Johnny smiled and said: "Yes, it's magic. I think I almost know what the Tesseract and Scepter are. I read about it in the magic book." He was ready to spoil the story: "In the universe explosion When there were six singularities, they later turned into six gems, called Infinite Gems, with unlimited power. Tesseract and scepter are just shells, and the inner part is Infinite Gems. If I guessed correctly, Tesseract is a Space gem. Scepter is the Mind Gem.”

Everyone said it was true or false, and Tony didn't expect that his brother would actually reveal the things in the magic book. He doesn't believe in magic, and if he does, with Tony's ability, it will only be a matter of time before he becomes the Sorcerer Supreme.

Natasha Romanoff asked: "So how do you get out of control?"

"Generally speaking, a big enough impact is enough. To put it simply, it is to give his brain a shock and let the other person's brain complete the restart." Johnny said.

Everyone was speechless. The brain is not a computer. If a computer fails, you can restart it. But if your brain fails, how do you restart it? You must use external force to restart it.

"Anyway, let's start with scepter." Tony and Banner began to study scepter.

Johnny is naturally connected to the Mind Gem. The power of the Mind Gem is very powerful. HYDRA uses it to activate the x gene and magic, which can activate the potential.

Finding a safe place, Johnny opened the portal in the toilet and connected to the data room. Normally no one would come here.

Sit cross-legged, float, and connect with Mind Gem.

Enter the innate and observe the gems in a state of nothingness.

Johnny can feel that Mind Gem can strengthen self-awareness and allow self-awareness to observe a broader dimension.

"It's amazing. Generally speaking, borrowed power does not change self-awareness. But Mind Gem does the opposite, focusing on self-awareness, strengthening self-awareness, and allowing yourself to discover power." "Be able to discover power. , can borrow power, sometimes the power has been borrowed, but the self-awareness has never been realized." Johnny knew that many people have the x gene in their bodies, but not everyone can Awakening the power.

This is not because there is no strength. Strength has been borrowed from the ancestors and has been inherited. But future generations will not be able to discover the power, let alone use it.

So how can we discover power? We need to strengthen our self-awareness and expand our thinking, so that we can discover things that we have not discovered before.

This is what Mind Gem can do. There is definitely a certain danger in this, because once the mind expands, some dangerous ideas may be born.

The self will change with the expansion of cognition, just like the thinking of ten years old has changed by the age of twenty, and it is different by the age of thirty...

"People think differently at different stages. There is no need to be afraid of change, just embrace the Mind Gem." Johnny knows that fear of change will prevent progress. It is impossible for a person to remain unchanged, and it is impossible to maintain a child's thinking pattern forever.

When I was a kid, my kids loved Ultraman winning battles. When I grow up, in addition to liking Ultraman, I also like monsters, beautiful team members and beautiful villains. I also like the excellent plots in it, and even like Ultraman being tortured.

When I was a child, simple victory was enough to satisfy me. But as I grow up, it becomes more and more difficult to satisfy, and the requirements become more and more strange.

Embracing the Mind Gem, Johnny's self-awareness is constantly being rewritten and expanded. This feeling is wonderful. Things that have not been discovered before are revealed one after another, overlooking the secrets of genes and looking up at the radiation of the universe.

However, Johnny is a time traveler after all, and does not have the X gene in his body. The X gene is the result of experiments conducted by the gods on humans. There are also Kree people who conduct experiments on humans. They are Inhumans and see the reasons behind others.

These mutated genes are the keys to borrowing power. If you can find them, you can borrow power. If you can't find them, your life will be ordinary.

Johnny floats inside the database, ending strengthening. The structure of self-consciousness has been reconstructed by Mind Gem, from a piece of Chaos to a set of ultra-high-speed consciousness networks, and all aspects have been strengthened.

Although Johnny's appearance has not changed, his inside has been transformed, and his mastery of power has reached a new level.

As Ultron said, when humans use Vibranium, they only think of making shields. In the past, when Johnny used power, he could only simply send waves, but now he can think of more skills.

"Strengthening the senses, it also strengthens the ability to observe the universe." Johnny knew that his consciousness construction was similar to Ultron's. Ultron is artificial intelligence plus Mind Gem "and Qiang must be human

Consciousness Mind Gem.

"Open!" Now Johnny can open the portal without the Sling Ring. He doesn't need to draw circles, he just needs to concentrate his consciousness. Replace Sling Ring with Observation.

Go back to the toilet first, then go to the laboratory (a GBg).

When I entered, I saw Tony and Captain America bickering. Captain America said earnestly: "Loki's thoughts are definitely not that simple, and his words may indicate something."

"I definitely know that he must be implying that S.H.I.E.L.D has secrets. They definitely have secrets. After I boarded the ship, J.A.R.V.I.S was breaking through S.H.I.E.L.D's firewall. In a few hours, all their shady secrets will be exposed to me."

"I'm not talking about investigating S.H.I.E.L.D. I'm just saying that he wants to sow discord between us. If you do this, you are playing into his hands. The most important thing for us now is to find the Rubik's Cube and stop Loki. We need to concentrate."

Tony said unhappily: "Who's walking around in a costume now and can't do anything to help?"

Banner also said: "Captain, don't you think your uniform is a little strange?" He also thought Captain America's uniform was flashy.

"This is called drama. Heroes exist to inspire courage in others, not for their own dignity. I think Captain America also knows that he is dressed in fancy clothes. He once felt that he was a monkey, but he overcame it because he Knowing that everyone needs to quickly accept him through the uniform. The uniform is a contract and a flag. When he wears it, it means that he will not forget his mission, and it means that everyone can trust him." Johnny has to say a few words of justice for Captain America, Because Captain America didn't accept the uniform at the beginning, but now he is used to it.

Tony was speechless, where did this brother come from? "Wearing a uniform doesn't mean he is a hero, he will mess up one day." He said.

Captain America glanced at Johnny gratefully, and then went out to find the secret of S.H.I.E.L.D. S.H.I.E.L.D must have a secret. It is not just studying the energy that brings light and heat, but also studying other things.

Hopefully they're not trying to weaponize the Rubik's Cube.

As soon as Captain America left, Tony said to his brother: "How can you speak for him?"

"Because Captain America did not wear costumes from the beginning. During the war years, everyone needed him to wear costumes and bring hope through drama. I am not speaking for him, I am just seeking truth from facts. Just like the adoptive father always uses Captain America says the same thing. It's not that he really doesn't know Captain America's shortcomings, but that he needs a perfect Captain America to inspire you to make progress. You can't transfer your dissatisfaction with the education method to Captain America."

"I think he's right." Banner also understood and supported Johnny.

Tony curled his lips and said: "Dr. Banner, you were exposed to fatal gamma rays, but you are alive now. I think Hulk may have saved you. Since you can become friends with Johnny

Maybe become friends with Hulk too. 17

"I can't control him," Banner said.

"Maybe you can talk." Tony said unforgivingly.

Johnny walked in front of the scepter. He had completed the transformation of his self-awareness and strengthened his observation ability. Johnny could discover the magic in the scepter. In addition to the Mind Gem, the scepter was originally a magic weapon made of a variety of metals, which could make the Mind Gem changes the enemy's self-awareness according to the needs of the scepter, which is referred to as manipulating people's hearts.

However, this control is not stable and can be repaired by restarting the brain. .

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