The Zhou clan’s surprising speech

“Thank you for your concern. As for everyone who wants to know whether the above video is true,

here is my clear answer. It is true. What I said is indeed what I said. One person does something and one person takes responsibility,

so don’t I went to expose our company’s young man on the Internet. He is not a temporary worker, but he has not been turned into a regular employee.

But just now, I have turned him into a regular employee.”

The video was recorded by the Zhou family in the office. Liu Yingxun’s apology made Liu Yingxun himself is at the forefront of the storm,

which is something he doesn’t want to see.

“What I said is not to say that I discriminate against those people, but I just hope that our bones can be stronger. I’m sorry,

maybe I spoke a bit harshly, and maybe my words were not so pleasant,

but I still have to say what I need to say, and I

won’t do it today. If I complain about injustice for others, who will complain for me tomorrow!

I firmly support the country’s big policy of One Belt and One Road. Who doesn’t want to live in a strong country?

I can understand if we provide certain support, train and introduce some international students, I I can understand that,

but what I don’t understand is, why can they enjoy such high treatment?

Come on, they are just here to study, not to enjoy the blessings. How can we spend money to hire an uncle?

60 billion U.S. dollars, almost 417.5 billion yuan , to introduce more than 100,000 international students, the cost per person is almost 4 million yuan,

not 400 yuan. How many people can earn 4 million yuan in their lifetime? I think it is very few. In

2021, the total investment in education funding nationwide is 5 More than 1.7 trillion yuan,

while the total number of students in the country is 291 million, with an average of less than 20,000 yuan per student. Comparing the data, the difference is huge!

We students, after ten years of hard study, have gone through countless hardships. After traveling thousands of miles, I finally got the opportunity to go to college.

The high tuition fees for a few years of college will deplete the wealth of many families.

Like some people, with just a touch of lip service, they introduced 60 billion international students.

I just want to Do you think you are a fool? There are many people in the Pearl River Delta with an income of 3,000 to 4,000 yuan.

There are also many who had to drop out of school at the age of 14 or 15 due to family poverty. Why don’t you donate all your income?

Love is a flower Don’t you feel bad about everyone’s money?

As the saying goes, it’s hard to take care of the poor, and it’s hard to save the poor in times of crisis!

You just save it, but why do you still want to support others for the rest of your life?

Gallic chicken, it’s a bloody lesson, if this continues , the blood of our descendants of the Yan and Huang Dynasties is in danger.

“Zhongshu·Liyue” Zeng said: Use benefits to make friends, and use benefits to break up!

I feel annoyed just thinking about it, Gan!

As for the matter of Max’s visit that you are concerned about, it is just a purely commercial matter It’s just cooperation,

and I have no thoughts of immigrating for the time being.

That’s it, goodbye!”

The video ended here, and the Zhou family’s domineering speech made everyone in an uproar.

[Wow, Boss Zhou is awesome, he really dares to say it! ! ]

[I just searched the data mentioned by Boss Zhou, and it turns out it is true. ]

[You may not believe it when I tell you, but I feel the aura of my grandfather’s generation in him, that kind of passion and iron-clad bones! ]

[ I have a question. Is he going a little too far? This is a strategic goal set by the above. It is not his turn as a businessman to evaluate it. ]

[Yes, who does he think he is? Even at the height of Lao Ma, he doesn’t dare to comment on national affairs.

I have to say that everyone is really confused! ]

[After all, young people don’t know what their last name is after they have achieved a little success. 】

【I’m afraid you are also a Moor, but if you are from the Dragon Kingdom,

you will not say this. Go and listen to what that expert said, and said, “This is the Black Continent that will never be forgotten in this life.” It’s disgusting to hear. ! ]

[That’s right, it’s so unforgettable, why are we still here? Just immigrate there. Oh, I understand, he must be here to dig up our roots! ]

[Brother, don’t get excited. I’ve thought about it. As ordinary people, it seems that we really don’t have the right to speak. Let’s just take it for granted. ]

[Yes, Boss Zhou, I support you mentally. I still need to drill screws.

A screw costs 0.02 yuan. I still need to drill 200 million screws to earn four million. Damn! ]

[It’s gone, it’s gone. It’s a commonplace topic. It’s useless. Over the years, the number of people has been increasing. The

crackdown on illegal activities and pornography in the past few years has not hurt their foundation at all. ]

[Haha, it turns out this is not the way to fight! 】

at the same time.

Office of Economic Exchange.

The pseudo-deputy director looked at the video of the Zhou family chatting in front of the computer with a livid face.


A slap on the table.

“It’s really unreasonable. Why is this guy so ignorant?

The prestige we have finally established is about to be destroyed by him. Damn it!

How can we, a country of dignified etiquette, only have this money in our eyes? What can we exchange for this little money? Their country’s recognition

is a very good deal, what a short-sighted thing!”

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, thinking about how he had been working hard for this Black Continent dream for the past three years.

So many people came out to stop them, and he wanted to ask why.

Although those people were strong, hard-working, and brave, and they still managed to survive in such difficult conditions,

couldn’t we give them more tolerance and help?

“Xiao Wei, prepare the car, I’m going to see the boss!”


“Okay, what Zhou Xiaoyou said speaks to my heart, Lao Yu, how about it, did I see the wrong person? ”

Professor Zheng Qian looked at the Zhou people who spoke plausibly in the video, and winked at Yu Min who was sitting in front of him.

“The Zhou clan is a good person. The Ark Reactor has solved the country’s energy problem.

Dabai can buy time for people with serious diseases. The Pokemon can relieve the pressure of young people.

There is also the press conference he just held and the holographic projector. and autonomous driving technology will bring our technological level one step closer,

not to mention smart prosthetics, which will bring great blessings to our paralyzed patients. Every invention is world-leading,

but If he can’t get over this hurdle, it will bring a fatal blow to our Dragon Kingdom.”

Yu Min nodded. Now it is not an exaggeration to say that the Zhou clan is the leader of the younger generation. You must know that he is only two years old. Teenage years old.

“Old Yu, let’s go find the boss. Such a talented person shouldn’t be lost here.”

“Okay, let’s go.”

Zheng Qian and Yu Min have known each other for many years and have similar opinions. They are the same kind of people. They advocated the self-improvement of the country and opposed the worship of foreigners and foreigners.

Although they were warned for their previous speeches, they still felt that as a member of the Dragon Kingdom, they had to contribute.

the other side.

Zhang Han rushed back to the Imperial Capital overnight and was currently in the boss’s office.

The boss frowned and looked at the document handed over, which contained the latest video of the Zhou clan.

The atmosphere at the scene was a bit solemn, and Zhang Han didn’t dare to express his anger while standing there.

a long time.

The boss put down the tablet in his hand, his brows widened, “Haha, this little guy has quite a temper!” ”

Boss, the Zhou clan was not like this before.”

In desperation, Zhang Han couldn’t help but explain.

“Oh?” The boss looked at her with a smile: “No, what is that like?”


“Haha, Zhang Han, don’t be nervous, I didn’t say what I was going to do to him.”

Hearing this,

Zhang Han’s beautiful eyes lit up!

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