Johnny said that since he is a capitalist, he should not be afraid of hanging street lights, and he should sell the bullets that hit him at a good price.

Tony was speechless, wasn't he a capitalist? But now he couldn't control Johnny, because Johnny had already made a lot of money some time ago, and he could go out and make whatever changes he wanted. When the wings are hard, there is no need to obey at all.

Tony now understands his father's feelings more and more. When he was in the rebellious period, his father must have been so uncomfortable. No matter what he said, the other party didn't listen. It was obvious that he was doing it for Johnny's own good.

In the end, Tony could only sigh: "It's about teaching people things, not people teaching people. You can do it yourself."

"I'll definitely be careful. By the way, I'm going to the southwest desert for a few days." Johnny said.

"What to do?"

"I heard from the S.H.I.E.L.D agent that a hammer appeared in the desert a few days ago. It was very heavy and no one could lift it. I went to take a look." Johnny said.

"Are you in contact with the agent?" Tony has just joined S.H.I.E.L.D. He hasn't met many people yet, and he feels that Johnny is better at socializing than him.

"There is indeed a connection with 06."

"Are they not leaking secrets?"

"Definitely forget it, so I have to keep the agent who disclosed the information secret." Johnny said, "Okay, I'll leave first."

"Wear a steel suit?" Tony asked, still caring about his younger brother. That's how he is, if the other person is someone he doesn't like, his attitude is a bit arrogant. But as long as he is recognized as one of his own, he will dig deep into his heart.

"It's too high-profile, take a private plane." Johnny said.

"It's definitely much more low-key." Tony said.

Johnny also has his own private jet. It originally belonged to President Hammer, but all his properties were transferred, including a private jet.

In fact, you can use the portal, but Johnny has to behave like a normal rich man. He can't always be luxuriant and spend money when he should be extravagant.

Set off.

The private plane flew all the way to the city on the edge of the desert, and then Johnny used the portal to go to the place where the hammer fell.

Thor Thor has been exiled by his father because he rashly started a war with the Giants of Jotunheim. The problem is that they can't be defeated, so Odin has to personally rescue people.

Returning to Asgard, Odin exiled his son to Earth.

At the moment Thor does not have the power of Awakening Odin, and his power relies entirely on the artifact hammer. Once Odin sealed the hammer, Thor was trapped.

The hammer has been controlled by S.H.I.E.L.D.

Johnny arrived at the makeshift facility and was immediately surrounded by S.H.I.E.L.D agents.

"I'm looking for Hawkeye," Johnny said.

Soon Hawkeye appeared and immediately said to the agent: "They are with me, let them in."

In addition to Johnny, there is also his personal bodyguard Amy Fan.

"Good brother, long time no see. How are you doing?"

"It's okay." Hawkeye said.

It turns out that it was Hawkeye who revealed information to Johnny, and they met while Johnny was traveling around the world. Hawkeye is a super agent who performs tasks around the world. He met Johnny in South America. At that time, Hawkeye was performing a mission to investigate a dangerous virus, while Johnny was learning about the indigenous culture there.

They team up to take on a necromancer. That was the first time Hawkeye saw magic, and the first time he saw Johnny's methods. Later, the two kept in touch, and Hawkeye gradually learned that Johnny was an expert in magic and was known as a magic lawyer in the industry.

When it comes to magic, I'm sure Johnny is right.

Hawkeye definitely did not report Johnny's matter to the director. On the one hand, he felt that magic was too weird, and on the other hand, it was because of Johnny's request for confidentiality. Hawkeye is still very loyal.

"Let me see where the magic hammer is." Johnny said.

"I'll take you."

Hawkeye took Johnny to the center of the facility, where there was a crater, and inside was the hammer.

The pit is huge, two meters deep.

Johnny saw the Asgard artifact, which was made of Uru metal and the core of a white dwarf star. This thing was 100 million times more powerful than the magical artifacts on Earth.

It made him drool and salivate.

"This is it. Scientists have tried various methods to detect it, but to no avail, so I thought it might be a magic item and contacted you. Do you know it?" Hawkeye said.

"I definitely know Mjolnir of Asgard, also known as Mjolnir." Johnny said.

"The expert is indeed an expert. The scientist has not analyzed the reason at all. You can tell its origin at a glance." Hawkeye was impressed. He saw Johnny fighting with the necromancer with his own eyes and knew Johnny's strength: "This thing, We've all tried it, but it's as if it's rooted and we can't lift it at all. Why is that?"

"The important thing is not the original hammer, but the magic on the hammer." Johnny said: "The magic locks the space, so it cannot be moved, but as long as it is recognized by the hammer, the hammer is very light and can even take an elevator."

"I knew it must be magic." Hawkeye said that he was right. Anyway, if you encounter such a weird thing, it must be magic.

"You don't have to think magic is incredible. In fact, as long as you believe in the impossible, you can master magic." Johnny knew that the first step to mastering magic was to believe in magic, but many people failed at this step.

"I guess I don't have the ability to learn magic." Hawkeye said: "Then why does Thor's hammer appear here?"

"I don't know about this. According to my research, the gods of all civilizations on the earth are real, so Odin, Thor, and Loki also exist. Maybe something happened to Asgard, so the artifact dropped in here."

"Do all gods exist? What about God?"

"He definitely exists, and both heaven and hell exist. Gods are equivalent to lords. They usually control part of the material universe and part of the spiritual space as their own territory. For example, Odin's Nine Realms include matter. The planets in the universe, the Soul castle in the spiritual world, and part of the territory of hell. The same is true for God, who has part of the material realm and the spiritual realm.

It feels like a heavenly book.

"Johnny Stark, and the Abomination?!" While Hawkeye was chatting with Johnny, Phil Phil Coulson came over. He is the director's right-hand man, and this time Mjolnir is fully in charge of him.

He saw Hawkeye bringing an outsider over and found out that they were both acquaintances. One is Iron Man's younger brother, and the other is the abomination who fought against Hulk.

"He's Emil, my bodyguard." Johnny said, "Agent Phil Coulson, long time no see."

"It's unmistakable, he is Abomination, Emil is his name before he became Abomination. He is an extremely dangerous person." Phil Coulson knew the identity of the other party very well.

In fact, Hawkeye also knows, but he believes that even hatred is no match for Johnny.

Phil Coulson's mind was full of questions. S.H.I.E.L.D's main focus was on Tony, and it never paid attention to Johnny. But Johnny was obviously not ordinary, so he couldn't help but ask: "Hawkeye, can you explain it?"

Hawkeye glanced at Johnny, and after seeing the other's look of agreement, he explained how the two met: "We met in a Mayan village. At that time, I was tracking a batch of dangerous biochemical agents, but I found out that the agent was actually a It was produced by a wizard. At that time, the wizard attacked me with magic, but Johnny appeared and saved my life. Johnny is also called a magic lawyer and a magician.

"..." Phil Coulson looked unbelieving, as if he was making up lies with more care. .

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