The old man was very angry.

Aunt Wang nodded and said, "Yes!"

Wang Qiu was shocked when he heard it, and his eyes were a little distracted.

Aunt Wang frowned and stretched out her hand to grab his ear, "Do you have any bad ideas?!"

Wang Qiu shook his head hurriedly, "Mom, don't talk nonsense!"

Aunt Wang let him go and told him, "Follow your father to release water to the rice later! Don't always think about the things in the capital! I will find you a wife in a few days!"

Wang Qiu nodded repeatedly, "Mom, I know."

Aunt Wang walked into the house with peace of mind.

Wang Qiu shook his head at his mother's back. He really had no bad intentions. In the past, he didn't know that his parents were still alive, and he dared to do anything without any worries. But now it's not possible. He has to think about his parents.

Zhou Ruiyuan was right. Concubine Wu would definitely kill him when he returned this time, and even his parents would not be spared.

That's why he listened to him and pretended to be dead and sent false news to the capital.

Now the capital should have let down its guard against Cheng'an County.

However, after hearing that Du Wanchun had a child, Wang Qiu had another idea.

Now in the palace, apart from the child in Concubine Wu's belly and her biological daughter, there are only three humble princes born to concubines.

When the emperor dies, regardless of whether Concubine Wu's baby is a boy or not, even if she gives birth to a daughter, she will not let the three princes inherit the throne.

If one day the Lu family can wash away the grievances again, you, Zhou Ruiyuan, as the legitimate son, and his children will be more likely to inherit the throne.

Wang Qiu looked in the direction of the Zhou family, his eyes full of respect.

Rather than being loyal to the vicious Concubine Wu, it is better to be loyal to the kind-hearted Zhou family.

After thinking about it, he turned around, took the hoe and left home. When passing by the Zhou family's field, he did not forget to help Zhou Zhao weed the field.

Zhou Zhao did not have any airs to him, and always called him Brother Qiu, Brother Qiu.

Wang Qiu was flattered and treated him better, digging the field in one breath.

Look, at night, before he took care of his own fields, he had already made the Zhou family's fields neat and tidy.

When Zhou Zhao returned home, he kept bragging to Zhou Ruiyuan, "Brother, Wang Qiu is indeed a man who has learned kung fu. He is strong and has good physical strength. He is also a good farmer!"

Zhou Ruiyuan listened, raised his eyes and asked, "Did he help you farm?"

Zhou Zhao took a sip of water and nodded.

Zhou Ruiyuan smiled, "Okay, this is a good thing. If he wants to help you again in the future, let him help. It just so happens that our family is short of a worker."

After saying that, he did not forget to instruct him: "Your sister-in-law is pregnant, you should take care of her more. Don't let her touch any heavy or light work at home in the future."

Zhou Zhao stood up, patted his chest and smiled and replied: "That's natural!"

Du Wanchun, who had just entered the house, chuckled, "Husband, I'm just pregnant, not disabled or sick."

Zhou Ruiyuan hurriedly helped her sit down and said seriously: "You can't do that. Now Aunt Wang and the eldest aunt are helping mother make porcelain bottles for fragrant dew, and my third brother Wang Qiu and I are farming and watching the house being built. You, just have to rest well and don't have to do anything."

As he said, he took out a book from his arms and said: "If you really want to do it, then help me copy the book."

Du Wanchun took it in his hand and saw a handwritten recipe for making incense!

She looked up at him in surprise, "Husband, what is this?"

Zhou Ruiyuan said, "These are what my grandfather left for my mother. They were burned in the fire when he left Changchang. Later, my mother memorized them and I copied them by hand."

Du Wanchun hurriedly said, "Husband, do you want to give me the recipe handed down from your family?"

Zhou Ruiyuan nodded.

Mrs. Zhou came out with the stewed chicken soup, "I will get old eventually, and the family craftsmanship cannot be lost, so I asked Ruiyuan to hand-copy a copy a few days ago and let him give it to you. It just happened to teach you to read."

Du Wanchun nodded happily, "Thank you, mother."

After she said that, she quickly put down the book and read it.

In fact, she was not illiterate, it seemed that she just forgot it. As long as she looked at it a few more times, she could recognize it.

Mrs. Zhou put the chicken soup on the table and quickly pulled her to eat together.

Du Wanchun carefully put away the recipe, picked up the chopsticks and picked up a piece of chicken from the bowl and started eating.

Zhou Ruiyuan and Zhou Zhao followed and sat down, and soon laughter and joy were heard from the Zhou family's small house.

At the same time

, in the imperial palace of Beijing.

A woman in a bright yellow wide-sleeved skirt leaned on the couch and ate bird's nest.

The little maid beside her lowered her head and said, "Madam, the emperor said he won't come today."

"Not coming?!" The woman looked at the little maid with a spoon in her hand and looked unhappy.

The little maid knelt down and said, "Madam, the emperor went to the palace of Concubine Ru again tonight."

Concubine Ru was a new concubine sent to the palace by the third prince some time ago. It is said that she is a singer from a neighboring country. Although she is not a stunning beauty, she looks about 50% like the previous queen Lu.

Concubine Wu is now pregnant and cannot sleep with the emperor, so Concubine Ru, who looks similar to the former queen, has unknowingly been favored by the emperor.

Concubine Wu was so angry that she smashed the bird's nest in her hand, "This Third Prince is just trying to make things difficult for me. He knew that the Emperor still missed that bitch, but he sent me a woman who looked like that bitch!"

The little maid lowered her head and dared not reply.

Concubine Wu stood up, holding her five or six-month-old belly, and said viciously: "No hurry, I can't be impatient, it won't be too late to kill the Third Prince after I give birth to the prince!"

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