The two of them were very happy.

When Mrs. Chang saw that Zhou Ruiyuan agreed to let her take Du Wanchun as her adopted daughter, she was so happy that she didn't sleep for several days. She finally got the chance to follow Zhou Ruiyuan to Changliu Village.

Before Mrs. Chang came, the third prince told Auntie Zhou and Du Wanchun about this matter in advance.

Auntie Zhou said in surprise: "She recognized me a long time ago?"

The third prince nodded, "Yes, but don't worry, I won't let her reveal your identity."

Auntie Zhou sat down slowly, "I'm not afraid that she will reveal my identity, but I didn't expect that after so many years of not seeing each other, it would be such a reunion. I don't know if she still hates me."

The hatred she said was about marrying Mr. Chang. The two had a quarrel after she got married.

Mrs. Chang hated Aunt Zhou in her heart, but she didn't say it clearly, and Aunt Zhou didn't know that she had feelings for the Third Prince. Mrs. Chang picked an excuse to have a big fight with her, and then turned around and married Mr. Chang.

Since then, the two have never had any contact.

Later, she became the queen, and when he saw her again, he was just treated with respect.

The relationship between the two of them for more than ten years was gone.

Aunt Zhou always felt guilty about her. Now they met, she was no longer the queen, but she was the distinguished Mrs. Chang.

The Third Prince comforted her and said, "Let the past go. There is another big happy event."

Aunt Zhou asked quickly, "What big happy event?"

The Third Prince looked at Du Wanchun and said slowly, "Mrs. Chang wants to adopt Wanchun as her adopted daughter."

"Adopt me as your adopted daughter?" Du Wanchun asked in confusion.

The Third Prince nodded and said with a smile, "Yes, Madam Chang gave birth to two sons in a row, and then one of her daughters died early, so we just happened to lack a daughter."

He did not say clearly about entering the palace in the future.

Mrs. Zhou understood, and took Du Wanchun's hand and said, "Wanchun, this is a good thing. With the identity of Madam Chang's adopted daughter, if you want to expand our rouge and rice shops in the future, you can still rely on it."

With the identity of Madam Chang's adopted daughter, it is naturally easier to do things than ordinary peasant girls. What Mrs. Zhou said is not wrong.

Du Wanchun also thought it was good, and smiled, "But, I don't know if Madam Chang will dislike my adopted daughter."

At this time, there was a sound outside the yard. It was Zhou Ruiyuan and Madam Chang who arrived.

Mrs. Zhou brought Du Wanchun to the door and welcomed them in.

Mrs. Chang took the initiative to hold Mrs. Zhou's arm this time.

The two had complained about each other for more than ten years, and now they met again and were much calmer.

Many things were relieved.

Du Wanchun bowed to Madam Chang and said, "Hello, Madam."

Madam Chang smiled and said, "Wanchun, you will be my daughter in the future."

Du Wanchun bowed to her again and said, "Hello, godmother."

Madam Chang was very happy to hear this. She held Aunt Zhou's hand and said, "Sister, you are so lucky to have such a good daughter-in-law."

Aunt Zhou nodded repeatedly and said, "Yes, we are lucky. If it weren't for Wanchun, our family would have starved to death."

Madam Chang felt a little distressed when she heard this.

The Third Prince saw that they finally spoke frankly, so he asked them to come in and have a good chat.

Du Wanchun didn't bother them either. She turned to the kitchen and asked Aunt Zhuang to cook two more dishes.

Madam Chang followed Aunt Zhou into the house.

While pouring tea for her, Aunt Zhou said, "Master Chang, did he die of illness?"

Mrs. Chang replied, "Yes, he finally died of illness."

Aunt Zhou asked again, "What about his concubines?"

Mrs. Chang took the cup, looked at the water in the cup, smiled bitterly and said, "I sold them all."

Aunt Zhou was stunned, "Then the Chang family won't blame you?"

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