The fire was so intense that the fire was still burning.

"Madam! My Madam! Xiang'er! My Xiang'er! Where are you?!" Prince Rong burst into the ruins and cried bitterly.

The housekeeper hurriedly followed, trying to pull Prince Rong out, "Prince, it's too dangerous here, you come out first."

"No, I can't, my madam, my daughter is still inside." Prince Rong reached out to pull the burnt charcoal.

Although the fire had been extinguished, the house was burned loose and was about to collapse.

The housekeeper had no choice but to shout: "Prince, the lady and the young lady must have been burned to ashes long ago. You'd better come out quickly."

Prince Rong cried hysterically with red eyes: "No, it's impossible. They were all fine when I left yesterday. How could they be burned?"

"Prince, calm down first." After saying this, the housekeeper winked at the guards around.

The guards rushed up together and took Prince Rong out of the ruins.

Prince Rong's face was covered with tears and his whole body was trembling. He really looked like he had just lost his wife and children.

In fact, it was just acting.

His acting skills were even better than those of the actors on the stage. His eyes were red from crying and his whole body was shaky, as if he would faint in the next second.

Not long after, General An, the father of the king and Princess Rong, came.

When General An heard that his daughter and granddaughter had died in the fire, he aged more than ten years in a flash, with white hair, bent over, and trembling as he came to the edge of the ruins.

The last one didn't stand firmly and fell to the ground.


Everyone quickly surrounded him and helped General An up.

Prince Rong also pretended to help General An, and said in a hoarse voice: "Father-in-law, it's my fault. I didn't take good care of them."

General An's eyes were full of blood. He looked at the ruins and made a sound, as if he didn't hear Prince Rong's voice.


Prince Rong called again.

The king stood aside, frowning and watching.

Originally thought that General An could also control Prince Rong, now that Princess Rong was dead, General An had nothing else to control Prince Rong.

His face was gradually full of loss.

At this moment, he seemed to see the shadow of his son in the crowd around him.


However, when he looked again, there was nothing.

The king slowly came back to his senses and said to Prince Rong and General An: "Please accept my condolences, the most important thing now is to find out where the fire came from."

Prince Rong's face sank slightly.

General An asked in confusion: "King, what do you mean?"

The king said slowly: "It's not winter now, nor is it a season for water. How could the Prince Rong's Mansion suddenly catch such a big fire? I think someone must have deliberately set the fire."

General An was startled and turned around to look at the ruins.

He suddenly seemed to think of something, strode over, and found a fire starter in a pile of ruins.

The fire starter happened to be pressed by a stone.

General An removed the stone and picked up the fire starter, "Your Majesty, you see, this fire starter is just pressed by the stone and not burned by the fire."

The old king strode over and looked at the fire starter in his hand, then frowned, raised his eyes and asked Prince Rong coldly: "Your Majesty, this fire starter seems to be something from your palace."

Prince Rong strode over and looked at the fire starter in General An's hand. There was a mark of Prince Rong's palace on it, and it was indeed something from Prince Rong's palace.

He was shocked and his face was full of disbelief.

The person he sent to set the fire yesterday was his confidant, who had always been very careful and cautious in doing things, and it was impossible for him to leave such an important thing here.

Yes, the arsonist would not be so careless as to leave the fire starter of Prince Rong's palace here.

Before leaving last night, he specially found a few fire starters without marks to carry with him.

But as soon as he left the house, he encountered heavy rain on the road. The rain came and went quickly, and all the fire starters on his body were soaked.

He had no choice but to go back to the house to get another one. Due to time constraints, he could only take the fire starter with the Rong Wangfu mark.

Originally, he wanted to light the fire and then take the fire starter away safely, but he happened to run into two wild cats.

The wild cats flew over, knocked the fire starter in his hand down, and rolled it into the stone.

The old monarch pointed at the fire starter and asked Prince Rong: "Royal brother, what do you say about this thing?"

Prince Rong said quickly:

"I didn't expect it was someone from my house who did it. I will investigate this matter thoroughly and avenge my wife and daughter!"

General An frowned slightly, sensing something strange, and said in a cold voice: "Prince Rong, aren't all the people in your house under your control? How come someone disobeyed you and did something so outrageous?"

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