The family started to get busy a few days in advance for the children's birthdays.

Zhou Ruiyuan would go to the village to chop trees every morning, using the best wood to make some small toys for the three of them.

He would chop trees in the morning, go to the county government in the morning, and come back at night to work alone in the house with tools.

Seeing that he was still awake, Du Wanchun brought a cup of tea from the kitchen, "Husband, go to bed early."

Zhou Ruiyuan wiped the sweat from his forehead, handed a small doll to Du Wanchun, and said with a smile: "How about you take a look?"

Du Wanchun looked down and saw that the doll was actually in her image, "What is this?"

Zhou Ruiyuan gently brushed the wood chips on the doll and said softly: "I originally planned to make some puppets for the two children, but somehow, it was carved into your image."

As he said, he raised his eyes slightly and looked at her and smiled: "Why don't I make two dolls, one for you and one for me."

Du Wanchun chuckled and said: "If Xiao Mianmian knew that their father had been busy for so long to make things for their mother, , I guess I will be sad for several days. "

Zhou Ruiyuan lowered his head guiltily, bent down to pick up the other two pieces of wood and said: "No hurry, there are still a few days, I should be able to carve a few more puppets."

Du Wanchun walked to his side, patted the sawdust on his body and said: "Husband, I will help you."

Zhou Ruiyuan held her slender white hand and kissed her fingertips gently, "These heavy work, let me do it."

Du Wanchun slightly withdrew her hand, bent her clear crescent eyes, and smiled: "How about this, I will paint, and husband will carve?"

Zhou Ruiyuan listened, thought about it, and nodded slightly, "Okay."

Du Wanchun bent down to pick up some small pieces of wood, then picked up the pen beside her and drew the human figure of the puppet on it.

The moon was hanging high outside the window, and the silvery moonlight shone in from outside, sprinkling on Du Wanchun's face, making her skin white as jade. A layer of white mist was vaguely floating on her light green clothes, as if she was an immortal in a dream, a little unreal.

Zhou Ruiyuan was a little stunned for a moment, and he couldn't help but reach out and gently touch a strand of long hair hanging down from her ears.

As the hair passed through his fingertips, he came back to his senses slightly.

Du Wanchun looked up and saw that he was in a trance, and asked with a smile: "What's wrong, husband?"

Zhou Ruiyuan picked up the sawdust on her hair and said slowly: "The sawdust flew on your head."

Du Wanchun stood up quickly and patted her head and shoulders with her hand.

Zhou Ruiyuan looked at her gentle but playful face and lost his mind again.

At this moment, he looked at the lady in front of him, as if he was looking at a rare treasure shining in the room.

I was afraid that if I touched her, she would disappear.

I just wanted to hold her in my arms, take good care of her, and not let anyone see her.

Du Wanchun looked down at him, her dimples showing, "My husband, I've finished the painting, take a look."

As she said this, she handed him the painted wood.

Zhou Ruiyuan came back to his senses, took the wood in his hand, and saw that it was the image of Xiao Mianmian.

He smiled and said, "It's very well painted."

Du Wanchun quickly brought him a carving knife, "My husband, you carve first, I'll go and paint two more."

Zhou Ruiyuan held the wood and looked at her lovingly. His deep eyes did not have the majesty in the court during the day, but only the tenderness of the spring river.

"Okay, go ahead."

He responded in a gentle voice, holding the carving knife and carefully carving the wood in his hand.

Du Wanchun turned around and picked up another piece of wood, and painted the image of Yi'er.

Although Zhou Ruiyuan was carving wood, his eyes looked at his wife from time to time.

It is said that couples will get tired of each other after being married for a long time, but Zhou Ruiyuan and Du Wanchun are different. They like each other more and more.

Zhou Ruiyuan is also good at carpentry. He learned from the family's long-term worker for a period of time and has very good skills.

Although he was focused on Du Wanchun, he still carved the puppet in his hand.

With the help of Du Wanchun, it only took them one night to carve the puppets of the whole family.

In the end, there was still a piece of wood left.

Zhou Ruiyuan took it in his hand and smiled, "I didn't expect there was one more piece."

Du Wanchun looked down at the small piece of wood in his hand. After a long time, he said, "Keep it. Maybe it can be used in the future."

Zhou Ruiyuan nodded after hearing this, took a piece of cloth and wrapped the piece of wood and put it away.

Seeing that it was getting light, Du Wanchun packed up the things in the house and walked out.

She was about to go back to her yard, but before she took two steps, she twisted her ankle accidentally.

Du Wanchun bent over, covered her ankle, and frowned.

Zhou Ruiyuan hurried over and said, "Wanchun, what's wrong with you?"

Du Wanchun looked down at her ankle, "I just twisted my ankle accidentally."

Zhou Ruiyuan's face immediately showed anxiety, and he reached out and picked her up by the waist, "I'll take you to see a doctor."

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