Well, Chen Fan is handsomer than him, and a lot handsomer.

This is an indisputable fact.

Especially now that Chen Fan has gone through so many things, he is completely reborn.

A spontaneous temperament makes him more manly.

A man's greatest energy is self-confidence, and of course he must have strength.

If there is no strength, blind self-confidence is a fool.

But Chen Fan didn't go over to say hello to Gao Ranran, he was not familiar with Gao Ranran.

For three years in high school, I didn't even say a word.

As soon as Gao Ranran came, the atmosphere became more active, and many boys who had a crush on her wanted to talk to her.

Some girls also leaned over and picked up her bag curiously, "Wow, but your bag is from LV, right?"

A boy next to him said, "Of course it's true. Could it be that Ranran still buys fake ones?"

"That's right, it would be shameful for anyone to carry a fake bag these days."

Seeing their chatter, Chen Fan remained silent.

Li Guilin came out and pretended, "Let me see if it's real or not, I can tell right away."

Gao Ranran's expression was a little unnatural, but Li Guilin took the girl's bag ignorantly, and looked at it with a look, "Well, judging from the workmanship and exquisite hardware, it must be genuine."

"However, classmate, you are afraid of tens of thousands of bags, right?"

Seeing his appearance that has seen the world, everyone was in admiration.

When Jiang Chaosheng heard that a bag cost tens of thousands, his face turned green.

He looked at the 5,000 yuan he borrowed from Chen Fan on his mobile phone, and said in his heart, don't girls nowadays like talented people?

ring ring ring——

There was a sound of bicycle bells, and everyone looked up.

I saw a middle-aged man with disheveled hair and highly myopic glasses coming on a bicycle.

The gray coat on his body was faded and wrinkled, and his face was covered with mulberry.

"Class teacher, class teacher!"

A large group of people surrounded the past, and Chen Fan and Jiang Chaosheng also rushed over.

The homeroom teacher looked at the group of students, held their hands and nodded, "Li Guilin, Gao Ranran, Wang Fang, Li Shuai..."

He was able to call everyone by name one by one.

"head teacher!"

Chen Fan came over and shouted politely.

The head teacher was obviously a little excited when he saw him, "Chen Fan! You are here too, very good

,very good! "

He held Chen Fan's hand tightly, "You should be a senior, right? What do you plan to do after graduation?"

He also knew that Chen Fan's family was poor, so he helped a lot.

Chen Fan said, "Yes, there is only one semester left to graduate."

"Teacher, it's cold outside, let's go in first!"

"Okay, okay!"

There is always only good students in the eyes of teachers, this sentence is not false at all.

He was also very happy when Jiang Chaosheng greeted him.

"Go, go!"

A group of people came to the hall with the class teacher, and Wang Gehua, the class teacher, hurried over from the box.

"Quick, quick, sit inside."

"I'm about to ask some classmates to pick you up!"

Wang Gehua's father belonged to the township government. Later, he did not know what kind of relationship was used, so he entered the development zone.

At the request of his classmates this year, he organized the party.

There were only about 20 people in the box, and they thought it was not good to have two tables, so they asked for a bigger table.

The largest table in Tongcheng Hotel can seat about 30 people.

Wang Gehua went to the waiter to discuss it. The waiter said that he could not be free today, and the leaders of the city were receiving the richest man Wang.

Who dares to disturb the reception of the richest man?

All right!

After everyone sat down, the head teacher asked about the situation of the students.

"Student Wang Gehua, I know. They are all working in the government. It's pretty good."

"I heard that Li Guilin has already bought a car, right?"

"That's right! I'm a contractor now, and I have dozens of people working under me." Li Guilin stood up, "I'm sorry, I've embarrassed my teacher, and I didn't get into college."

Wang Gehua glared at him, "Stop pretending, who doesn't know that you have made money in the past few years."

"Why don't you buy the bill today?"

Li Guilin immediately hesitated, "That's not okay, the class reunion is originally organized by AA, but I will pay for Gao Ranran's expenses."

Wang Gehua was unhappy, "Who wants you to pay? I have already paid for Gao Ranran's expenses."

"Come on, let me tell you something. We are also classmates for three years in high school. It's hard to get together today. I don't want to make it too shabby. I try to make it better according to everyone's ability."

"All the expenses will be shared by everyone, and each person will pay 1,000 yuan!"

"The twenty-three of us are only 23,000. If we have dinner tonight and then do some shows, we must

this number. "

Many people were very happy at first, but they immediately stopped talking when they heard that they were going to pay, and it would cost a thousand yuan.

It costs a thousand yuan for a party, which is indeed a bit expensive.

But Wang Gehua said that it should be more grand, and it is difficult for everyone to object.

Some female students didn't have this plan at all. Aren't men and women exempt from gatherings?

The head teacher saw that the atmosphere was not right, and hurriedly said, "Actually, there is no need to spend so much money. Let's have a meal and sit down and chat."

"Yeah, as for ktv, I won't go to the dance hall, let's find a place to drink tea, let's chat."

Wang Gehua glared at the group of people, and cursed mmp in his heart.

Don't you need money for tea?

With so many people going to the teahouse, each cup of tea costs tens of dollars, refreshments, and accommodation for classmates who can't go back at night.

He originally wanted to do something luxurious, but it turned out that everyone was not happy to pay for it.

Chen Fan has never attended this kind of gathering before, but since he is here, there is no need to embarrass everyone, right?

He just said, "Let's order food first, it's rare for everyone to get together, and I will bear the expenses for tonight."


Everyone was a little surprised when they heard that Chen Fan had come out to bear the expenses.

Jiang Chaosheng pulled him, is this kid out of his mind?

Do you know how much it will cost tonight?

According to Wang Gehua's intention, at least 20,000 yuan.

Chen Fan smiled at him, and then said to everyone, "That's it, everyone, you're welcome."

"It's rare to invite the class teacher out today. It can't be too shabby, right?"

"In order to thank the teacher for cultivating us, we will have to respect the teacher for a few drinks later."

The homeroom teacher didn't say anything, just looked at Chen Fan unexpectedly.

The same goes for the female classmates. They were all focused on Wang Gehua just now, but now they are all quietly sizing up Chen Fan.

Only Li Guilin said, "Okay, since Chen Fan has said so, all the expenses will be borne by him, so why are we being polite?"

"You can eat whatever you want! Don't let him bleed today."

Several male students followed suit, "That's right, it's rare to kill a local tyrant once. Besides, Chen Fan has been admitted to the best university, so it's only natural that he should treat him."

The homeroom teacher is a little swollen and worried, but Chen Fan's family conditions are the worst!

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