The Calvin family's public relations ability is also strong, and they opened up the export line to Donghua again in less than a month.

Moreover, it reached an agreement with a domestic automobile manufacturer and officially became one of many joint ventures.

Of course, this is also good news.

They originally thought that they could take this opportunity to stimulate the stock market, and coupled with the return of funds, it should be able to stabilize.

But they never dreamed that after the stock they raised by taking advantage of this profit soared by 22.66% that day, it would suddenly be maliciously shorted.

The opponent's method is to buy at a low price and go long, and then after he pulls up, he changes hands and sells short.

And smashed out the stocks in his hand without reservation, and directly returned the shares to their original shape.

In this way, people make money on both sides.

Earn when you rise, and earn when you fall.

The value of the car market of the Calvin family is only around 100 billion, and Su Ruzhen only bought 10 billion.

If you use 10% of the entire market to hit the market, the blow to this stock will be devastating.

No one is prepared to have so much money in their hands and is ready to raise their stocks at any time, and they also hire other institutions to maintain market value.

Seeing that the stock price was suppressed, the Calvin family was extremely annoyed and held an emergency meeting in a rage.

Someone suggested that the largest private equity fund be invited to help them maintain their market value.

Western Europe is a place where capital gathers, and their influence spreads all over the world.

Where there are business opportunities, there are their shadows.

Some people say that these people control 80% of the world's wealth. Although this statement is a bit exaggerated, in fact, the wealth in the hands of these people has indeed reached an astonishing level.

Some families even control the currency issuance rights of some small countries, plundering the country's wealth at will.

The Kawen family has developed to this day, and compared with those top capital tycoons, it is still many grades behind.

Their entire family has struggled for hundreds of years, and their accumulation of wealth is similar to the blueprint investment that Chen Fan spent more than a year building.

It's just that Blueprint invests in liquidity, while theirs invests in assets.

In such a single contest, the Kawen family is not an opponent at all.

Coupled with Chen Fan's ability to predict, he can see the future trend of the stock at a glance, and between the ups and downs, he can make a lot of money.

Now that the Calvin family has been attacked and has no power to fight back, they even made money from frying crude oil.

The money came in quickly.

They had to look for foreign aid.

And Chen Fan is taking Lu Wushuang shopping at the moment. On the street, more than a dozen young men and women are doing live broadcasting.

A disheveled man next to him screamed loudly, "Boys, do it directly, what can you give me?"

"Popularity tickets are on the rise!"

"Crowdfunding for nobody's treasure, do it for me!"


Seeing this scene, Lu Wushuang quickly stepped aside.

Chen Fan was speechless looking at this group of people, he likes talented anchors.

But I don't like this kind of fart and I don't have any talent. I just know how to play PK with others, and people who have no limit to get fans to vote.

The two were just about to pass the International Finance Building when several black luxury cars drove over.

I don't know who yelled, "Look, that's the head of the Calvin family."

Then those anchors frantically surrounded him.

But they didn't dare to get too close. With so many bodyguards, they didn't have a chance to get close.

With good eyesight, Chen Fan saw the middle-aged man with a secretary at his side.

No. 20 bodyguards escorted him into the International Finance Building.

This is the head of the Calvin family?

Chen Fan pondered for a while, then pulled Lu Wushuang into the opposite hotel.

Lu Wushuang panicked and looked around embarrassingly.

"It's broad daylight, isn't it good?"

Chen Fan looked at her speechlessly, "What's wrong?"

Seeing her blushing like this, Chen Fan suddenly realized, "What are you thinking?"


After opening a room on the 50th floor, he pulled Lu Wushuang into the elevator.

Opposite is the International Finance Building in Barry City. The interior of the International Finance Building is very strict, and the fortieth floor above is a restricted area for ordinary people.

The heads of the Calvin family took the elevator to the forty-ninth floor, and there were several bodyguards standing at the door, who searched them before asking them to wait at the door.

A few minutes later, a stylishly dressed sexy woman came out, "Mr. Carvin, please!"

In the spacious office, an old man with gray hair was sitting.

Standing next to her was another blond woman who was a full 1.7 meters tall, and her figure...

Well, very typical Western characteristics.

The design of the office is also very unique, all of which are the most advanced electronic equipment in the world today.

Directly in front of the old man's desk is a huge screen.

above shows

Futures crude oil, stock market quotations and other indicators.

When Mr. Carvin saw the other party, he couldn't help but respect him, "Mr. George, actually I came this time to ask you for a favor. Two stocks under our family were maliciously shorted by unknown forces."

Mr. Calvin expressed his intention to come, Old George glanced indifferently, and then gave a look to the young woman next to him.

This woman is his granddaughter George Eva, who is also his most capable assistant at work.

After years of training, he has become a qualified financial expert.

Since Mr. Carvin was able to see him, he had naturally obtained old George's permission.

He glanced at the two stocks owned by the Cavin family, and said indifferently, "This is just a small stock of funds, and it won't make a big difference."

"Your Calvin family can't even deal with this small force?"

"no no!"

Mr. Carvin was anxious, "The opponent is very cunning, and we don't know how many chips he has. Every time we protect the board, he can always suppress."

"And it was going in and out so fast it made us very uncomfortable."

George said disapprovingly, "I'm not talking about you. I don't like your amount of money. It's no fun at all."

"Go back, it's just a small fish."

Mr. Carvin hastily explained, "Yes, I know it's a bit overkill for you to make a move. Every time you operate is a big international fund, but can you give us a clear way?"

The first time they encountered such an opponent, they also had a headache.

Moreover, they can accurately grasp their pulse, as if they have planted eyeliner around them.

Know when you're pulling up and when you're pushing down.

George took off his glasses, looked at Mr. Carvin with cloudy eyes and smiled, "Then let Eva do the trading for you, we only want 50% of the profit."


Mr. Carvin suddenly felt that he had been slashed, it was so cruel!

George is indeed the most ruthless person in the world. In his eyes, he only has interests but no friendship.

He has shorted countless countries, and the only time he failed was in Donghua Dagang.

This is also the first defeat in his life, so he has been brooding about it.

But Mr. Cavin didn't expect that he would ask for such a high return, but fortunately, they only wanted his profit, not his principal, so he gritted his teeth and agreed.

"Okay! It's a deal!"

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