The next day, Irene's assistant came and invited Chen Fan and Chen Fan to the office for an interview.

She gave a new quotation, the price of the hotel was reduced to 16.2 billion, and the price of the financial building was 12.5 billion.

"This is already our lowest price, and it cannot be lowered."

"Of course, you can ask someone to evaluate it, but the price cannot be adjusted."

Chen Fan glanced at the quotation and handed it to Su Ruzhen.

This price is acceptable, but the two assets cannot have any debt problems.

Of course, Blueprint Investment will send a working team to review it, and only after confirming that there are no problems can it take over.

Erin's expression was very serious, and there was no smile on her face.

Even a hint of hostility can be felt.

Chen Fan understood her thoughts, she was guarding against the two of them, and at the same time she expressed her attitude.

I can only make concessions to this point, and it is impossible to compromise again.

So Chen Fan said, "When our evaluation results come out, sign the contract immediately."

Irene had a business-like attitude, "Then let's do this first!"

"But you only have a week."

The two stood up, "Miss Irene, that's the deal."

The two parties signed an agreement. The two of them did not haggle for a long time like others when buying things. As long as the price was reasonable, they would buy it directly, which would save a lot of trouble.

Irene was also surprised by this, seeing the two of them so happy, she even had an illusion.

Is it just a coincidence that Tony's girlfriend came over to make trouble yesterday?

Seeing that the two were about to leave, Irene couldn't help but make a request, "That Liu Yaqi, I don't want her to stay here."

Chen Fan looked at her steadily, as if trying to read her mind.

It took a long time before she said slowly, "Then you have to say hello to the police. Liu Yaqi is currently on bail, and she is not allowed to leave Dagang until the case is concluded."

Some things come to an end, and everyone understands them.

Irene made a concession, naturally hoping that Chen Fan and the others would not expose the matter to Zhang Yang.

Of course, Chen Fan would not do this kind of thing, all he wanted was a hotel and a financial building, so what does Eileen's style of life have to do with him?

It was her husband who should be worried.

It was tacitly shared by everyone that Liu Yaqi and the others were there when they returned to the hotel.

Seeing that a murder case had occurred, the two male students left in a hurry for fear of implicating themselves.

Opened the big port.

It was Han Dongrong who came over and said, "I inquired about Wang's sale of the hotel."

Chen Fan said no, we've already done it.

So fast?

Han Dongrong couldn't believe his ears. This was buying a hotel, not shopping for clothes.

Chen Fan didn't explain it to him. To him, buying a building is similar to buying clothes for others, right?

When others buy clothes, they have to pick and choose and bargain, but he just takes it.

Su Ruzhen has notified the company to arrange for a third party to conduct an evaluation, and if the evaluation passes, the transaction can be completed immediately.

In fact, there is a reason why the Wang family is so happy, because they are also eager to sell, and there are only a handful of people who can take over their industries. As long as someone takes over and the price is not too low, they will generally not refuse.

Otherwise, Irene alone would definitely not be able to make such a big deal.

After Tony's death, Liu Yaqi lived in a state of anxiety for the past few days, for fear that the matter would be brought to her head.

But Chen Fan looked at her luck, the blue color on her forehead had faded, so she should be out of danger.

Sure enough, in less than two days, the police's conclusion came out.

Tony's death was accidental. It may be that he accidentally slipped and hit his head on the table, causing excessive blood loss and death.

As for whether Tony really died in an accident, this is beyond Chen Fan's control.

Once the case was concluded, Liu Yaqi and the other three female classmates were free to leave Dagang.

They were so frightened that they left overnight and vowed never to come to Dagang again.

The third-party evaluation agency linked by Blueprint Investment has entered the market to evaluate the two industries in the agreement.

A week later, the evaluation agency gave their evaluation results, and the two parties reached an agreement on the previous agreement price.

Blueprint Investment took over the two properties from the Wang Group, which laid the foundation for Blueprint Investment to officially enter Dagang.

After the deal was struck, local media reported the news.

It wasn't until now that Lu Changfeng and the others realized that Chen Fan and Su Ruzhen's goal in going to Dagang was to buy the Victoria Hotel and the Financial Building.

This news naturally attracted the attention of many people in Jiangzhou. When they heard about it, they were all shocked.

Recently, Blueprint Investment Company has been making continuous moves, acquiring Wanteng Group and two properties in Dagang.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that their next plan must be to relocate to Dagang.

Leader Ning frowned when he heard the news.

If the blueprint investment is relocated, it will have a great impact on Jiangzhou.

But he knew that this matter could not be stopped, and how could such a big fish be accommodated in such a small place like Jiangzhou?

Other companies must of course consider issues for their own development.

So although he was unhappy in his heart, he didn't say it out.

After Chen Fan bought the two properties in Dagang, they ordered the company's administrative department to organize a team to go to Dagang for rectification and make preparations for the relocation.

The business of the hotel can not be moved and it can continue to operate, but the financial building needs to be adjusted.

Redesign to make room for blueprint investments.

Su Ruzhen temporarily stayed in Dagang to preside over the work, while Chen Fan returned to Jiangzhou.

After returning to Jiangzhou at this moment, he made a decision and took some time to meet with Zhao Guowei.

Zhao Guowei was a little overwhelmed. The blueprint investment was going to be relocated, so it was estimated that some jobs would need to be changed.

Although he didn't know what Chen Fan asked him to do?

He thinks it should be a good thing.

So he specially called his wife, ordered dinner in advance and waited for Chen Fan to arrive.

Chen Fan said to Zhao Linlin who was staying at the company, "You can go social with me tonight."

Zhao Linlin looked at him strangely, "What's the matter?"

"I'm dating your dad."


Zhao Linlin opened her mouth, "Why are you asking my dad out?"

"Assistant Zhao, you ask too many questions."

Zhao Linlin looked unhappy, and quietly rolled her eyes, what do you mean?

Talking hesitantly, half-spoken and then stopped.

But she still said cleverly, "I'll go drive."

Zhao Guowei and his wife specially booked a box at the 1916 mansion. Seeing his daughter coming with Chen Fan, he suddenly felt very happy.

Especially when his daughter walked with Chen Fan, he was happier as a father than he was when he married a beautiful wife.

The couple invited Chen Fan into the box, and Zhao Linlin continued to act as an assistant tonight.

Zhao Guowei immediately arranged for the waiter to prepare the dishes, and then asked Chen Fan what wine to drink?

Zhao Linlin said, "Just now he asked me to prepare two bottles of red wine, which are our company's own wine."

Since taking over the winery, Chen Fan has put a batch of wine in the office to entertain guests.

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