The two of us are so close, and we are so close.

Du Wanchun was not surprised by his words. Even the matchmaker came today, but Zhou Ruiyuan did not come out to marry her. He must have had other plans. She slowly walked to his side, picked up the book he was reading, and said with a smile: "Since I have entered your house, I am the daughter-in-law of your Zhou family. You don't dislike me for being stupid, and I don't dislike you for being disabled. We are the same, a perfect match."

As she spoke, her eyebrows curved, and small dimples appeared on both sides of her mouth.

Zhou Ruiyuan was shocked by her words, raised his eyes and looked at the playful and smart girl in front of him, a little absent-minded.

Du Wanchun looked down at the book in his hand. It was an uncommon book. She flipped through it and continued, "But you will have to bear with me in the future. I am willful and bold... Don't despise me..."

She spoke clearly and sharply. Zhou Ruiyuan slowly calmed down his surprise and took the book from her hand. "Girl, are you not stupid?"

Du Wanchun was not the kind of person who would be shy when seeing a man. After saying this, she was naturally not restrained. She leaned against his table with her chin propped up and her round eyes bent and smiled, "No, I am stupid. People in the whole county say I am stupid, so I am stupid."

Zhou Ruiyuan looked at her in a daze, not knowing how to reply for a while.

After all, he was only seventeen or eighteen years old and had never been close to any woman. Du Wanchun was so close to him that he could even smell the fragrance in her hair. His heart, which was originally as calm as dead water, suddenly rolled up and beat loudly.

At this time, someone suddenly called out from outside the door: "Mom, go to the backyard!"

It was Zhou Zhao's voice.

Du Wanchun quickly got up, lifted the curtain, pushed the door and walked out.

I saw Aunt Zhou holding the spatula that she had not put down in time and hurried to the backyard, "Zhao'er, what's wrong?"

Zhou Zhao could not hear and kept running back, "Mom, come and see!"

Du Wanchun hurriedly followed.

The backyard of the Zhou family was a piece of red land surrounded by a fence, but because it had rained for a month, there were puddles of water.

There was a straw nest on both sides of the puddle, and there were two skinny ducks and a big duck egg in the nest.

These two skinny ducks were bought by Aunt Zhou by pawning her only jewelry. They were still alive and kicking when they were first bought, but they fell ill within a few days. It was her sister-in-law next door who poisoned them.

Originally, these two ducks were dying and would not survive tonight, but now they are alive and kicking in the nest and laid an egg.

When Aunt Zhou saw the duck eggs, she was extremely happy. She carefully held the eggs in her palms and smiled, "Great, Zhao'er, Feng'er, we can finally eat eggs!"

This duck egg is also an egg. Although Zhou Feng and Zhou Zhao can't see or hear, they can both feel their mother's joy.

Their family has been in Changliu Village for three years.

Aunt Zhou's original surname was Chen. She was only five or six years old when she was sold to the capital as a child bride. When she came back with her three sons, her parents were dead, leaving only an unrelated eldest brother and two younger sisters.

Both sisters got married and married in the neighboring Xiangtan Village. Knowing that it was not easy for their sister to raise three children alone, they asked the eldest brother to give them the three abandoned small earthen houses at home.

But the eldest brother and his sister-in-law Jiang always disliked the three of them. Not only did they not help the widowed mother and orphan, they also occupied their fields and made things difficult for them, hoping that they would get out sooner.

Aunt Zhou relied on her sewing and mending skills to wash clothes for the county's dignitaries, and she barely made a living. However, as a farmer, she had no land and could not survive at all.

Aunt Zhou wanted to find another way, so she bought two ducks and planned to raise some ducks to sell at the market. Unexpectedly, her sister-in-law became jealous and poisoned them.

Now the ducks are alive and can lay eggs, and her future life is settled.

Aunt Zhou held the duck eggs, tears welling up and almost crying.

The two ducks in the nest suddenly raised their heads, stretched their long necks and looked at Du Wanchun in the distance. Their eyes were as bright as stars, and then they stood up together, twisted their buttocks, and flapped their gray and white wings.

Aunt Zhou looked up and saw that there were still a few duck eggs in the nest. She counted them and there were about four, plus the one in her hand, a total of five.

She quickly bent down to pick them up, "Oh, there are exactly five, enough for us to eat."

Du Wanchun looked at the round green-shelled eggs and was also curious. She ran forward to help Aunt Zhou pick up the eggs.

Aunt Zhou held the eggs and called her and smiled, "Wanchun, there is mud on the ground, don't come over."

After that, she waved to Zhou Zhao.


Zhao hurriedly stepped forward to help take the duck egg from her hand, looking at it with a smile, perhaps too excited, blurted out: "Mom, this duck egg is better than what we had in the palace before..."

Before he finished speaking, Aunt Zhou interrupted him with the duck egg in her hand, "Zhao'er, let's go in."

After that, she led Du Wanchun into the house.

Zhou Zhao realized that he had said the wrong thing, and quickly shut up and followed Aunt Zhou and the others.

"Mom, third brother." Zhou Feng saw that their voices were far away, and he also groped and followed.

After the three of them entered the house, Zhou Zhao suddenly stood up and did not move.

Aunt Zhou looked back at him, feeling a little strange, put down the duck egg and gestured and asked: "Zhao'er, what's wrong with you?"

Zhou Zhao raised his head and said blankly: "Mom, when you came in from the backyard just now, what did you say to me?"

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