The maids also sniffed, "Madam, I smell it, it's so fragrant."

Madam Fang looked around quickly, "Where does this fragrance come from?"

Seeing her asking this, Du Wanchun quickly took out the small bottle of perfume in her arms and handed it to Madam Fang, saying, "Madam, is this what you are talking about?"

Madam Fang took two steps forward, bent down slightly and sniffed, and immediately smiled and said, "Yes, it's this."

Du Wanchun smiled and said, "This is the perfume my mother just made. Madam, do you want to try it?"

Madam Fang took it with a look of joy, took it in her hand, poured a little on her wrist, and then smelled it.

Then, she closed her eyes and gently felt the fragrance.

Du Wanchun asked her, "Madam, do you like this fragrance?"

Mrs. Fang looked at her and asked, "Did you really make this fragrance?"

Du Wanchun nodded and said, "Yes, we did."

Mrs. Fang showed her admiration for the two of them, "What a great craftsmanship, the fragrance you made is better than the tribute from the Western Regions."

Mrs. Zhou was slightly stunned, and quickly said modestly, "It's not the craftsmanship, it's the good soil and water here, and the flowers are fragrant."

Mrs. Fang smiled and nodded, "Yes, Cheng'an County is indeed a good place."

After she finished speaking, she stared at the bottle of fragrance again and again, "Can you sell this bottle of fragrance to me?"

Du Wanchun A smile flashed between her eyebrows, and she said slowly: "If you like it, we will give you this bottle of perfume."

Mrs. Fang was a little surprised. She looked at the two plain-dressed peasant girls in front of her and was quite surprised. She put the perfume in her sleeve and smiled: "We Fang family usually don't accept gifts for no reason. Since you gave me perfume, I will also give you a small gift."

After that, she called a big maid behind her: "Help me get five taels of silver for this girl."

"Five taels?!" Aunt Zhou was stunned.

Du Wanchun was also surprised, "Madam, five taels, is it too much?"

Mrs. Fang looked at the perfume in her hand, "Not much, I usually buy a bottle of high-quality perfume for ten taels."

Du Wanchun hurriedly took the silver and thanked Mrs. Fang: "Thank you, Mrs. Fang."

Mrs. Fang loved the perfume in her hand so much that she not only gave Du Wanchun five taels of silver, but also sent someone to give them two chickens.

Du Wanchun and Aunt Zhou sat in the carriage with silver and chickens for a long time without waking up.

"Wanchun, you were not dreaming just now, were you?" Aunt Zhou looked ahead with lifeless eyes.

Du Wanchun stuffed the silver in her hand into her hand, "Mom, feel this silver."

Aunt Zhou lowered her head and took the silver in her hand and rubbed it carefully. Suddenly she came back to her senses and exclaimed: "Wanchun, we are so lucky today. The first bottle of perfume we made was sold!"

Du Wanchun held her hand and said: "Yes, mother, you have good skills, you don't have to worry about no one buying it."

Aunt Zhou nodded, "Let's go back quickly and make some more perfume."

"Well, mother, let's pick some more flowers by the way." Du Wanchun smiled and responded.

While the two were talking, the two chickens that Mrs. Fang gave them clucked.

Du Wanchun looked down quickly and saw that the two old hens were clucking and laying two eggs with their butts against each other.

The round eggs fell at their feet.

"Oh, this old hen has laid an egg!" Aunt Zhou was pleasantly surprised. She picked up an egg and carefully looked at it again and again. She didn't expect that the chicken she just got laid an egg in the carriage.

Du Wanchun bent down and picked up another egg. The egg was still warm.

"Cluck, cluck, cluck..."

The two old hens cried again, they raised their heads, and soon laid two more eggs.

Aunt Zhou was very happy, "Usually, old hens lay at most one egg a day, but these two hens are really fertile, and they lay two eggs in their lifetime."

Du Wanchun smiled and then reached out to touch the chicken's feathers.

The old hen raised her butt and rolled out another egg.

Aunt Zhou looked at the eggs that rolled out and couldn't help but sigh: "Another laying, the chickens in Mr. Fang's house are really good at laying eggs!"

Du Wanchun was also delighted, "Mom, pick up the eggs quickly!"

"Okay, Wanchun, you hold the carriage steady, I'll pick them up." Aunt Zhou hadn't recovered from the joy of earning five taels of silver, and was immersed in the joy of picking up eggs.

When the carriage arrived at the door of the house, Aunt Zhou took a dozen eggs wrapped in clothes and went home.

"Zhao'er, Feng'er, come out quickly, eat eggs."

They had been poor for so long that they hadn't eaten eggs for a long time.

Zhou Zhao trotted over and saw the round eggs. He smiled happily and said, "Mom, I'll take them to the kitchen to cook them."

Aunt Zhou took out five eggs and handed them to him, then took the rest to the small firewood room in the backyard.

Du Wanchun followed her and took the two old hens to the backyard and locked them up with the two skinny ducks.

Zhou Ruiyuan was burning the fire next to the boiler. When he heard the sound, he immediately strode over.

Du Wanchun showed him the five taels of silver in her hand, "Husband, look, what is this?"

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