The new inn was full of people, but the new inn was full of people.

When Wei Xun left the inn, he secretly passed the message and asked Zhou Ruiyuan to send people to guard the new inn.

There were not many people in the new inn, and the yamen runners brought by Zhou Ruiyuan had already blocked the first floor.

Seeing the people surrounding her, the princess looked at Wei Xun in surprise and asked him coldly, "What did you do?"

Wei Xun walked slowly to Zhou Ruiyuan's side, "You poisoned and killed people, you deserve to die, I'm not too much to report to the authorities, right?"

The princess sneered, "Do you think the little county magistrate of Xuanyue Country can control me? I am the princess of Beidi!"

Zhou Ruiyuan sat in front of her, not taking her arrogance seriously at all, "Princess? What princess? I only saw a poisoner here."

After saying that, he waved his hand, "Come and arrest them all."

The princess didn't bring many people, but each of them was highly skilled in martial arts.

They quickly surrounded the princess in the middle.

The princess looked at Zhou Ruiyuan and Wei Xun coldly, and smiled sinisterly, "You want to take me down with you!"

However, as soon as she finished speaking, the group of guards suddenly fell down one by one.

She looked at it in shock, "What's going on?"

Wei Xun covered his mouth and nose with a handkerchief and replied, "Unfortunately, I asked Lord Zhou to light the incense in the room a long time ago."

The princess was horrified and kicked the person lying on the ground, "Aren't you good at martial arts? How come you fell down with this little bit of drug? Get up! Quick!"

The guard lying on the ground still lay there motionless.

Wei Xun sneered, "You don't have to do useless work, they won't wake up for a while."

Mrs. Zhou made incense, and Du Wanchun learned the craft from her and started making incense.

Except for the antidote she made herself, basically no one can solve her incense.

"Wei Xun, I didn't expect you to become so despicable." The princess looked at Wei Xun and gritted her teeth.

Wei Xun took the antidote from the yamen runner, swallowed it, and then slowly walked to the princess, "I learned all these tricks from you."

The princess clenched the whip in her hand and prepared to swing at him, but just as she swung her hand, she suddenly felt dizzy.

Wei Xun snatched her whip, "You used this whip to kill many people, I'll keep it for now."

The princess held her head and half-crouched on the ground, "You dare to kill me, your mother..."

Wei Xun interrupted her, "I will write to my father to tell you that you are with me, it's good."

The princess opened her eyes wide and stared at him in disbelief.

Wei Xun slowly said: "We are now far away in a small village in Xuanyue Country. What happened here is just a matter of a word from me. When we get to Beidi, I will say that you met bandits on the road and accidentally fell off the cliff. When you die, your father will not dare to say a word."

To deal with such a vicious person, you can only be more vicious than her. If you follow her path, she will have no way to go.

"You... Brother Xun..." The princess's expression became calmer, revealing a pitiful look, but she soon fainted on the ground.

Zhou Ruiyuan came over and asked, "What are you going to do with these people?"

Wei Xun said slowly, "Lock the princess in a dungeon and kill everyone else."

Zhou Ruiyuan did not refute, and then asked, "You took a risk today. If Wanchun hadn't asked me to come out with you, you would have been captured by her."

When Wei Xun and the princess were arguing in the inn just now, Zhou Ruiyuan deliberately hid in the room next to them and listened. Otherwise, relying on Wei Xun's message alone, it is unknown when he can get here.

Wei Xun bowed and saluted him, "Thank you, Lord Zhou."

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