The two of them were very close, and the two of them were very close.

Wei Xun changed his usual honest appearance, and a hint of dignity and coldness appeared in his eyes. He said seriously: "I want to take her back to the palace."

Du Wanchun was shocked. It turned out that Wei Xun had already remembered who she was.

She said seriously: "If you take her back now, she will die on the road. Even if you take her back, she can't come back alive."

No one knew what she meant by this.

But Wei Xun knew, and he gradually calmed down, "But I can't just watch them die in front of me!"

Du Wanchun lowered his voice and said: "Don't worry, I have a way."

"What is the way?" Wei Xun asked seriously.

Du Wanchun looked up and replied: "I have collected a lot of herbs when I was in the mountains before, and many of them are detoxifying drugs. Why don't we try it out and boil these herbs for Sister Wu and the child to try."

Doctor Xu asked hurriedly: "What herbs are they? Can I take a look?"

Du Wanchun replied: "They are just some common detoxifying herbs. Doctor Xu should have heard of them."

Doctor Xu shook his head and said: "No, those herbs can't save him either."

Du Wanchun said seriously: "Let's try it first."

Just at the When everyone was hesitant, Aunt Zhou stepped forward and said, "Xiao Wei, Doctor Xu, just let Wanchun give it a try, maybe she can really be saved."

Doctor Xu sighed, "Wanchun, if you want to try, just try!"

Wei Xun still didn't believe it, "Even Doctor Xu said those herbs are useless, can they really work?"

Aunt Zhou suddenly changed her expression and said seriously, "Xiao Wei, just listen to Wanchun, if Wanchun says she can save her, she can definitely save her."

Wei Xun was somewhat persuaded, looking at Madam Wu in his arms, hesitant.

Aunt Zhou's face sank, and she said seriously, "Xiao Wei, just trust Wanchun this time!"

Wei Xun didn't know why Aunt Zhou trusted Du Wanchun so much, but there was no other way now. Just like Du Wanchun said, even if Madam Wu and the others were brought back to Beidi, they would probably be dead before they arrived.

He did not hesitate any longer and looked at Du Wanchun and said, "Then please trouble Miss Du to boil the medicine."

Seeing his approval, Du Wanchun immediately turned around and went to the kitchen to take out the herbs to boil the medicine.

Those were indeed ordinary herbs, but the effects would be different depending on the person boiling the medicine.

Du Wanchun waved at the boiled medicine and then handed it to Wei Xun and Aunt Zhou.

Wei Xun fed the medicine to Madam Wu, and Aunt Zhou fed the medicine to Xiao Qing'er.

After the mother and son drank the medicine, they immediately stopped having abdominal pain and vomiting.

Aunt Zhou was delighted and hurriedly called out to Doctor Xu outside the house, "Doctor Xu, come and take a look!"

Doctor Xu heard the call and strode in.

Seeing that Madam Wu and the child looked much better, he was stunned and hurriedly felt their pulses.

Wei Xun carefully wiped the sweat off Madam Wu and the child with a handkerchief.

After a moment, Doctor Xu showed a happy expression, smiled and took back his hand and said: "Life is saved! Life is saved!"

As soon as he said this, Wei Xun was very excited, "My wife and child are all detoxified?"

Doctor Xu smiled and nodded and said: "Detoxified, all detoxified."

After saying that, he looked at Du Wanchun with disbelief on his face, "I didn't expect Wanchun to know medical skills. Such a strong poison was detoxified with just ordinary herbs!"

Du Wanchun smiled slowly and said: "We collected so many herbs, probably mixed a lot of herbs with excellent detoxification effects, which is why we have such an effect."

Doctor Xu nodded after hearing this, "Wanchun, can you show me those herbs?"

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