After the incident, the two sides were in chaos.

Miss Xu left the Yuan family's incense shop angrily.

The shopkeeper of the Yuan family quickly took the stinking incense dew to the Yuan Mansion.

After Master Yuan knew about this, he immediately took the scented dew in his hand and smelled it, then immediately covered his nose with his sleeve, "What the hell is this?!"

The shopkeeper of the Yuan family lowered his head and replied: "Master, this is the new jasmine scented dew from our mansion."

Master Yuan's brows were wrinkled into a knot, "How is it possible? This smell is just like stinky dog ​​shit."

The shopkeeper of the Yuan family sighed, "This scented dew is really ours. If you don't believe it, take a look at these. They were all sent to the shop from the mansion early this morning."

After that, he spread all the scented dew he brought on the ground.

Master Yuan was stunned by what he saw. After looking at it for a long time, he quickly got up and asked the housekeeper behind him: "Quick, take me to the scented room!"

There is a particularly large scented room in the backyard of the Yuan family, which has many planted flowers and plants, and several boilers for refining scented dew.

"Yes, Master." The housekeeper quickly helped Master Yuan to the backyard.

As soon as a group of people walked to the door of the incense room, they smelled a rotten stench.

The servants who were working in the incense room also rushed out.

The housekeeper quickly stopped one of them and asked, "What's wrong? What happened in the incense room?"

The servant covered his nose and retched, "Housekeeper, the incense room, whether it is finished or not, has a stench. We really can't stay here."

"Stink?" The housekeeper and Mr. Yuan were confused, "Why is there a stench?"

Mr. Yuan was a little unconvinced, and pushed the housekeeper away and said, "I'll go in and take a look."

The housekeeper covered his nose and frowned, "Master, it's too smelly in there, let's not go in."

"No, go, I'll see who is playing tricks in my incense room." After Mr. Yuan said that, he strode forward.

Mr. Yuan rushed to the front and strode into the incense room.

The inside of the incense room looked the same as usual, nothing unusual.

It just smelled bad.

And it was a rotten meat smell that was unbearable.

As soon as Master Yuan walked in, he kept retching, and could only block his nose with a handkerchief in his hand to barely walk in.

He looked through all the spices and found no mold.

Even the newly picked petals were still blooming beautifully.

The boiler used to steam the incense dew was also cleaned very cleanly without any stains.

As he walked in, the stench inside became stronger and stronger.

Master Yuan couldn't stand it anymore, so he took some incense dew, petals, and incense powder that had not been prepared yet, and left the incense room.

The housekeeper lay outside the courtyard door and vomited heavily.

Master Yuan's face turned pale, and when he walked to the front yard, he gasped for breath.

At this time, the eldest son of the Yuan family came and hurriedly walked to his side and whispered: "Dad, the people we sent to assassinate the boy from the Zhou family died on the way. It seems that they were discovered by the boy from the Zhou family."

Mr. Yuan threw the things in his hand at Mr. Yuan and shouted angrily: "Don't worry about the boy from the Zhou family for now, take a look at this."

Mr. Yuan took the spices and petals thrown by Mr. Yuan, After smelling it, he frowned, "Dad, what is this? It stinks so bad?"

Master Yuan pointed at him with shaking hands and said, "It's the perfume and spices in our perfume room! When I woke up this morning, they all stink!"

Young Master Yuan was stunned and smelled the things in his hand again and again, "How could this happen? When I went to the perfume room yesterday, everything inside was still fine."

Master Yuan snorted coldly and said, "How do I know why? You have been taking care of the perfume room all this time!"

Young Master Yuan frowned and said slowly, "Dad, don't worry, let me check. Someone must have put something in our perfume and spices. When I find out, I will not let them go!"

This Young Master Yuan can be said to have inherited the true teachings of Master Yuan. He is cruel and ruthless. He likes to hook up with some decent women outside.

However, he never married them.

In the end, some were even beaten to death.

Human life is worthless in his eyes.

After listening to Young Master Yuan's advice, Master Yuan sighed and said, "Okay, go check first. After checking, clean up all the fragrance dew in the fragrance room. Close the shop for a few days and wait for the new fragrance dew to be made before reopening it.


Young Master Yuan nodded and said, "Okay, Dad."

Master Yuan sighed and stepped on the stinking petals on the ground.

As soon as the Yuan family's fragrant dew closed, the business of the Zhou family's shop became better and better.

Zhou Feng returned to Chengyang County these days, and the business of the shop was handed over to a new clerk. This clerk was quite honest. He was introduced to him by Young Master Fang. He usually wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and looked gentle, but his temper was very strong.

As soon as Zhou Feng left, the Yuan family sent people to make trouble, but they were all blocked by him.

Now that the Yuan family had something wrong, they didn't want to trouble them anymore.

He began to concentrate on doing business. Before Zhou Feng came back, the incense in their shop was about to be sold out.

In Changliu Village, thousands of miles away from the capital.

In the Zhou family, because Zhou Feng was back, the family immediately moved to a new home.

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