Chen Fan didn't expect this girl to be quite sinister. Her purpose of buying bulk commodities was to stimulate the price increase of raw materials and then affect the entire industrial chain.

As an opponent, her move is indeed very clever.

If you follow her to do more, you will undoubtedly be helping others, and the entire industry chain will suffer great losses.

And in the end, it will always be speculators like them who really make money.

Just like those agricultural products, their prices have been skyrocketed, have the farmers who planted them made money?

We must know that at this stage, Donghua is doing the best in the entire new energy industry. If the source value of the industrial chain is hyped up, it will directly affect the entire industrial chain, and they will lose their competitive advantage in the market.

So as to achieve their goal of defeating the entire industry chain. They not only made money, but also destroyed your entire industry, so Chen Fan has to say that her method is really good enough.

If Su Ruzhen hadn't discovered it early, she would really have brought him in.

Now Chen Fan understands that she seems to be deliberately luring herself into the bait.

Use the power of others to achieve your goals.

At this time, Zhao Linlin called, "Hey, it seems that something is wrong!"

She also found some clues, "The largest nickel output in the world today is our private enterprise in Donghua. What's the point of them being long nickel futures?"

"Isn't that helping others make money?"

"I think there's a problem here."

Su Ruzhen analyzed, "Maybe their purpose is just to attack the entire industrial chain?"

"When a company makes money, the entire downstream industry chain loses money. In comparison, we lose more, and they can also make a lot of money in the futures market."

Zhao Linlin suddenly thought, "Then can we go short? Bring down the price of nickel?"

Chen Fan shook his head and said on the phone, "We don't know the enemy now, so we can't be the first to shoot out the bullets."

"Once they teamed up to squeeze the short, we fell in."

"This is a ruthless move. No matter whether we go long or short, only they will benefit in the end."

In this kind of big capital battlefield, a little carelessness can make you lose everything.

Chen Fan didn't want the 2 trillion yuan he had accumulated with great difficulty to be wiped out in just one battle.

The most important thing is that he doesn't know the details of the other party now. How many cards do they have in their hands?

"Then we

warehouse? "

Su Ruzhen applied to close the position, Chen Fan looked at the board and thought, now is just the beginning, and the craziest time will be later.

And the waves get higher and higher.

"No! Let's increase the position!"

Chen Fan made an unexpected decision, "Only by preserving our own strength can we have the ability to fight back."

"It doesn't matter, just watch as you walk."

"Okay, let's increase the position!"

Su Ruzhen ordered Zhao Linlin to continue to increase her position and go long.

At the moment, in George Eva's office in the Dagang Financial Center, someone reported to her, "President, they moved!"

"We want to increase our positions and go long."

George Eva smiled, and the trick was successful. Well, she wanted to make these Donghua people never dream of her true intentions.

Don't you like to hitch a ride and grab our wool?

Today I will let you pluck your own wool.

She called old George who was thousands of miles away, "The other party has been tricked!"

Old George felt very relieved, "Eva, you are my pride!"

George Eva said modestly, "Grandpa, is this just the beginning?"

"The opponents are very cunning, maybe they will run away after making a fortune."

"It's okay, this is just the first wave."

"When the market slows down, they will definitely be smart and sell short. At that time, it will be the time to really bury them."

"Okay, Grandpa."

George Eva hung up the phone.

It's the weekend tomorrow, so I put down my work for the time being.

She brushed her long blond hair back, and her thin nose was particularly strong.

And her skin is especially good!

George Eva came out of the office, she was going to relax in the hotel pool, and then go to the spa. "

Zuo Bing was playing in the swimming pool. When Chen Fan was working, she didn't want to disturb her, so she came out to swim alone.

After a while, a western woman in a bathing suit and a swimming cap walked in.

The delicate and white skin made Zuo Bing very envious, and even she, a big beauty, stared at her in surprise.


The other party plunged into the water, her water quality was very good, and she hardly splashed too much.

Suddenly, a lively mermaid appeared in the clean and spacious swimming pool.

Zuo Bing was admiring her delicate figure when she swam over, "Hey!"

Didn't expect her to greet him?

Out of politeness, Zuo Bing raised a smile,


The other party swam to her side, looked at Zuo Bing's tall and slender figure, "Your figure is beautiful!"

She smiled at Zuo Bing, then plunged into the water and swam away quickly.

Zuo Bing has been sitting on the edge of the pool, watching her swimming posture, fortunately that guy Chen Fan is not there, otherwise he would really have a nosebleed.

There was no one in the swimming pool. The other party swam over and asked curiously, "Why don't you swim?"

Zuo Bing smiled and said, "You are so pretty, I have never seen such a beautiful crooked nut like you."


The other party smiled sweetly, "You are beautiful too."

Maybe women like others to praise their beauty, so she stretched out her hand to Zuo Bing, "Hi, my name is George Eva."

"My name is Zuo Bing!"

The two beauties held hands, admiring each other's beauty.

"Shall we go for a swim together?"

George Eva invited.

Zuo Bing jumped into the water, and the two swam a few laps in the pool.

A little tired, we went back to the shore together, and lay down on a chair with a bath towel to rest.

The waiter came over and asked them what they would like to drink?

The two asked for a drink each.

"Eva, are you a student?"

Zuo Bing looked at the other party's exquisite facial features, feeling very cordial.

George Eva shrugged, "I'm not a student anymore, what about you?"

"I'm about to graduate."

"Oh!" George Eva also looked at Zuo Bing admiringly, "Your figure is really good."

Zuo Bing is a model, long legs are standard, and she has a sexy waist.

Well, that's an awesome killer.

I believe that no man can hold back after seeing her.

"Zuo Bing, can we be friends?"

George Eva blinked, looked at Zuo Bing and smiled.

Zuo Bing took a sip of his drink, nodded desperately, "Yes."

George Eva said, "I seem to have seen you somewhere."

Although she always speaks in foreign language, Zuo Bing's foreign language is quite good and she can understand her.

"Yes, I remembered, I saw it in the hotel elevator last time, right?"

"Why are you here again?"

Seeing her curious, Zuo Bing said, "I'm traveling with my boyfriend."

"Your boyfriend?"

George Eva blinked, she knew that Zuo Bing was with a man that day, but she couldn't remember the appearance of that man.

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