The wood was covered with a bunch of radishes.

Mrs. Zhou came over with a bunch of radishes in her hand. When she saw the wood, she frowned, then squatted down and scraped the wood with a knife.

She smelled the powder with her fingers, her eyes were startled, and she said in surprise: "This is the best sandalwood."

As soon as she said this, Zhou Zhao and Zhou Feng came over.

"Mother, is this really sandalwood? How can there be sandalwood in this stone ground?"

Generally, the best sandalwood grows in the woods, and it is really rare to be buried in the stone ground.

Aunt Zhou looked up at the trees around her and said, "Maybe this was a sandalwood field before, but it was cut down later, and some of the wood was buried underground."

This explanation is far-fetched, but no one can find any other reason to explain what happened.

Finally, Du Wanchun broke their doubts and said with a smile, "Mom, let's dig out this sandalwood quickly, and we can make it into incense later."

Aunt Zhou was delighted when she heard it, "Yes, such a big and good sandalwood, if it is made into incense, it can probably sell for a lot of money."

After she finished speaking, she quickly arranged for her two sons to dig together.

Du Wanchun helped on the side, and soon a sandalwood tree at least one meter long was dug out.

Zhou Zhao tied the wood with a rope and carried it on his back.

Du Wanchun helped put all the radishes he pulled out into a backpack, and followed Aunt Zhou, carrying a basket on her back and walking home.

Zhou Feng followed behind, carrying the vegetables he had just picked.

The family returned home with a full load.

Du Wanchun helped Aunt Zhou clean the radishes first, and then helped clean the sandalwood.

Before dusk, she and Zhou Ruiyuan loaded the cleaned radishes onto the carriage.

The couple delivered the radishes to Li and Fang before dark.

Aunt He gave her the remaining two hundred coins.

The Fang family was generous. When they delivered the radishes, the Fang family's housekeeper gave them a reward of one or two silver coins.

This was a lot of money.

Du Wanchun looked at the silver in her hand, her hands shaking slightly.

This was the first time she had seen so much silver since she was a child.

With this silver and copper coins, their family finally didn't have to go hungry anymore.

Zhou Ruiyuan looked at her with moist eyes staring at the silver, put his arm around her shoulders, and held her in his arms.

"Don't worry, we will have a lot more in the future."

Du Wanchun wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and nodded heavily, "Yes!"

The two of them took the copper coins and silver, and in addition to buying a boiler for making fragrant dew, they also bought some rice, oil, and some cloth.

In addition, they bought some pens and ink for Zhou Feng.

After buying all these things, it was already dark when they returned.

Aunt Zhou cooked rice, boiled carrot soup and Chinese cabbage and waited for Du Wanchun and others to come back for dinner.

Du Wanchun smelled the fragrance of rice as soon as he arrived at the door, and his stomach growled with hunger.

Zhou Ruiyuan called Zhou Zhao and Zhou Feng to help bring the bought things into the house.

Aunt Zhou looked at the bought boiler and bottle, and a trace of sadness flashed in her eyes. She silently took these two things to the backyard and didn't come out for a long time.

Du Wanchun brought the cloth into the house and went to the backyard to call her to eat.

"Mom, it's time for dinner."

Auntie Zhou wiped her tears and looked up quickly, saying, "Okay, I'll be right over."

Du Wanchun looked at the tears on her face, approached her and asked, "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

Auntie Zhou's nose was a little sour, and she forced a smile and said, "I thought that Ruiyuan and I were done, but looking at these sandalwood and roses, I know that our road is not over."

Du Wanchun looked at her like this, pondered for a moment, and finally asked the question he had always wanted to ask: "Mom, how have you and your husband been together? Is he a wealthy family in the capital before?"

Mrs. Zhou did not refute, but stood up and said: "Wanchun, I know you have a lot of doubts in your heart, but there are some things that you should not know, because the more you know, the more you will be killed. Don't blame me and Ruiyuan for hiding it from you. We didn't tell you because we wanted to leave you a way out."

Du Wanchun was slightly stunned. Since Mrs. Zhou didn't want to say it, she wouldn't force it. From the beginning, she made up her mind that no matter what her husband's background was, she would stand by him unswervingly.

She bent her eyebrows and changed the subject with Mrs. Zhou: "Mom, come and eat quickly. After dinner, we will make the fragrant dew quickly."

Mrs. Zhou's face looked much better, and she nodded.

: "Well, Wanchun, you eat first, mother will come soon."

Du Wanchun smiled and replied: "Okay, mother, hurry up, otherwise the food will get cold later."

Auntie Zhou nodded at her.

After the family had dinner, Du Wanchun was busy making fragrant dew with Auntie Zhou.

They had to set up the boiler for making fragrant dew first.

Few people in Cheng'an County made incense, so Du Wanchun bought the simplest steamer.

Fortunately, Auntie Zhou had skills, and she converted the steamer into a stove that could make fragrant dew in a short time.

The two mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law washed the petals of the roses, and then put them on the steamer to steam one pot after another.

Zhou Zhao was responsible for chopping wood, and Zhou Ruiyuan and Zhou Feng were responsible for making fire.

They steamed all night, and finally made the first bottle of fragrant dew in the morning of the next day.

Aunt Zhou took the freshly made rose scent to her nose and sniffed it. She was suddenly shocked and called to Du Wanchun, "Wanchun, Ruiyuan, come and smell it, the fragrance is different!"

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