This guy took the opportunity to hug Shen Mengyao, his soft body is really exciting.

Her body softened, as if her whole body was about to melt.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, this product can take advantage of it.

Shen Mengyao resisted helplessly, "Don't...we can't do this..."

But this kind of resistance was in vain. Without saying a word, this guy carried her into the master bedroom on the second floor.


Waking up early the next morning, she found that Shen Mengyao had woken up at some time.

Chen Fan checked his phone, it was past eleven o'clock.

There are many missed calls on the phone, and there is also a WeChat message from Shen Mengyao.

"There is breakfast in the kitchen, I'm going to work!"

The message was sent at ten o'clock, probably because Chen Fan hadn't woken up, so she went to the company.

Sitting on the bed at the moment, my mind is full of images from last night.

That feeling, tsk tsk...

This guy thought about it, and he smirked alone.

He called Shen Mengyao, but Shen Mengyao didn't answer, only replied a WeChat message, busy!

Chen Fan shook his head, naturally he knew what she meant.

It's better not to disturb her, I think she will be very embarrassed when we meet.

Back in her villa, Xiao Xiao knelt on the ground and wiped the floor with a rag.

Chen Fan said, "It's not necessary in this winter!"

Xiao Xiao said, "It's okay, it's not cold, I can still exercise."

This Xiao Xiao is really a qualified life secretary, and now he can even prepare meals with ease.

Now until the end of the year is Chen Fan's busiest time, and the school will be on holiday for more than ten days, Chen Fan also has to go to stay for a few days.

Before going out, Yang Fengqing came to the door again carrying things.

This woman teased me last time, if I hadn't been able to hold my breath, she probably would have succeeded.

Yang Fengqing came here with only one purpose, to ask Chen Fan to complete the annual savings task for her.

Of course, Chen Fan didn't even think about such trivial matters.

"Sister Yang, come as soon as you come, why do you bring so many things every time?"

Xiao Xiao poured her tea, Yang Fengqing took it, "Thank you!"

"Mr. Chen, Xiao Xiao is looking better and better, you are well nourished!"


Xiao Xiao turned her face away in embarrassment, obviously you were well nourished by others, looking at you like this, the water is full.

The woman blushed when she saw it.

Chen Fan laughed when he saw her making fun of Xiao Xiao.

Said, "Don't talk about her, talk about yourself!"

Yang Fengqing winked, "Hey, I have a small request for coming here today, Mr. Chen, you have to satisfy me."


Sister Yang, you...

Xiao Xiao almost choked to death with a mouthful of water.

He patted his chest quickly.

Yang Fengqing didn't care, she laughed so hard that her branches trembled wildly.

She winked at Xiao Xiao, "Sister Xiao Xiao, why don't you understand no matter what I say?"


Xiao Xiao kept coughing, "How can Sister Yang know so much, I have to learn from you."

Chen Fan said, "You can't learn from her."

"Sister Yang's abilities cannot be learned by ordinary people."

"Well, I get it, I get it!"

Xiao Xiao understands the meaning of Chen Fan's words, yes, I can't learn from her.

I will always be the boss's life secretary.

Chen Fan still had to rush to school, so he said to Yang Fengqing, "Don't worry, I will help you solve your problem."

With his words, Yang Fengqing immediately said gratefully, "Okay, then thank you, Mr. Chen!"

"Hey, why don't we go have dinner together tonight?"

"Thank you for taking care of me all the time, this time I will treat you privately."

Chen Fan waved his hand, "No need, I really still have a lot of things to do."

"It's okay, I can wait for you, the big deal is to have dinner later."

Chen Fan still refused. In this day and age, if he didn't have to socialize, Chen Fan didn't want to waste his time at all.

Seeing that Chen Fan was about to go out, Yang Fengqing enthusiastically said, "Then I'll see you off!"

Chen Meng is not here today, Chen Fan gave him two days off to spend time with his girlfriend.

When the two went out, Yang Fengqing's car was parked there, and there was a man in the car.

The man was wearing glasses, gentle and in his early thirties.

Yang Fengqing opened the rear door to let Chen Fan get in the car, and then she sat with Chen Fan in the back row.

"This is my husband."

The other party stretched out his hand, "Spring Breeze and I are both passing by, and you take Autumn Water to embrace the Galaxy."

"Hi, my name is Li Xinghe!"

Chen Fan froze, staring at Yang Fengqing blankly.

Yang Fengqing explained with a smile, "My husband is a teacher. I had a drink at noon and asked him to come see me off."


Chen Fan looked at him sympathetically.

Yang Fengqing continued to introduce, "This is Mr. Chen, our big customer, and at the same time he

Still a student of Jiangzhou University. "

Only then did his husband let out a cry of surprise.

Looking back at Chen Fan seriously, "Are you still a student?"

"Graduating soon!"

Chen Fan knew that Yang Fengqing was married before, but he did not expect to meet her husband in this way.

During the whole process, Yang Fengqing acted very naturally, without any abnormalities at all.

However, in Chen Fan's eyes, her husband was the same as he had seen Liang Dong in the past, and he was the same color from head to toe.

And it can be seen that her husband is only coquettish in front of her.

It is estimated that the family status will not be so high.

After sending Chen Fan to school, Yang Fengqing said depressedly, "Can you stop showing off your literary talents next time?"

"Do you think you're funny?"

His husband said depressedly, "What's the matter? I just want to adjust the atmosphere."

Yang Fengqing stared at him speechlessly, unable to communicate with him at all.

"Take me to work, you leave the car and take a taxi back by yourself!"


Li Xinghe turned the car around and sent his wife to the bank.

In the school, the atmosphere of these senior students is obviously different.

This semester is over, and there is only the last semester left.

Many people are busy contacting the unit in advance to find a job, and they can't wait until after graduation to do everything.

Of course, there are also some ignorant people who are still playing games in the dormitory every day.

They took the hard-earned money of their parents, had no goals, no dreams, and muddled along.

Those who work hard are always working hard, and those who don't work hard are always pretending to be asleep.

In the grove behind the dormitory, several couples were hugging each other and crying.

It's going to be a holiday again, and the days are so hard.

Wang Hao and Tan Nan didn't have this kind of suffering, because they had plans and plans long ago.

And I bought my own house, but it hasn't been renovated yet.

They belong to the people who entered the society ahead of time, and their starting point is much higher than others.

Yi Langgao was trapped in the stock market again, but he planned to speculate in stocks with Professor Sun Songqiu after graduation and join their team.

Only Zhou Yufei, she is more anxious than anyone else, she is about to graduate, and she has never even been in a relationship.

So she vowed that no matter what kind of boy she meets next semester, she will catch him and experience the feeling of being in love first.

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