Thousands of people requested souvenirs and small gifts to be put on the shelves

Zhang Yida is not only a news media reporter.

He is also a review blogger with half a million followers.

After discovering that Dora Technology’s small souvenirs have such incredible functions, I hurriedly updated the video.

This batch of small gifts are all made from the same model, all in the shape of a small teacup dog, and the color is uniformly white.

“Family, who knows? A technology company is so arrogant as to give out smart products as gifts. What kind of magical company is this? Let’s learn more about it together.” ”

Everyone should know that my job, Lao Zhang, is… A reporter just happened to receive a call from a local technology company that was just established today. I

originally thought that I would just go through the motions, but in the end, my jaw was shocked and I watched the video together.”

He explained the excitement of the press conference. The performance was edited and paired with passionate sound effects, and comments exploded.

[Old Zhang, I’m very happy that you can update, but if you advertise so blatantly, I won’t like it]

[That’s right, I originally felt that you were a real person and stepped in for us, but now it seems that you are still no match for capital]

[No, can’t you just watch the video carefully before talking about it? I only watched the beginning and I am screaming at you]

[Old Zhang, I support you. If the goods you bring are them, I have no objection]

[Haha, no Wrong, after all, I also think that the quota of 50,000 is too small]

As the video played, they also understood why those people were so excited.

Dabai, oh, soft Dabai, I really like it.

The price of nearly 40,000 yuan is a bit expensive, but it is still acceptable. When I saw a voice-controlled puppy at the end of the video, I really couldn’t stand it.

They all went to the official website to leave messages, with millions of visitors.

[@多拉科技: Brother, that’s not how you think. Would you rather give away such an awesome elf than put it on the shelves for sale? 】

[@Dora Technology: The money is ready, hurry up and put it on the shelves]

[@Dora Technology: Boss, I have a friend who hopes to buy an elf before he dies]

Dora Technology, the boss’s office.

“It seems that our product launch was very successful. Netizens are full of expectations, but it seems that they pay much more attention to Pokemon than Dabai.”

Mu Lingxi read the messages from netizens. Said with a smile.

“It’s normal. Life is so stressful now. It’s normal to keep a pet to relieve your stress. If we didn’t have time to take care of it before, otherwise I would be a shit shovel.” ”

And Dabai, there are old people and children. The family should pay more attention,”

Wu Gaosheng said, stroking a blue cat in his hand.

“Haha, everything is based on data. We will see the results at eight o’clock tonight. Instruct the backstage staff not to make any mistakes tonight.” The Zhou clan still has great confidence in Dabai.



At this time.

His phone rang, and the caller ID was Zhang Han.

Mu Lingxi and Mu Lingxi looked at each other, stood up, signaled to the Zhou clan, and then exited the office.

The Zhou clan didn’t care.

“Hello, Sister Zhang?”

“Good boy, your company has shown its face today, and now your news is all over the Internet.”

Zhou Clan grinned, “Hey, Sister Zhang, don’t make fun of me, I’m in sales now The amount is zero.”

“You kid, just stay here in Versailles. Okay, I have business with you. Can this Dabai accept customization?”

When it came to business, the Zhou clan’s expression became serious, “Yes, yes, yes, I wonder what Sister Zhang wants to use it for?”

“Sweeping mines.”

The Zhou clan froze, this is no joke.

Now is a peaceful era, there is no war, but there are many problems left over from history, and landmines are one of them.

He thought for a while, and he didn’t want to do everything in a big way, stability was the way to go.

“I can’t guarantee it, I can only give it a try. I need to collect relevant data, and it’s best to arrange on-site observation.”

Zhang Han was silent for a moment. Military land cannot be entered casually, and must be applied to superiors.

“Understood, you are waiting for my news. I need to go through the process.”


After hanging up the phone, Zhou Zu rubbed his temples. This job is not that easy. If vinyl is still used as the material, it will be

slightly difficult. Be careful and get new.

“In the future, is there any news about the meteorite collector we contacted last time?” ”

He expressed his willingness to sell, but he asked for 5,000 yuan per gram, which is much higher than the market price.”

Zhou Clan raised his eyebrows, this guy If you really dare to speak, the price on the market is usually about 3,000 per gram.

“Forget it, at worst, we’ll discuss it with Sister Zhang and see if we can get some from her.”

Although he still has hundreds of millions of funds, he can’t squander it like this.

It looks like it’s getting late.

Zhou Clan went out with two Dabai and a Pokemon. He was going to pick up Duoduo from school.

I promised Wen Jin and Zhang Yin that they would be happy, but they couldn’t break their promise.

Drive a car out of the parking space. There are too many things today, so I won’t drive an eDonkey.

To prevent people from talking too much, the Zhou clan deliberately chose to go a few minutes later.

When passing a traffic light, I saw a green light on it.

The Zhou clan didn’t think much and drove straight past.

“Boss, apply the brakes. Something’s wrong. There’s another lane with a green light.”


Hearing the urgent sound of the future coming from the stereo, Zhou Clan instinctively stepped on the brakes, and the harsh brake sound suddenly sounded.

Fortunately, the Zhou family’s speed was not very fast and they stopped the car quickly.

The next moment, a loaded dump truck roared past the front of the Zhou clan.


The dump truck hit a taxi that was turning left. The taxi rushed straight onto the green belt until it hit a street light, causing the entire vehicle to be severely deformed.

People around were screaming and coming to save people, and some were calling the police.

Suddenly, Zhou Clan broke out in a cold sweat. If he hadn’t stopped just now and was hit by such a car, he would have been in danger.

“Future, what’s going on?”

“Still tracking, the traffic light network has been hacked.”

Zhou Clan’s eyes narrowed, and his coldness suddenly appeared. Could this person be here for him?

“The target has been locked. Do you want to call the police?”

As Future spoke, the target location was displayed on the on-board map.

Room 806, Building 4, Jindu Garden, Xining District.

This distance is not far from myself.

“In the future, keep an eye on him. Also, package the evidence and send it to Zhang Han.”

“Okay, the relevant evidence has been sent.”

At this moment, behind the Zhou family’s car, a black Overlord appeared on the left and right sides, blocking the road. It blocked the way forward and backward for the Zhou people.

“Boss, something is wrong. These people are here to target you.”

Without future reminders, the Zhou clan knew that these people’s target was themselves.

“In the future, please notify Captain Wang immediately for support and connect me with Duoduo.”


The dialing message appeared on the vehicle’s central control screen.

at the same time.

Dora Technology Armed Police Station.

Sirens sounded like crazy.

“The Zhou clan was attacked at the traffic light intersection of Zhengning Road, requesting support! Repeat, the Zhou clan was attacked at the traffic light intersection of Zhengning Road, requesting support!”

Wang Lin’s expression changed drastically, and he immediately gathered his team, ten people stayed behind, and the remaining The people took the guys and all went out.

Two police cars roared out, attracting many people’s attention.

“Duoduo, you and Teacher Wen are hiding now. You are not allowed to come out without my notice, do you hear me?”

Duoduo, who was waiting for her brother to arrive at the door, heard her brother’s roar and was momentarily stunned.

Seeing that she didn’t speak, Teacher Wen hurriedly picked up Duoduo and took her back to the kindergarten, not forgetting to ask Li Junhao to lock the door.

“Received, Zhou Clan, we have retreated to the garden and are in a safe state.”

“Okay, thank you, Teacher Wen. I will explain to you later. Wait for my news.”

After that, the communication ended.

While Zhou was talking on the phone, he stepped on the accelerator and tried to knock away the vehicle in front of him.

Puff puff puff puff!

There were four sounds in a row, and the car’s display showed that the vehicle’s tires were damaged.

“Damn it!”

Zhou Clan slapped the steering wheel angrily.

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