He really didn't believe that an outsider dared to act wild in Dagang.

Who doesn't know that in a place like Dagang, their Wang family has the final say.

And in Dagang, the Wang family is the boss in the circle, and many people follow the lead of the Wang family.

Blueprint Capital just set foot in Dagang, dare to be rude to the Wang family?

If this is the case, then don't blame my Wang family for letting you hit your head and bleed.

Among the three Wang brothers, the eldest is about to become the successor of the old man, and the second is in charge of part of the business.

But even though Mr. Wang is over seventy years old, he still holds onto the power in his hand like an overlord.

Therefore, many important matters still need to be decided by him.

I heard that power is addictive, and Mr. Wang is like that.

With such huge financial resources in hand, it is true that the fate of many ordinary people can be decided by almost a single sentence.

Especially in the circle of Dagang, offending the Wang family, there is almost no chance of turning around.

After Su Ruzhen was humiliated here, Wang Xingguo became more and more angry, and immediately called a meeting with the bigwigs in the circle when he returned.

The venue was in their private venue, and a dozen or so bigwigs gathered together.

In the swimming pool outside, several young women with delicate figures were playing in the water.

They are all fair-skinned and beautiful, with natural beauty.

Someone is lying under the sun umbrella, enjoying all this wonderful thing to the fullest.

A boss flicked the cigarette ash and asked, "Mr. Wang, what instructions do you have for calling us here in such a hurry?"

Wang Xingguo said, "It's nothing to do, I just want everyone to come and get together."

Everyone is a busy person, why don't you call everyone over for no reason?

Everyone understood in their hearts, just sit down and wait for Wang Xingguo to speak.

Sure enough, after everyone drank tea for a while, Wang Xingguo first pretended to ask everyone about their last business?

This brought the topic to the main topic, "Last time we said we were going to sell the property in our hands, but none of you took over the offer. Now the property has been taken over by a mainland company."

"Let a mainland company enter Dagang, and you are not prepared at all?"

Indeed, when the Wang family released rumors that they wanted to transfer their property.

As a result, no one came out to say anything.

Of course, everyone is a businessman.

Who will take action if they can't see the benefits?

Besides, there are not many people who can directly throw tens of billions to take over these industries.

The most important thing is that the Wang family is also very cheap. Biqu library

Their asking price is high.

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No one in this circle is a fool, and they are not willing to take over 30 billion yuan of funds.

And some people also looked at the vane of the Wang family, thinking that you are all about to withdraw, who would be so stupid to take over?

So some people had the same calculation in their hearts, planning to transfer their assets and follow the Wang family to invest overseas.

Who knows, when the Wang family saw that no one was taking over, they lowered the price and sold it at a lower price.

But the cheaper it is, the more some people feel that there is something tricky in the middle, so no one wants it.

This is a very strange phenomenon.

Unexpectedly, Blueprint Capital took over these two industries without hesitation. But everyone didn't understand what Wang Xingguo meant at the moment.

So someone asked, "What does Mr. Wang want us to do?"


They didn't believe that Wang Xingguo was aimless. Since he said it, there must be something to follow.

Wang Xingguo said slowly, "Everyone should work together to drive them out."


At this time, a big man who was drinking tea accidentally sprayed it.

The Wang family is really a hooligan!

He sold the property to others, and he wanted to drive them away.

But it doesn't matter, this is their routine.

Some people became extremely excited when they heard that Blueprint Capital was going to be established.

You must know that no matter which circle you are in, there is a strong sense of protection, and they will repel outside forces.

That's when someone asks the question, "Where should we start?"

"What is the main business project of Blueprint Capital?"

Others don't know what Blueprint Capital does, they never cared about it.

Wang Xingguo said indifferently, "How much can a mainland company do?"

"As long as everyone is united, can't we still defend our own territory?"

Everyone nodded in unison, yes! In their eyes, there are indeed few companies in the Mainland that can be sold.

Even if they did, they would have to look at everyone's faces if they wanted to enter Dagang.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for them to hang around here.

The sanctions headed by the Wang family came.

The first is for their hotels.

Su Ruzhen and Chen Fan were in the office, and the boss of the hotel came to report.

"President Su, the hotel's passenger flow has suddenly decreased a lot these days, and those customers in Dagang who have signed long-term cooperative relationships with us have also canceled their cooperation."

When Su Ruzhen heard it, she naturally knew what happened.

Cancel cooperation?

she pale

With a faint smile, "Go back and advertise and increase the prices of all consumer items in the hotel by 50%."

"Then internal rectification, service to the extreme."

"Let everyone know that this is a high-end consumer place, not just anyone can afford to live in it."

The boss of the hotel was stunned, everyone canceled the cooperation, and you still raised the price?

But he quickly understood Su Ruzhen's intention, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll do it now."

After the other party left, Su Ruzhen came to report to Chen Fan.

Chen Fan greatly appreciated her plan, "Yes! It is to make them feel that only by staying in our hotel can they be worthy of the status of high-end people."

"Then spread it out on the Internet and present every detail of the hotel to customers. I believe many people will use it as an online celebrity check-in attraction."

"The rich people from Hong Kong don't come, so there will naturally be guests from outside."

"And let their guests also feel that it is a shameful thing not to arrange themselves to stay in our hotel."

Ha ha……

This plan is dead.

If their guests come to discuss cooperation, they used to stay in seven-star hotels, but now you arrange other hotels for me, what do the guests think? Biqu library

After all, a seven-star hotel is an international hotel. Its service and enjoyment are unmatched by ordinary hotels.

Firstly, they don't have such hardware facilities, and secondly, the environment is built with real money.

As soon as Su Ruzhen's plan came out, the effect was immediately manifested.

It’s just that those bigwigs in Hong Kong were very confused, “What? Their business is not good and they raise prices?”

"Crazy about money? Who would be stupid enough to stay in their hotel?"

But soon they discovered a problem. Those guests who came to Dagang felt ashamed because they didn't arrange to stay in a seven-star hotel.

Although the conditions of the place they arranged were good, there was no meeting.

This is the brand effect, do you have to say that other people's brands must be good?

Maybe not?

But the brand is a matter of face, so those customers are not happy, and the business cannot be negotiated.

These bigwigs just discovered that this so-called sanction doesn't work?

What's more terrible is that in the past, you can stay in a seven-star hotel for only double the price, but now it costs 1.5 times.

And because there is no previous cooperation contract, the priority right to book a room at any time has also been cancelled.

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