The other party was probably afraid of being distracted by people, so he turned and left. Tony caught up, "Sister Irene, listen to my explanation, listen to my explanation!"


The other party glared angrily, and stopped Tony and hurried into the elevator.

Tony lay at the elevator door and begged, "Listen to me! Sister Irene."

Liu Yaqi also caught up, pestered Tony and asked, "Who is that old woman?"

"What is your relationship with her?"

Unexpectedly, Tony suddenly got angry at her and pushed her away, "Get lost!"


"You bitch!"

"Who told you to come? How dare you follow me?"

"Sister Irene is my best guest."

Liu Yaqi was trembling with anger, "Is your guest going to bed with her?"

"She is in her forties, she can be your mother!"


Tony slapped her, causing Liu Yaqi to stagger and fall to the ground.

He pointed at Liu Yaqi and cursed, "You bitch, do you really think I like you?"

"I'm just playing with you, you really take yourself seriously."


"Originally, if you were obedient, I could still support you for a while, since you are so ignorant of flattery, get out of here!"

Tony finished cursing, turned around and left.

Liu Yaqi burst into tears, and two female classmates rushed to persuade her.

Han Dongrong and the others were speechless watching this farce. Liu Yaqi's boyfriend of a rich man in Hong Kong who posted about it every day, did not expect that this boyfriend was actually in this line of work, relying on soft food to support her with the rich wife's money.

The reason why Han Dongrong didn't come forward to persuade him just now was because he didn't want to get involved in such a mess, let alone offend these people.

You must know that it is not easy to mix in Dagang. Seeing the aura of that woman just now, her dress does not look like an ordinary person, so he knows that he cannot afford to offend her.

"Yaki, forget it, stop crying."

The two female classmates kept comforting, and Liu Yaqi sat on the carpet, crying like rain.

Someone called Su Ruzhen, "Come here quickly, something happened to Liu Yaqi."

"Come on, let's go down and have a look."

The two came to Meiyu's floor and saw two male classmates there, as well as Han Dongrong.

When Han Dongrong saw Su Ruzhen, his heart beat wildly, and he hurried over, "Ruzhen!"

But when he saw Chen Fan next to him, his heart sank, "This


Su Ruzhen didn't expect Han Dongrong to come, and said solemnly, "This is my husband."

Han Dongrong faltered and looked at the two male students depressedly.

He cursed mmp in his heart, these two bastards didn't reveal a word to him.

Su Ruzhen didn't hide anything, and explained to Chen Fan, "This is Han Dongrong, our former monitor."

Chen Fan snorted, seeing the hostile look on the other side's face, he didn't say hello.

Seeing Liu Yaqi sitting on the ground crying, Su Ruzhen asked what happened?

Two female students said, "When Yaqi and the monitor came over, they happened to meet Teacher Tony and a woman coming out of the room..."

The two understood. The four of them also saw Tony sneaking into the elevator with a middle-aged woman in the lobby just now. They didn't expect it to be such a coincidence that they were smashed by Liu Yaqi.

However, as a result of the crash, they dumped her instead.

Liu Yaqi got up and wanted to find Tony for an explanation.

Han Dongrong said, "What kind of argument can I get for this? I think it's better to forget it."

"This is a big port, you can't take advantage of it."

He understood what Liu Yaqi was thinking, and he just wanted to ask for a breakup fee.

The other two male students also persuaded, "Forget it, you can't handle others."

Chen Fan was naturally too lazy to get involved in these matters, Su Ruzhen saw Liu Yaqi's horrible appearance, so she had to ask two female classmates to take her back to the room to tidy up, so as not to lose face.

Seeing that things turned out like this, Su Ruzhen asked Liu Yaqi, "What are you going to do?"

Liu Yaqi was so ashamed, how could she have the nerve to show off in front of Su Ruzhen at this moment?

She looked at Han Dongrong in embarrassment, not knowing what Han Dongrong meant?

Instinctively avoiding her eyes, even pretending to make a phone call to make an excuse to leave the room.

Chen Fan captures the subtlety between them, seems to know what?

The two girls said, "Let's go back tomorrow!"

"Yes, go back tomorrow!"

The two boys immediately agreed, it was too embarrassing to come to Dagang this time, and they didn't want to stay any longer.

In this case, Su Ruzhen asked Chen Fan for his opinion, "Why don't we have dinner together tonight?"

Chen Fan understood what she meant, and of course he didn't object.

Hearing that he was going to eat, Han Dongrong walked in, "Let me arrange it! It's rare for students to come

trip. "

Su Ruzhen said, "No need, let's eat something downstairs, so as not to run around."

Han Dongrong froze, downstairs?


This is the only seven-star hotel in Dagang. Do you know what it means to have a meal here?

At this moment, he was even more curious, what exactly did Su Ruzhen and Chen Fan do?

Why can afford such a luxurious hotel?

Although he has been in Dagang for two or three years, he really dare not enter this kind of place.

After several people followed Su Ruzhen and Chen Fan to the restaurant, they hardly dared to look at the menu.

The things here are too expensive, what kind of caviar, French baked snails...

They've only heard of it, never seen it.

Seeing Su Ruzhen lightly ordering good dishes, including Han Dongrong, they couldn't even breathe smoothly.

Doesn't Liu Yaqi often go to high-end places to check in and post on Moments?

Such a place is not something she can come to whenever she wants.

After being dumped by Tony, she immediately becomes a pauper.

And Tony, I'm afraid it's worse than her.

After the dishes came out, Han Dongrong couldn't help asking, "Student Su Ruzhen, what are you doing now?"

Su Ruzhen said indifferently, "Start a company."

"Then you are here to discuss business in Dagang?"


Su Ruzhen nodded, "We want to buy the property here."


Several classmates who heard Su Ruzhen say this were so frightened that they sat down on the ground.

Especially Liu Yaqi, who looked at them almost in disbelief.

The two male students were even more stunned, Nima, are they really going to buy this hotel?

When I heard this sentence today, Liu Yaqi was still laughing at them?

Han Dongrong thought he heard it wrong, "Are you sure you bought it instead of renting it?"

Su Ruzhen said, "What's the matter? Is it expensive here?"

Keke cough——

Han Dongrong picked up the towel and covered his mouth, coughing hard.

"If you really want to buy it, I can give you some clues." Han Dongrong tried to calm himself down and said seriously.

"This is the property of the richest family in Dagang. They have been selling these fixed assets over the years. Maybe they will sell them here too, but the price is very high."

Su Ruzhen said, "How do you know?"

"I work in their company." Han Dongrong said plainly.

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