The old man was very happy, but he was very happy.

Du Wanchun had seen all the assistants around Zhou Feng. Among them, there was a man named You, who wore Western gold glasses. Although he looked gentle, he was very smooth.

Recently, Zhou Feng was in Changliu Village, and it was this shopkeeper You who was managing the shop in the capital.

In addition to this shopkeeper You, there was another assistant named Bo, who usually followed the shopkeeper You and was considered diligent and loyal. Later, when the rice shop in the capital opened, he also became a small shopkeeper in the rice shop.

Now the Zhou family's shop business is getting better and better, and the monthly silver of this shopkeeper Bo is getting more and more every day. Not only did he buy a small house with two entrances in the capital, but he also bought three or four maids and servants for his family.

This shopkeeper Bo was Wei's husband.

Wei also became his wife, and the two children in the family were getting better and better, no worse than when she was a concubine in the Wei family.

Unfortunately, just when life seemed to be getting better and better, shopkeeper Bo was beaten to death by bandits on the road while delivering goods.

Before he died, he was still holding the jade pendant he wanted to give to his wife.

It is said that the body was not found and was thrown into the cliff by those people.

In the end, Wei had to make a cenotaph with the shoes left by her husband.

In the case of shopkeeper Bo, his brother and sister-in-law relied on their large numbers to bully Wei's orphan and widow, and occupied the house of Wei and the children.

Wei had no choice but to return to the Wei Mansion. She knelt on the ground for a whole day and night, wanting her father to give her and her son some silver to live on, so that they would not starve to death on the street.

But Lord Wei looked down on his concubine who married a merchant, and sent someone to throw two coins to send her away.

Two coins could only buy a few buns and a few cakes.

Wei cried for a long time with the silver, and she didn't expect that the relationship between father and daughter was just like this.

Just because the person she married had no use value to her mother's family, she was worthless.

Her elder sister and elder brother.

One married the eldest son of the Yang family, and the other married the third daughter of the Yang family. Lord Wei treated this son and daughter as his sweethearts.

When Wei and Du Wanchun talked about this, her eyes were red. She wiped the tears from her eyes and said, "Before my husband left, he said that he would take us and the children to Cheng'an County when he returned home. Unexpectedly, he..."

Du Wanchun comforted her, "Sister Wei, I think Manager Bo also hopes that you and the children will live well."

Wei nodded, "It's just that I'm too useless. I'm not in good health now, and I've implicated the two children."

Du Wanchun patted her hand gently and said, "Doctor Xu said that you just need to rest for half a month and you will get better."

As she spoke, her eyes turned and continued to ask her, "Sister Wei, you said that your husband was beaten to death by bandits on the road, so how do you know that it was sent by Mr. Yang?"

Wei's moist eyes flashed a trace of hatred, "He told me personally that my husband deserved to die, and that he kicked him off the cliff himself."

As she spoke, she clenched the handkerchief in her hand.

Du Wanchun suddenly realized, but she didn't expect that the Yang family would be so lawless and take human lives so righteously.

"Sister Wei, don't think about the things in the capital for now, take good care of yourself and take good care of the children." Du Wanchun said and slowly stood up, "Manager Zhou has been recuperating at home recently, so I will take care of the affairs of the Zhou family shop in the capital."

"Manager Bo got into trouble because he delivered goods for the rice shop. Our Zhou family rice shop will naturally not ignore him. You can rest assured to stay in this farm."

Du Wanchun walked to the side of the two sleeping children, "These two children look only two or three years older than Mianmian and the others. I wonder if they have gone to school?"

Wei shook her head, "No, I was going to send them to school after my husband came back."

After hearing this, Du Wanchun had an idea. Now that little Mianmian and Yi'er Yu'er are old enough to recognize words, why not hire a teacher to open a primary school at home and let the two children go to school together.

After thinking about it, she left the manor and found Zhou Ruiyuan, wanting to ask him if he had any business.

After Zhou Ruiyuan thought about it, he looked at the fifth prince who was busy in the government office and said, "I think the fifth brother is not bad."

After the fifth prince came to Cheng'an County, he changed his name to Zhou Quan and worked as a legal advisor in the county government office.

On weekdays, he helped Zhou Ruiyuan take notes in the court.

Although he was timid, he had a good handwriting and knew some poems and songs.

Du Wanchun looked at the fifth prince Zhou Quan and smiled and said, "Fifth brother, are you willing to give our little Mianmian and Yier

They are teachers?"

Zhou Quan paused, thought for a moment and said, "What about the elder brother?"

Du Wanchun smiled and said, "Ruiyuan doesn't need to hear cases every day. You can come here when you are needed."

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