After the wedding, the two of them went to the fields.

Mr. Meng felt that Mrs. Zhou looked down on him, so he had a grudge in his heart, which coincided with Aunt Meng's opinion. The two of them came to Zhou's field together.

Zhou Zhao had just brought Zhou Feng home. These days, the two of them took good care of the vegetables and rice in the field, and it looked green at a glance.

Aunt Meng put her hands on her waist, feeling unhappy, "This young widow is quite good at farming. I heard from the Chen family that the vegetables in their fields were all rotten by insects. How can they grow so well?!"

Uncle Meng was also surprised. He squatted down and touched the leaves of the vegetables. "These vegetables are really growing well. They are stronger than those in our fields!"

Aunt Meng snorted coldly and said, "They are lucky to buy this good land."

Uncle Meng rolled his eyes and pulled Aunt Meng to the carriage. "The old Chen family probably doesn't know about this. If they knew that the land they just gave away has grown so much food, they would have to make trouble with the Zhou family."

Aunt Meng nodded, narrowed her mean eyes, and said, "Let's go tell the old Chen couple now."

"Okay, we'll go now." Uncle Meng nodded in response.

The two of them got on the carriage and rushed to the Chen family.

Chen Tieniu and Jiang Shi were indeed stunned when they knew about this.

"Old Meng, are you telling the truth?" Jiang Shi asked seriously.

Uncle Meng and Aunt Meng nodded together.

Jiang Shi stood up suddenly and scolded Chen Tieniu, "I told you not to return the land, but you insisted on returning it. Now, we just give them the crops we grow."

Chen Tieniu took a puff of dry tobacco, his face full of displeasure, and he was obviously angry.

Uncle Meng and Aunt Meng saw that the message had been passed on, so they left immediately.

Jiang Shi became more and more angry, "Why should we give it to them for nothing! Chen Tieniu, I tell you this matter is not over! I want to go to the field to take a look!"

Chen Tieniu completely stood on the side of his wife this time, completely forgetting that it was them who pulled up the Zhou family's crops and occupied the Zhou family's land.

"I'll go with you!"

The two rushed to the Zhou family's field aggressively.

When they arrived at Zhou's field, the couple were stunned. The green crops were growing so lushly. In ten days or half a month, many vegetables would be ripe. That would be a bumper harvest!

Jiang strode to the field, pointed at the green vegetables, and yelled: "Chen Tieniu! Look! These crops are growing so well!"

Chen Tieniu was also stunned by the scene in front of him.

Jiang looked around and saw no one. She walked to the vegetable field, pulled up a vegetable and stepped on it, "Chen Yue'e, we are not doing well, so you can't do well either!"

Chen Tieniu strode forward to stop her and said, "What are you doing?!"

Jiang snorted coldly, "You useless thing, you deserve to be poor. People are almost climbing over your head, don't you know!"

After that, she pushed Chen Tieniu away and continued to pull the vegetables in the field, while pulling, she kept muttering, "Hmph! Let's see what you can eat! Starve you little widow!"

Chen Tieniu didn't stop her and stood aside and watched stupidly.

Jiang pulled more and more vigorously. She ran to the field and pulled out all the tall seedlings in it. While pulling, she cursed, "Let's see what you can eat, starve you little bitch."

For farmers, the crops in the field are life-saving guys.

She wanted to kill the Zhou family.

After a lot of trouble, the entire field and vegetable garden were destroyed by Jiang alone.

She looked at the mess in front of her and said triumphantly: "Chen Yue'e, you stinky widow, let's see what you will do when the time comes!"

Chen Tieniu finally couldn't stand it anymore, "Enough, let's go home quickly."

Jiang wiped her sweat and prepared to walk out of the field, "It's fine, you urge the soul!"

However, at this moment, she suddenly saw a black snake appeared at her feet. The snake had a triangular head and was extremely poisonous.

"Ah! Snake!" Jiang was shocked and ran towards Chen Tieniu.

Chen Tieniu was also frightened when he saw the snake, and turned around and ran back.

The snake followed them closely and bit Jiang's arm.

"Ah! Snake!" She fell to the ground, shaking her hands and groaning in pain.

The poisonous snake bit her arm tightly, as if it wanted to bite off that piece of meat.

Chen Tieniu didn't dare to move forward, and fell to the ground in fear, backing away desperately.

When he looked up again, he was

The scene in front of her was shocking.

All the vegetables that had been pulled out had grown back, and they were taller than before, with tall, big and green leaves.

The rice in the field was holding its head up intact, and even more lush than before.

"Stinky woman, look!" Chen Tieniu shouted at Jiang in panic.

Jiang's hand was still bitten by the snake, and she was crying in pain, "Hurry, come and save me!"

Chen Tieniu ran to her side, helped her up, pointed to the front and shouted, "Look!"

Jiang endured the pain and squinted her eyes to look forward. Seeing the leaves and rice holding their heads up, she was shocked and stepped back quickly, "What's going on? Why are they all fine?!"

Chen Tieniu shook his head.

Jiang's face turned pale instantly, and she screamed: "Ghost! There is a ghost!"

After that, she rushed back home with the arm still bitten by the snake.

Chen Tieniu hurriedly followed her and ran over.

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