The old man was so angry that he was not happy.

Zhang Qiuhe on the side smiled and said, "Maybe it was planted by Old Master Feng here before. His family also did the medicinal materials business before."

Auntie Zhou suddenly realized.

However, Zhang Qiuhe was only half right. Old Master Feng did plant a lot of medicinal materials in the manor before, but because no one had taken care of the manor for a long time, most of the medicinal materials in it had died long ago.

It was Du Wanchun's careful care these days that brought these medicinal materials back to life.

Auntie Zhou knew some simple medicinal materials. When she was in the palace, she followed the imperial doctor to learn the method of keeping youth for a period of time.

Seeing these herbs, she was very happy, "Wanchun, we can add some herbs to the ointment."

Du Wanchun squatted down and pulled up a root, "Okay, mother, I'll listen to you."

Auntie Zhou quickly took the basket to pick them.

The picked herbs need to be dried.

Auntie Zhou was busy with this thing for a month.

Finally, she and Du Wanchun made the first bottle of anti-aging ointment.

Auntie Zhou quickly took it and tried it first. She applied it on her hands first.

When she was in the palace, she didn't touch the water with her fingers. Later, when she came to Changliu Village, her hands had become dry.

After trying the ointment for a month, Auntie Zhou found that her hands had changed amazingly.

Early in the morning, Auntie Zhou smiled and called Du Wanchun, "Wanchun, come and see my hands."

After hearing this, Du Wanchun hurried over to see that Auntie Zhou's hands had become white and tender.

A smile appeared between her eyebrows, "Mother, this ointment is really effective."

"Yes, it's better than what I used in the palace before." Aunt Zhou nodded with a smile, "Wanchun, let's make this and sell it."

Du Wanchun took the ointment in her hand and looked at it again and again, "Mother, this should not be called ointment anymore, just call it skin beautification cream."

Aunt Zhou smiled and said, "Okay, let's call it skin beautification cream."

After the two decided on the name, they made dozens of jars and sold them in the rouge shop.

The rouge shop had newly made rouge and skin beautification cream, and the shelves were full.

Du Wanchun specially placed a sign for the skin beautification cream at the door of the shop. She and Aunt Zhou were here to guard it that day.

Ms. Xu from the teahouse was the first guest here.

She heard that Du Wanchun was selling skin care cream, so she ignored her business and hurried here: "Wanchun, I heard that you and your aunt have made a new skin care cream, let me take a look."

Du Wanchun smiled and took out a bottle, "Xu Niangzi, you try it."

Xu Niangzi sat in front of her and stretched out her hand and said: "Okay, try it on my hand first."

Du Wanchun scooped a little skin care cream and spread it on the back of her hand.

The ointment worked very quickly. Xu Niangzi's hands, which were originally dry and flaky, immediately became smooth after applying the ointment.

Xu Niangzi looked at her smooth back of the hand, covered her mouth and exclaimed, "Wow, Wanchun, your ointment is really powerful. My back of the hand has become much softer after applying it."

She touched the back of her hand with her hand and was very happy.

Du Wanchun smiled slowly and said, "Mrs. Xu, if you like it, buy some and try it back."

Mrs. Xu smiled and replied, "Wanchun, how much is this bottle of skin cream?"

Du Wanchun pointed out her finger and said, "About fifty cents."

The skin cream is much cheaper than the previous perfume.

Because no matter how fast the effect of the skin cream is, it is not as obvious as the perfume.

If it is too expensive, ordinary people can't buy it again, and the effect can't be used.

If the effect can't be used, it can't be sold in the future.

So she planned to sell this newly made skin cream for fifty cents, wait for the effect to come out in a few months, add some other petals to make a brand new skin cream, and then increase the price.

It looks brand new, but it is actually a new packaging on the original skin cream.

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