Facing the remaining two months, Chen Fan declared that no one should bother him.

In the past two months, he will enjoy the best time in school.

Therefore, he handed over all work matters to the people below.

From this moment on, Chen Fan's identity has returned to that student who studied hard. Biqu library

Zhao Linlin was surprised to hear that Chen Fan was leaving work.

Don't many people envy the moment when they step into the society?

Why is this guy going back to being a student?

Unexpectedly, Chen Fan hit her unceremoniously, "People like you who have never been in love will never understand."

At that moment Zhao Linlin was really angry!

But when I think about it, I really haven't been in a relationship in my four years of college, and I don't even have anyone I like.

She glared at the guy fiercely, "You don't need to go to work anymore, let me take two months off."

"Don't miss the best time in college."

Zhao Linlin curled her lips, she didn't care about it.

Her goal has always been to become a financial giant who shakes the world and an existence admired by everyone in the financial world.

Without President Su's order, she will not leave her post.

Seeing her dedication, Chen Fan rewarded her with 10 million.

"Take it and spend it!"

Zhao Linlin froze, "What do you mean?"

"This is the pocket money rewarded to you."

Halo, I'm not your girlfriend, why do you want pocket money?

Zhao Linlin refused.

"Hey, let me tell you something serious, my dad said he wanted to thank you very much."

Chen Fan said, "Forget about eating, I've been to your house countless times."

Zhao Linlin was speechless, she refused to invite him to dinner, nor did her father invite him to dinner.

what does it mean?

Is it because you dislike the lack of return?

Seeing that Chen Fan was gone, Zhao Linlin continued to work.

In fact, there are not many people in the office in Jiangzhou, only a few people are left on duty.

Most of the people were slowly transferred away by Su Ruzhen.

When Chen Fan came out of the company, he met Wang Hao.

Wang Hao immediately ran over to say hello, "Mr. Chen, where are you going?"

He handed over a cigarette, and Chen Fan held it in his mouth. He knew that Wang Hao was the kind of person who was down-to-earth and not impetuous, so he had an idea in his mind.

"You're going to graduate soon, what are your plans?"

Wang Hao said, "I follow the company. I will do whatever the company arranges."

Chen Fan put his arms around his shoulders, "After the company moves to Dagang,

The business here is handed over to you. "

After the relocation of the headquarters, an office will remain in Jiangzhou.

Chen Fan thinks that Wang Hao is a more reliable person, and he should be at ease in entrusting him.

You must know that ordinary people definitely do not have such an opportunity. After hearing this, Wang Hao nodded emotionally, "Okay, I will definitely do my best to do a good job."

Chen Fan had already calculated that Chen Ping'an would definitely stay here for the time being. Their family had just settled down, so there was no need to follow through.

Just after talking with Wang Hao, Zuo Hanwen called and said that he would like to thank Chen Fan for his help.

He has already signed several projects with Zhao's Real Estate.

He will focus on the quality as promised so as not to embarrass Chen Fan.

The two chatted briefly and hung up the phone.

Zuo Hanwen went to find Zhao Guowei, but Zhao Guowei didn't tell him, which means he knew what to do.

When Chen Fan came back to school, the first thing he did was to visit the homeroom teacher.

By the way, I brought some gifts to the head teacher. I heard that the head teacher is also going to be promoted to the head of the teaching department.

The reason for his promotion was that Chen Fan donated 200 million to the school last time.

Therefore, seeing Chen Fan coming to find him, the homeroom teacher was very happy.

He even poured tea for Chen Fan with his own hands, "Chen Fan, don't be so polite when you come to my place in the future."

"If you have anything to say, just say it."

"Should I continue to ask for leave?"

"No, I want to stay in school well."

"I am a student after all, and I will take good classes in the last two months of my senior year."

The head teacher's eyeballs are going to burst, right?

He asked puzzledly, "Aren't you busy?"

"It's okay, I turned off my work."

"OK then!"

Watching Chen Fan leave, the homeroom teacher shook his head and said with a smile, "This kid!"

The classroom is very quiet, everyone is studying by themselves.

When Chen Fan came in, the students all stood up, "Squad leader!"

Chen Fan waved his hand, he is no longer the class monitor, don't shout like that.

This guy has basically not seen him since the beginning of this semester, and everyone missed him very much when he came back this time.

Of course, the main reason is that when he was the squad leader, he was treated very well and had a lot of activities, and he didn't need everyone to pay the shift fee.

The current squad leader is Peng Xiaoqian. When Peng Xiaoqian saw him, surprise flashed in her eyes.

The seat next to her has always been reserved for Chen Fan, even though he didn't come to class, the textbooks are always neatly arranged.


The family chatted around Chen Fan for a while, and Chen Fan said, "Let's go to class, if you have anything to talk about after class."

Everyone returned to their seats, and Chen Fan also sat down.

With a shrug of his nose, he smelled a faint scent of perfume.

Turning her head to look at Peng Xiaoqian, Peng Xiaoqian, a nerd, put on some light makeup and perfume at some point.

In love?

Seeing Chen Fan peeking at her with a strange look, Peng Xiaoqian blushed, "What's the matter?"

"You have become beautiful!"

Peng Xiaoqian's heart was pounding immediately, and her whole face was flushed red.

"Why are you blushing? I didn't say anything about you?"

Chen Fan looked puzzled, and Peng Xiaoqian buried her face in the book.

"Hey, let me tell my classmates, I will treat you tonight, and everyone will go to supper together."

"It's the last semester, and we want to engrave this beautiful time into our lives. I hope everyone can think of this happiest time after graduation."

Peng Xiaoqian hummed, "I'll tell everyone later."

After class, Peng Xiaoqian announced to everyone that Chen Fan will treat her tonight.

The students cheered, and some female students shouted brazenly, "Chen Fan is so handsome!"

"Chen Fan, I like you!"


Chen Fan just smiled. He knew that these female classmates were usually more open-minded and liked to joke.

So he responded, "I love you too!"


A female classmate with short hair and big eyes rushed over and hugged Chen Fan while he was not paying attention.

Then proudly raised the scissors.

It made everyone laugh out loud.

Seeing this, Peng Xiaoqian could only express her speechlessness.

She has no guts.

Even if you like someone, you don't dare to be so blatant.

But everyone knows it's just a joke.

After Chen Fan came back, the atmosphere in the class was particularly good.

Peng Xiaoqian went to the bathroom, Chen Fan returned to his seat and accidentally bumped into Peng Xiaoqian's desk.

A pink diary fell out, Chen Fan picked it up and opened it.

"Today is March 14, Chen Fan, I love you!"

"This is the last semester of my senior year, and I don't want to hide my feelings anymore. I want to solemnly say to you, Chen Fan, I love you!"

"March 15, Chen Fan, I love you!"

"March 16, Chen Fan, I love you!"

"March 17, Chen Fan, I love you!"

"March 18th..."

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