The two of them were very busy.

"Doctor Xu, there are patients here."

Du Wanchun led the way.

Doctor Xu looked up and asked, "What patient?"

Du Wanchun replied, "A woman from the neighboring village said she was beaten by her husband."

After hearing this, Doctor Xu hurriedly said, "Bring them in quickly."

The villagers carried the mother and son and placed them on the bed in the inner room.

Doctor Xu hurriedly examined the mother and son's injuries.

Because the injuries were too shocking.

Du Wanchun specially asked the nanny in the village to take Xiao Mianmian and Xiao Qing'er to other rooms.

Doctor Xu looked at the wound, his hands shaking, "What did they use to hit her?"

One of the villagers said, "It was a wooden stick."

Doctor Xu quickly turned around and took out two hemostatic pills from the medicine box behind him and gave them to the mother and son.

This hemostatic pill was made by his father, and it is rare in the world. He only has a dozen of them.

After the mother and son took it, the bleeding stopped temporarily.

Du Wanchun came over and asked, "Doctor Xu, how are the mother and son injured?"

Doctor Xu held the woman's wrist and set her bones. "All four limbs are broken, five ribs are broken in the chest, and the nose bone is also broken. If I didn't have my father's medicine today, she probably wouldn't survive tonight."

Du Wanchun frowned.

After helping the woman set her bones, Doctor Xu showed the child.

Although the child's injuries were not as serious as the adults, he was too young and his back was deformed after being hit by more than a dozen sticks.

The villagers in the house couldn't help crying.

Seeing this, Du Wanchun asked the maid in the farm to take them all down and poured them each a cup of soothing tea.

Doctor Xu was a little helpless at this moment.

He suddenly thought of Du Wanchun, "Wanchun, your previous prescription can even cure severe poisons, do you want to try it?"

Du Wanchun looked at the mother and son intently. She just heard from the villagers that Miao was beaten because she took the rice seeds she gave.

It seems that she is also related to it, and she can't just watch them die.

"Doctor Xu, wait a minute, I'll try."

Du Wanchun turned around and went to the back kitchen to boil medicine.

The so-called boiling medicine is to put the magic grass you grow into it, which can not only cure all kinds of poisons, but also bring the dead back to life.

While Du Wanchun was boiling the medicine, Doctor Xu set the bones of the mother and son, and also asked the villagers to help find splints.

After his bones were set, Du Wanchun's medicine was already boiled.

Doctor Xu brought the medicine and fed it to the mother and child.

The wound was bandaged and the medicine was given, so all he had to do was wait for God to help him.

Doctor Xu wiped his hands and turned to leave the house.

As soon as he came out, the villagers gathered around him, "How are the injuries of Miao and the child?"

Doctor Xu sighed, "We can only wait and leave it to God!"

The villagers gathered together, crying one by one.

"Miao is kind, but she is unlucky. Her own parents married her to the Gao family for ten taels of silver."

"The Gao family is not human. They don't know how to cherish such a good daughter-in-law."

"Yes, the Gao family is really not human."

Doctor Xu listened and asked them: "I saw that the young lady had sores on her hands and feet... Why is that?"

An older woman wiped her tears and said: "It's all the fault of the black-hearted old lady Gao. When Miao gave birth to the child and was in confinement, she was asked to wash clothes by the river in the middle of winter. You can tell how cold the water by the river is. She got sores on her hands and feet without freezing."

"The child is three or four years old, why is there still sores?" Doctor Xu asked again.

The woman sighed and said: "Since that year, every winter, the old lady Gao asked her to go to the river to wash clothes, no matter how cold it was, icy or snowy, she had to go."

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