"Boss, how dare she..."

Seeing that Su Ruzhen didn't even change the face of the boss, the assistant became anxious.

Wang Xiangguo interrupted him with a wave of his hand, "Let's go back first!"

As soon as they left, Chen Fan also came back.

Su Ruzhen told him about Wang Xiangguo's coming, Chen Fan said, "Do you know it's urgent now?"

"Leave them alone!"

"I saw a very nice manor today, and I will buy it another day."

Chen Fan is still very excited when it comes to the ancestral home of the Wang family.

Su Ruzhen asked, "What feng shui treasure makes you so happy?"

Chen Fan smiled mysteriously, "It's their Wang's courtyard, and the environment is really nice."


Su Ruzhen is speechless, can people sell you in this kind of place?

"Don't worry about it, it's a matter of human effort, wait for me to get it down."

To force the Wang family to sell their ancestral house, it is estimated that the Wang family will suffer a complete defeat.

The Wang family's original industry was real estate, but now no one is going to grab any real estate projects.

As the real estate industry becomes more and more saturated, many companies are transforming one after another, which is why Zhao Guowei is so eager to invest in other industries.

"How to do it?"

Su Ruzhen was also waiting for his decision, but since Chen Fan took the pier, there has been no movement.

Seeing Su Ruzhen in such a hurry, Chen Fan smiled.

"I'm waiting for an opportunity."

"You open the stock market and check the market."

The Wang Group owns several stocks, including real estate, medical care, and communications.

Zhao Linlin was very excited when she heard that Chen Fan was going to make a move on Wang's stock.

He took out the notes he had studied for several days, "I have a plan, do you think it can be done?"

Chen Fan said, "Tell me about it."

Zhao Linlin pointed to the disk and said, "According to my observations during this period, their stocks have reached the stage of gaining momentum. The preparatory work has been done in advance, and emotions have also been driven. There should be a big increase."

"So I think it can be like this, first do a wave of rise, and then go short with the trend."

Chen Fan has indeed looked at several stocks under Wang's, which will usher in a wave of rise next week.

It's just that the time is very short, and after four or five trading days, it immediately enters the decline mode.

After falling sharply for half a month in a row, it ushered in another wave of rise.

With such a trend, Chen Fan can fully see the Wang family's conspiracy.

Taking advantage of the upward momentum in the eyes of ordinary people, they harvested a wave of leeks. They successfully cashed out and suppressed for half a month.


When the retail investors handed over their bloody chips, they pulled up the second wave.

In order to get back their capital, some unwilling retail investors had to follow up again.

If they guessed correctly, they will come to the second wave of cash out.

After repeated operations several times, they ran away by themselves, leaving a mess and reselling them.

Then they went overseas with a lot of money.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Linlin's thoughts coincided with each other, but the most important thing is to pay attention to the proportion, and must leave before they reduce their holdings, otherwise they will be trapped.

The Dagang stock market has no limit, and it is a t+0 model, which allows unlimited entry and exit within a day.

"Okay, then leave it to you!"

"But you have to be aware of the risks."

Chen Fan did not give Zhao Linlin a specific plan and time this time, and let her judge by herself.

Zhao Linlin said happily, "Okay, I promise to complete the task."

"But Chen Fan, how much money are you going to give me?"

Chen Fan took a sip of tea, "Isn't trillions of wealth enough for you to toss about? Take down the Wang family, and there will be a lot of rewards!"


Zhao Linlin was about to leave when Chen Fan called out, "Wait a minute."

"Colonel Zhao, I'll leave the stock market to you. Mr. Su and I will go to do other things. You have to take care of it."

"Don't let us down."

"OK, all right."

"If I don't do well, I'll let you handle it."

Chen Fan waved his hand, and Zhao Linlin immediately went to prepare.

Su Ru was really anxious, "You scoundrel, you don't say anything clearly, what if Assistant Zhao misunderstood you?"

Chen Fan looked at her and smiled, "Where can she misunderstand? She is also an adult."

What Chen Fan said is of course not what you think.

He and Su Ruzhen are going to acquire some high-quality assets in Dagang.

On Zhao Linlin's side, the vigorous stock market battle has begun.

She ordered everyone to get ready to use different accounts to pretend to be retail investors to attract money.

And what did the major shareholders at the moment not realize?

Besides, if he wants to reduce his holdings and cash out, he does need someone to carry the sedan chair.

If there were no retail investors to follow up, wouldn't all his previous k-line graphics be for nothing?

Therefore, a real stock market master will play all kinds of tricks.

Especially for investors with technical flows, basically they will not enter the k-line charts that they cannot understand.

So the dealer made the k-line graphics they wanted. Biqu library

Now several stocks under the Wang family perfectly reflect the

It has achieved the coordination of volume and price, as well as the favorite k-line graphics of technical investors.

The advantage of the dealer doing this is that it allows those investors who can understand to enter. If they do well, they don’t have to raise the price by themselves, they will lift the sedan chair for themselves, and they will raise the stock price.

Blueprint Capital used countless disguised trumpets to enter, and the Wang family also regarded it as retail investors buying.

But anyone who really trades in stocks knows that retail investors cannot control the stock price, so after the blueprint investment was bought, the stock price did not rise much.

Blueprint Capital did not buy much, and only bought three stocks for more than 12 billion.

In the next few days, the stocks under Wang's group began to rise, and their increase was not arrogant, six or seven points a day.

At the most time, it rose by 11.33%.

It can be seen that the dealer is not willing to make too much effort, and they are also afraid of making wedding dresses for others.

It is estimated that only Chen Fan knows that their intention is mainly for shipment.

After Zhao Linlin led the trading team to buy, it rose by 31.12% in four trading days.

Of course, this amount of money is not enough in the eyes of Blueprint Capital.

Earning so many billions is nothing but petty money.

Chen Fan did not completely let Zhao Linlin fly freely, and had a better grasp of the timing.

"Colonel Zhao, where are you now?"

Zhao Linlin said, "I will ship the goods tomorrow, and I am going to sell securities to sell short."

"OK! Great, you are a qualified trader."

Tomorrow is the best opportunity, and it is also the time node for the dealer's false promotion.

Based on the trend seen by Chen Fan, it will definitely rise by more than ten points in early trading tomorrow, and then slowly fall back.

Seeing this trend, many retail investors thought that the market maker would push up to a certain extent today, so they chased after the rise one after another.

Even in their dreams, they would never know that the dealer just shipped out and left.

Then began to suppress for half a month, and then pulled up.

The next morning, taking advantage of the dealer's promotion, Zhao Linlin ordered the trader team to sell in an orderly manner.

But before selling, she backhanded short.

In order to confuse retail investors, the cunning dealers fell for a while and then pulled up and rebounded, making people mistakenly think that it was just a wash.

But Zhao Linlin quit playing a long time ago, and easily cashed out and left.

She looked at the profit, hey, only made three billion!

Go short, go short!

The Wang Group was very surprised at this moment, Nima, why did someone run away first?

It's just opened?

What kind of ghost did it?

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