Under the mural, the three siblings had different expressions, Hela was happy, Thor and Loki were confused.

"This is the truth." Hela said happily to her brother: "Asgard is the conqueror of the nine realms, not a nanny."

Johnny thought that both murals were the truth, one was the truth about expansion, and the other was the truth about maintaining the order of the nine realms, but they were different times and different policies. In other words, Thor and Loki would be shocked if they didn't look at history.

"Your Majesty is mighty. Seeing His Majesty's murals really makes me tremble from the depths of my soul. Fifteen hundred years ago, His Majesty's power was imprinted in my heart through time and space. His Majesty has unified the universe for thousands of years. ." Johnny Lan flattered him wildly.

"Hahaha, wizard, you are very sensible." Hela enjoyed flattering.

"Thank you for the compliment, Your Majesty."

Loki thought that he, the god of deceit, would be defeated in front of shameless Johnny.

"Go to the treasure house, it's time to awaken my true power." Hela entered the treasure house, but found it empty.

Loki definitely knew that the treasure trove was emptied by Johnny, but Thor didn't know. He was dumbfounded. Where were the contents of the treasure trove? He looked at Loki unkindly.

Loki kept a straight face, pretending he didn't know.

It has not been completely moved, the dangerous Space gem still remains in Asgard, because Thanos will come looking for it soon. This is also the reason why Johnny came to help Hela. As long as it is delayed for a while, Hela will naturally meet Thanos. At that time, we will have to see whether Hela with the blessing of Asgard is more powerful or Thanos with the Infinite Gems.

Hela didn't care at all, all she cared about was the Eternal Fire, and the fire was still there.

"Not bad." Hela grabbed a fire and said to Thor: "You two, smash open the floor."

Loki said: "Brother, this is strength work, you do it."

Although he didn't know why he smashed the floor, for the safety of his people, Thor had no choice but to do it.

Picking up an ordinary two-handed hammer, he hammered it hard, and finally opened a hole. A gloomy wind came from the ground, and there was a more arrogant space underground.

Thor and Loki grew up here, and they didn't know there was such a space under the palace.

"It's time for you to see the true power." Hela jumped directly. The underground space was at least five hundred meters deep.

Hela smashed the Eternal Fire on the floor, and a three-ring pattern was lit. This is the three rings representing death, wisdom, and destiny, and is also the original symbol of Odin.

There are also three rings on the broken hammer.

When Asgard expanded, it used three rings as its symbol. The artifacts of that period all had the three-ring pattern on them.

It is also found on the floor, indicating that the underground space was also established at that time and has a long history.

"What's in there?" Thor asked, looking into the dark cave.

Loki said: "Whatever it is, it's definitely not good."

The flames turned from orange to blue and seemed to spread. The underground space was illuminated, and everyone saw that it was full of corpses. This is an ancient tomb, where Asgard's dead warriors long ago were buried, as well as Hela's mount, the demon wolf Fenrir.

"The Eternal Fire will give you new life." Hela infused the blue Eternal Fire into the corpse.

Johnny thought to himself that this is the power of death, and it is indeed beautiful. The two forces of death and eternity integrate into the flame of resurrection. Hela can do this because she has the same magical affinity as Wulu metal.

Hela integrates two opposing forces through her own ability. It is not white magic or black magic, but affinity. No wonder even Odin can't do anything to her. As long as there is Wulu metal, she will not be defeated.

Moreover, her affinity will become stronger and stronger, and her magic power will continue to increase.

"The Horrible Queen," Johnny said.

Thor and Loki were dumbfounded when they saw the undead army. They didn't expect that there was a cemetery underground, and Hela played with death and resurrected the undead.

"This is not terrible. This is punishable by heaven. It is a crime that violates the laws of nature." Although Thor is a big fool, he also knows that death should not be reversed, and he also knows that the universe has its own laws.

Loki thought that he was a human being at best, but this Hela could cheat death.

Seeing his crazy sister, Thor no longer knew whether he could Awaken Odin's power and whether he could really defeat such an enemy.

Hela's undead army has returned to Asgard. Johnny cannot feel their souls, they are just controlled puppets, but they can use the Fighting Ability they had during their lifetime.

Such powerful magic is provided by Asgard. Because Asgard has a lot of Urulium metal, too much. It's in the mountains, it's in the water, it's in the sea, it's all made of Wulu metal

These metals continuously provide magic power, allowing Hela to gain a power zone that is not inferior to the power of Li Gongshen.

However, there is also a disadvantage, that is, Hela cannot leave Asgard, and she will not be able to release her full power if she leaves. Unlike Odin, who has full power wherever he goes.

"Your Majesty, this is the division of forces in the universe." Johnny took out a map of the universe and roughly gave several areas.

"This area is the Kree planet. They used to be very powerful, but because the Kree planet's artificial intelligence 'Supreme Intelligence' was destroyed by Captain Marvel, it led to the Fixed Star crisis and endless civil war. But even so, the Kree planet's technology and The military strength cannot be ignored. Kree had cooperated with Thanos before, but later the cooperation broke down and they went their separate ways." Johnny introduced Hela to the current situation of the universe and provided her with the direction of expansion.

Thor asked Loki quietly: "How does he know the information?"

"I think he must have established a relationship with the Pantheon and found out about it from the Pantheon." Loki knew that Johnny had already been to the Pantheon, so he probably found out about it from there.

Hela listened with a serious expression. This is an extremely vast universe, more exciting than the Nine Realms. In the past, she and Odin mainly fought for the Nine Realms. At that time, even the Giants of Jotunheim were powerful opponents. It can be seen that Asgard's level in the universe is only in the middle and upper reaches, and it is not invincible.

"This is the sphere of influence of Chitauri. They are Thanos' loyal lackeys and have been helping Thanos conquer the planet." Thanos also gave them a lot of autonomy, and they were very arrogant. But originally his strength was average, not an exaggeration. "

"This is Xandar, the territory of the Nova Corps. They advocate order and have united many aliens. However, their main opponents are the Kree. They have more time to defend and less time to expand."

"This is the Collector. Based on the skull of the god, he extracted the precious bone marrow from the skull of the god, established his own power, and collected a lot of goodies. The skull of the god is also one of the gathering places for predators, and the predators are also a force that cannot be ignored. Power." "There is also Gao Tianzun. His planet is located near a singularity. Time and space are different from the outside world. He relies on the debris of the hand universe absorbed by the singularity to develop himself. He runs his own casino and arena."

There is a wormhole near Gao Tianzun's planet, and there is a neutron star in the wormhole. The collapse of the neutron star in the wormhole leads to a singularity. This singularity is like the vortex of the wormhole, sucking in things from the universe.

At the same time, due to the singularity, the time on the planet where Gao Tianzun is located is different from the time outside. (Li Ma Zhao) After five hours on Gao Tianzun's planet, it may have been five years outside.

"There is also the superhero Captain Marvel, a weapon originally made by the Kree. It is very dangerous. She has been running rampant in the universe, causing trouble everywhere, causing a lot of tragedies." Johnny said.

An earthling who wants to spread universal values ​​in the universe is as crazy as Emperor Hui of Jin who said, "Why not eat minced meat?" Each planet has its own cultural customs and development laws. If an earthling with super ability insists on aliens accepting the values ​​of earthlings, that is almost like murder.

Captain Marvel is indeed causing trouble in the universe, causing many civilizations to suffer.

Hela also felt a little heavy when she saw that one person could fight against a civilization. The universe is indeed different from before, with more and more powerful people.

"This is the Supreme Evolution, a mad scientist obsessed with modifying animal genes and changing biological instincts. He has done many biological experiments, and his destructive power is mainly the transformation of living things. He can often turn the planet into a testing site. Once the experiment fails , just destroy the planet." Johnny continued to introduce: "Finally, let me introduce this..."

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