The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Han Yaner was dressed in men's clothes and had a high ponytail, looking heroic.

Zhou Feng pulled the reins tight and was startled by her sudden appearance, "Miss Han, why are you here?"

Han Yaner sat down next to him and said, "I originally wanted to buy incense from your shop, but I happened to run into someone sent by the Yuan family to kill you, so I followed you all the way."

Zhou Feng hurriedly thanked her, "Thank you, Miss Han."

He said, turning around and preparing to return to the capital.

Han Yaner hurriedly called him, "Manager Zhou, what are you doing?"

Zhou Feng said seriously, "I'll take you back now."

Han Yaner grabbed the reins in his hand and smiled, "No need to go back, I'll go to Qingzhou Prefecture with you."

Zhou Feng frowned slightly, "You want to go to Qingzhou Prefecture with me?"

Han Yaner raised her head and looked forward, "Yes, Qingzhou Prefecture is not far ahead anyway, I just happened to go to Zheng Zhifu's house to see Miss Zheng Er."

Zhou Feng saw that she was going to Zheng Zhifu's house, and gradually relaxed, turned the carriage back again, and continued to rush towards Qingzhou Prefecture.

When the sun came out, the two entered the city.

Zhou Feng put Han Yaner at the door of Zheng Zhifu and hurried back to Cheng'an County.

That day, Zhou Feng came back just in time, and the Zhou family's new incense shop had just opened.

Du Wanchun and Zhou Ruiyuan took the Liu family's daughter-in-law to greet guests at the door.

Zhou Feng was just passing by, but Du Wanchun saw him from a distance and waved at him, saying, "Second brother!"

Zhou Feng looked towards her immediately after hearing her voice.

Du Wanchun took two steps forward and said, "This way!"

After hearing this, Zhou Feng drove the carriage to the door of the shop.

He looked inside the shop again and again, "Sister-in-law, is this the new shop we opened?"

Du Wanchun saw that he was exhausted, and greeted him into the house, smiling, "Yes, second brother, you are back just in time. Let's go and see our new shop."

The new shop was twice as big as before, and Zhou Feng was so happy that he even forgot to take the tea brought by the Liu family's wife.

Zhou Ruiyuan coughed softly, "Second brother, have a cup of tea first. You have been traveling all night and you are tired."

Zhou Feng took the tea and continued to look inside the shop.

The shop was full of ready-made incense. He picked some and smelled them, then smiled and said, "Mother has made new incense. I will bring more back to the capital when I return."

Du Wanchun brought some cakes from the inner room, "Mother and I made a lot of incense, enough for you to take to the capital, but second brother, it's not good to let you run like this. You have to transfer money and find an escort agency to send it, otherwise it's easy to get into trouble on the road."

After she finished speaking, her eyes happened to fall on the carriage.

There was still blood on the carriage that had not been wiped dry.

Zhou Ruiyuan also saw it, and the two of them quickly took Zhou Feng to the inner room and asked Liu's wife to be busy outside.

"Second brother, what's the matter with the blood on your carriage?" Zhou Ruiyuan asked Zhou Feng directly.

Zhou Feng did not hide anything and told Zhou Ruiyuan and Du Wanchun everything about the assassination on the road. He also told his guess, "I guess it's the Yuan family. They rely on being the nephew of Concubine Wu to dominate the capital, bully the good and fear the evil. Basically, no one dares to open an incense shop in the capital except their family."

Du Wanchun listened in confusion and asked, "Yuan family? I don't think I've heard of it."

Zhou Feng hurriedly said, "The Yuan family used to learn to make incense from my grandmother. Later, they used our family's recipe to open an incense shop in the capital. It became a hit in the capital. Later, Concubine Wu came to power, and they relied on this relationship to monopolize the entire incense shop business in the capital."

Du Wanchun suddenly realized, sat down slowly, and her eyes became low. She thought to herself that such a family really shouldn't have such overwhelming wealth.

As she thought about it, a cold wind suddenly blew outside the house, making the windows clang.

Zhou Ruiyuan turned sideways to close the window, and said to Zhou Feng sternly: "This Yuan family is so lawless, next time you meet them, you must not be soft-hearted."

Zhou Feng nodded in response, "Of course, next time even if their Yuan Lao Ye comes, I will chop off his head directly."

If you are not ruthless, they will only be more ruthless. The four of them, mother and son, understood this truth three years ago.

Du Wanchun thought about it and looked towards the shop in the outer room, "Second brother, since the Yuan family uses the recipe of your grandmother's family, then are there some similarities between the incense they make and the incense of our Zhou family?"

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