The emperor was so proud of his mother's kindness that he was forced to give up.

Du Wanchun could see from the side that Aunt Zhou had lost all her affection for the emperor, and now she only had resentment and contempt.

In the future, even if the emperor knelt down and begged her to go back, she would never look back.

Aunt Zhou listened to the news about Concubine Wu, and a rare sense of relief gradually appeared on her face. She stood up and asked Du Wanchun, "Wanchun, what else do you want to eat? I'll make it for you."

Du Wanchun's appetite has been a little bad recently because she is a little pregnant. Apart from the medicine to preserve the pregnancy, she can't eat any of the food at home.

She drank the medicine in the bowl in one gulp and shook her head, "Mom, it's okay, I'll eat whatever I have at home."

Auntie Zhou stood up and said, "That won't work. If you keep going hungry, your body will get worse."

After that, she turned to Zhou Ruiyuan and ordered, "Ruiyuan, go to the mountain to see if there are any wild sour dates. If there are, pick some and I'll make some sour date cakes for Wanchun to whet her appetite."

Sour date cakes are sour and sweet, and many pregnant women like to eat them. Auntie Zhou also heard about it in the village some time ago, and she happened to be preparing to make it for Du Wanchun.

Zhou Ruiyuan took the empty bowl from Du Wanchun and nodded, "Okay, I'll go and see."

Auntie Zhou said, "If there are sour plums, that's fine too."

Du Wanchun on the side smiled and said, "Mom, actually the sour radishes made at home are also fine."

A few days ago, Zhou Zhao picked a lot of small radishes and brought them back. Auntie Zhou followed Auntie Wang to learn how to make a lot of sour radishes.

Du Wanchun can eat a little every day.

Aunt Zhou smiled and said, "You can't eat radishes every day."

After she finished speaking, she winked at Zhou Ruiyuan and told him to go quickly, otherwise his wife would be reluctant to let him go up the mountain.

Zhou Ruiyuan got up quickly, picked up the backpack at the door, and walked up the mountain without waiting for Du Wanchun to call him.

It was still early, so Zhou Ruiyuan walked into the mountain.

As he went deeper, the trees became taller, and there were thorns all along the way.

Fortunately, he was tall, so he chopped all the way with a sickle. When he reached the deepest part of the forest, his hands were covered with bloodstains.

Zhou Ruiyuan stopped in front of a big tree, turned around twice, and looked up and happened to see the jujube tree above his head.

The jujube tree was not big, but it was densely packed with ripe jujubes.

Zhou Ruiyuan was surprised and walked under the tree to pick fruits.

He grabbed five or six round fruits at a time, and soon Zhou Ruiyuan had picked a whole basket.

He was very happy to see the basket full of sour jujubes in front of him. His usually sharp and steady face now smiled like a child.

"Now Wanchun will have something to eat." Zhou Ruiyuan said to himself while carrying the basket and turned to walk down the mountain.

However, he had just taken two steps when he suddenly found something wrong with his feet, as if he had stepped on something.

Zhou Ruiyuan hurriedly stopped and looked down at what he had just stepped on. It was a piece of gold with a pointed head.

He frowned and squatted down to pick up the gold. This piece of gold was much larger than the one he picked up last time, and it was engraved with a complete word "Lu".

It was a complete gold ingot.

It looked like at least twenty taels, which would be two hundred taels of silver.

After Zhou Ruiyuan took it in his hand and looked at it, he slowly put it in his arms and started looking around again.

However, this time, just like last time, nothing was found.

Zhou Ruiyuan gradually understood that the housekeeper Sun had hidden the gold ingots scattered all over the mountain.

After thinking about it, he raised his head slightly and looked into the distance, his eyes full of joy.

As night was approaching, Zhou Ruiyuan immediately returned home with the sour dates and gold.

Aunt Zhou took the gold handed over by Zhou Ruiyuan and looked at it left and right, and said in shock: "Yes, this gold is ours. I didn't expect there is still some on this mountain."

Zhou Ruiyuan nodded lightly and said: "It seems that there should be a lot on the mountain. What are you going to do with this ingot of gold, mother?"

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