will you return to the capital in the future?"

Mrs. Chang quickly came back to her senses and said, "No, I will stay here and live a good life with my two children."

Before Lord Chang died, he had several concubines. Mrs. Chang really couldn't stand being harassed by those concubines, so she took her children back to the old house and never went back to that place of trouble in the future.

The Third Prince looked much more relaxed when he heard it.

Then Mrs. Chang asked the maid to pour him a cup of tea and asked the maids and servants in the room to leave.

When there was no one around, Mrs. Chang finally said, "Prince, I saw someone today."

"Who?" The Third Prince asked quickly.

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