Lu Yuxuan was swearing under the night sky just a second ago,

"Su Ruzhen, one day I, Lu Yuxuan, will surpass you and completely conquer you under my strength."

"I don't believe it, I'm not as good as a woman, Lu Yuxuan!"

In the next second, he represented the new energy industry in the deep water circle, and the 20 billion invested by him was wiped out in an instant.

The 20 billion was just in vain, and was swallowed up under the strong attack of the bulls.

Usually, many people have only seen that kind of mild mode, it is impossible to rise and fall,

The market situation tonight broke through his human thinking.

This is also where George Eva is so powerful, using a style of play that breaks through your thinking to completely blow up the opponent.

It is to make things that you think impossible happen in reality before your eyes.

However, there is still some time before the delivery, and this is not the final victory for the bulls.

Now at the headquarters of the Lu Corporation, those people are going crazy.

The 20 billion was shared equally. Although not much was allocated to each person, there were still hundreds of millions of funds.

You must know that most companies do not have cash in their hands, they rely on loans, and sometimes they have to find a bank for tens of millions.

This time they directly lost hundreds of millions, and they were also quite uncomfortable.

Lu Yuxuan sat on the chair blankly, he couldn't believe the fact in front of him.

Although I kept adding margins, I never imagined that it would nearly double overnight.

That's it for 20 billion. Biqu library

Everyone kept smoking without making a sound.

They also knew that Lu Yuxuan didn't do it on purpose, this was the battlefield.

Lu Changfeng didn't know what to do now?

He looked at the board and said, "The other party is determined to nail the price of nickel futures to a high level. You should stop struggling and find another way!"

If the price of nickel futures is pegged at a high level, almost all related companies will go bankrupt according to this market.

They will lose their competitiveness in the international market, allowing their rivals to seize the opportunity.

George Eva's actions are not innocuous. Her purpose is not just to make money, but also has a deep meaning behind it.

This is no longer a simple futures speculation, but a big game of chess.

At this moment, Chen Fan is also analyzing the motives behind it, feeling that the coverage of George Eva's move is too scary, it doesn't seem like she made a move

to come.

There should be some masters behind such a huge and sophisticated plan.

And she is at most a pawn, the vanguard of the enemy army.

So Chen Fan thinks that the real chess players are guys like Old George.

Now Chen Fan is not limited to the futures board, he began to analyze the problem.

The soaring price of nickel raw materials has triggered an increase in the cost of the entire industrial chain, thereby causing the domestic new energy industry to lose its overseas competitive advantage.

If you were the boss of the new energy industry, what kind of solution would you seek?

Su Ruzhen said, "Of course it is to find raw materials with lower cost."

"Yes, if it was my dad, he would go find the nickel ore himself."

Zhao Linlin shouted suddenly.

Chen Fan patted the table, "That's right!"

"It must be so."

He cast an approving look at Zhao Linlin, "Hurry up and look up the information about the nickel mine."

With the approval of Chen Fan, Zhao Linlin was particularly excited.

Act now.

As for the Lu Group, Lu Yuxuan said solemnly, "Dad, I want to try again."

Lu Changfeng's eyes fell on his son, "How do you want to try?"

"I'm going to be short nickel futures again and knock it out of the water."

Lu Changfeng did not object, but instead asked, "Then how much money do you need?"

"One hundred billion!"

Lu Yuxuan said firmly.

He believes that 100 billion is enough to shake the price of the entire nickel futures.

Futures do not require real funds to buy, as long as the margin is paid enough, the leverage can be enlarged.

Even if you only magnify to ten times leverage, it is enough to leverage trillions of market. Biqu library

Lu Yuxuan decided to take a gamble and put all his eggs in one bet.

One hundred billion?

But the others were completely shocked when they heard this number.

What he gambled on was not just the Lu family, but the fate of the entire industry.

If it fails miserably, the entire industry may be wiped out by others.

Lu Changfeng shook his head, "With this hundreds of billions of funds, we might as well go overseas to find nickel ore resources."


"Chairman Lu is still wise. If we raise hundreds of billions of dollars to find nickel ore resources, it will definitely be better than entering the futures market."

"And we still have the initiative."

Everyone agreed.

It's just that nickel ore resources are extremely tight at the moment, and the price of nickel has risen like crazy, and the cost of purchasing nickel ore is also rising.

Geometry index rose.

At present, most nickel ore resources are in the hands of foreign capital. If you want to win a nickel mine, you may have to pay a high price.

But for the huge new energy industry, this is their only way.

Otherwise, people will always be stuck in the neck.

Under the leadership of Lu Changfeng, everyone began to look for overseas nickel ore resources.

And all the news about nickel ore resources that Zhao Linlin can find here is news about the shortage of nickel resources, shortages and so on.

An overseas nickel mine owner said in an interview, “Many people are queuing here with money now, and you can’t buy things even if you have money, so you can only wait in line honestly, and there is no guarantee that you can get the supply of goods. "

Soon there were news reports that some Donghua enterprises began to seek nickel ore resources overseas.

Chen Fan shook his head when he saw such news, "These people have been tricked."

"These people have obviously set up a series of tricks. They are now looking for nickel mines, and they must have transferred them from others at a high price."

"When they get transferred, nickel prices will be suppressed immediately."

"Then the nickel ore in their hands will depreciate severely, so they will be harvested by others."

Sure enough, far away on the other side of the earth.

Old George is holding a secret meeting with more than a dozen capital tycoons. They are all old players in Old George's circle.

A true international giant.

Even forces like Watson Capital can't enter their circle. At the moment they are discussing, "Transfer the nickel ore in their hands to those Donghua people as soon as possible at the highest price."

"Then exaggerate the dangers of nickel ore, let the price of nickel go down the altar, and we will throw another substitute."

"In this way, their entire industry will be abolished, and other tracks will be replaced. We will take over the nickel mine and reopen this track."

"By that time, their entire industrial chain has almost collapsed, and we quickly occupied the market."


An old man laughed loudly, "George, you are eating more than one fish, playing this trick over and over again, cutting off one crop after another."

Old George took a sip of his cigar proudly, "It's all left over from people's games thousands of years ago, and soldiers never tire of cheating."

"We just learned some superficial knowledge." Biquku

"Everyone implement the leek cutting plan immediately!"

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