The number of enemies decreases, the passage opens, and Tony can pass through.

"Thank you very much." Tony felt that the old saying about father and son going into battle and fighting a tiger as brothers was indeed true. The brothers worked together to make the most of their wealth, and in the end, they were able to bring an end to the war.

Boom! Turn with all your strength, push the nuclear bomb high into the sky, Tony rushes into the universe carrying the nuclear bomb, even if the energy is not enough, it doesn't matter, he has to protect this city.

Entering the universe, he saw the spaceship in the distance. Tony let go and let the nuclear bomb perform on its own.

"Zero energy!" said J.A.R.V.I.S.

Tony could only go with the flow.

Boom, the nuclear bomb contacted the spacecraft and caused an explosion.

Johnny immediately closed the portal and stabbed the scepter into the Tesseract. The portal disappeared, but Tony fell from a high altitude without slowing down.

"He didn't slow down~!" Captain America said.

Johnny knew at a glance that the Iron Man had no energy, so he opened the portal under the free-falling Iron Man, and then opened a horizontal portal on the ground.

Change Tony's falling speed to a horizontal speed so that he won't fall.

I have to say that magic is really powerful, allowing kinetic energy to directly change one direction. It was originally a vertical kinetic energy, but it turned into horizontal kinetic energy, and there was no loss in the process. It can be said that "physics does not exist"

Tony had tried his best to change the direction of the nuclear bomb's kinetic energy. And Johnny only needs to adjust the angle of the portal to change the direction of Tony's kinetic energy.

Bang, Tony rolled a few times on the ground and stopped.

Johnny is not worried at all, because Tony has also been strengthened and has super strong ability to resist beating. It's impossible to fall to death at this speed.

Everyone was dumbfounded. Is this okay? Many people saw magic for the first time, and they didn't expect that there was such a way to save people.

As the portal closed, a large number of Chitauri soldiers fell.

Tony was fine as expected, and Captain America breathed a sigh of relief. Next is the ending: "Has anyone seen Loki? Capture him and gather at Stark Tower."

Hulk grabbed Loki and beat him up severely.

"Brother, is your electricity okay?" Johnny flew over and asked.

"There is still a little bit of electricity applied. It will definitely be fine to maintain life, but the steel suit can't move. Please help me take it off." Tony is motionless now [the steel suit has lost its warmth.

"I'll take you to the building first."

Support Tony and fly into the building.

Although the battle is over, the city is severely damaged and devastated. There are buildings destroyed by aliens everywhere, and there are many wounded and decedent.

The human building is just like tofu. It collapses when it is said to collapse, and many people have no time to escape.

The Avengers were the heroes in the battle, resisting the aliens and closing the portal, but there are still a lot of things to deal with next.

First of all, the Mind Gem scepter disappeared. It was obviously handed over to the S.H.I.E.L.D agent, but it disappeared soon. Isn't this a joke? But it disappeared because it was taken away by the HYDRA agent.

Then the Avengers decided that the Tesseract was too dangerous and should be sent to Asgard. Definitely Loki, the war criminal, can't stay on Earth either.

Although he failed, Lu Ji was still talkative and obviously confident, knowing that Thor would not let him die.

This temporary team formation was considered a success, but I don't know if they will be needed again in the future.

"Dr. Banner, stay and study together." Tony sincerely invited Dr. Banner to stay and study technology together.

Banner also accepted it.

This time, many parts of the Stark Building were destroyed and needed to be renovated.

Thor took Loki and the Space gem away, Tony and Banner conducted new research, and Hawkeye and Black Widow returned to S.H.I.E.L.D to continue their agent lives.

Captain America has completed his first mission after waking up, and there are more missions waiting for him.

"Director Nick Fury, Avengers made a big fuss, and then the universe will know how powerful the people on Earth are." said the executive.

"It should be like this." The director originally wanted to make people in space fear people on earth.

"Where are the Avengers now?"

"They left and went their separate ways," the director said.

"If we continue to encounter crises, will they come back?"

"It will definitely happen," the director said, "because they are heroes."

The war is over, but the aftermath of the alien invasion will be felt for decades to come.

"Johnny, I didn't expect you to really have magic. I should have discovered it a long time ago. If something is broken at home, an exact replacement will appear soon. At first, I thought you bought it from an antique store. Now I think you repaired it with magic." Tony had already experienced the magic of magic and couldn't help but ask Banner.

"Magician is really good at keeping secrets. Even Tony doesn't know your secret." Banner said.

"Actually, it's because you are scientists, so when you encounter some mysterious phenomena, you will use science to explain it. It's not that I keep it secret, but that you refuse to believe in magic. Even now, you have experienced magic, but you still don't believe it in your heart. Yes, you should try to explain it scientifically." Johnny said: "As long as you maintain this idea, you will not be able to understand magic."


"I believe magic can be explained scientifically, it just takes some time." Tony said.

Banner thinks so too.

Johnny knew that it was impossible to become a magician with such a mentality, but he didn't blame them, after all, they were scientists.

Next, Tony and Banner will study some technologies to restrain the Hulk and jointly develop anti-Hulk armor.

At the same time, Tony will also build a laboratory for Banner so that Banner can continue his research. It is best to build this laboratory in a remote place so that even if Hulk transforms, he cannot harm others.

There is a lot to do.

Tony's research on the steel suit also began to become more and more radical, because he felt threatened and felt that enemies might appear at any time in the vast universe. If he doesn't build a more powerful steel suit, he won't be able to protect the city and his lover.


So more and stronger steel suits are needed.

Johnny, on the other hand, was happily making money. The more money, the better. Because of the preparations made in advance, Hammer Industries made a lot of money right away. At the same time, the military is also very interested in unmanned weapons, and Xiayi is purchasing them on a large scale.

Drones shine in wars. If there were not a large number of drones in this battle, it would definitely be more difficult. Hammer Industries' drones prove a feasible solution for future wars, which is to replace soldiers with drones. This is very valuable practical experience.

Hammer Industries replaced Stark Group as the number one military industrial enterprise, changing the way war is fought. More drone weapons will appear on the next battlefield.

Johnny also frequently appears on TV screens and on the covers of magazines. Although he is not a genius, he is also a billionaire. There were a lot of invitations to parties and even a lot of secret societies.

"This is Freemasonry, this is Brotherhood, this is Illuminati, they are all secret societies with a long history." Idris said: "I suggest you should join one."

Johnny knew that these societies were platforms for alliances between new capitalists and old capitalists, and places where everyone discussed how to divide the spoils. Everyone is worried that Hammer Industries is expanding too fast, so I hope Johnny can join them to talk about future development.

"Why not all participate?" Johnny knew that capitalists were not stupid and would not hang themselves from a big tree. Different clubs could actually participate at the same time.

"If you feel it is necessary, you can definitely participate in them all. However, joining the secret society will definitely require you to submit a certificate, and you will need to leave some scandals." Idris said: "Maybe a lolita will be prepared for you."

"Tsk, tsk." Johnny thought to himself that he didn't have such a hobby. .

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