Seeing this, Chen Meng slashed at the opponent's wrist with his bare hands.

Unexpectedly, the opponent's foot slipped and plopped!

The door knocked on the steps, and the knife in his hand fell to the ground with a clatter.

Chen Meng rushed over and stepped on his wrist.

The other party wanted to resist, but Chen Meng grabbed his collar, boom!

Knocked out.

Seeing this, the people in the car were about to rush down, but were stopped by the leading man.


The matter has been brought to light, and the past has no meaning at this time.

He growled, "Come back!"

He started the car and was about to flee the scene, but was rushed over by a black off-road vehicle and stopped in front of him. The leading man's face changed drastically, and he put the reverse gear on and exited, but he didn't expect a car to come speeding up behind him, blocking his way back.

Six men with short hair jumped out of the two cars in the front and back. They braved the rain and moved quickly.

The leading man immediately realized that the situation was not good, but they had no way out.

Seeing this group of people approaching, he had no choice but to pick up his knife, "Get rid of them!"

The people in the car rush down - Pen Fun Library

In the heavy rain, the figures of the Six Paths dashed forward, pointing their toes, and suddenly rose from the ground.

These people's skills were extremely agile, and before the man in the lead swung the knife in their hands, the opponent was already flying into the air.


Kicked off the dagger with the tip of his toe, and took advantage of the situation.


Kicked them in the face again.


There was a scream in the heavy rain.

Before they could react, the other party punched heavily, and the bodies of several gangsters flew a few meters away.

The leading man was just about to get out of the car with a knife in his hand, when he stepped halfway, several of his subordinates had already been brought down.

He froze there.

The other six people also looked at him fixedly.

He threw the knife away and raised his hands above his head, "I surrender!"

"Tell me, who sent you here?"

Tang Wu got out of the car and stared at him coldly.

Seeing this posture, the other party felt that the situation was not good, so he immediately recruited.

"Wang's family, Second Wang asked us to come."

"The purpose this time is to get rid of that man surnamed Chen, and give Blueprint Capital a little color."

"If Blueprint Capital doesn't know how to advance or retreat, it will kill the woman surnamed Su together."

Their target this time turned out to be their own boss.

"take away!"

There was also a little commotion in the restaurant. After Chen Meng subdued the man, many people were frightened.

there are people


Many people hurried away in fright. After Chen Meng handed them over to a bodyguard, he arranged for Zhang Long and others to escort Su Ruzhen and the others back.

"Tang Wu, what's going on with you?"

"Fixed, waiting for the boss' next instructions."

Chen Meng said, "Why do you ask the boss about this kind of thing? How did you get them to go back?"


Tang Wu understood that when the murderer came over, he would throw them all together.

"Cut off your own arm!"

Everyone looked at each other, and the leading man immediately shouted in a panic, "Don't, don't!"

"Let us go!"

"We will never dare again."

Tang Wu's face turned cold, "I've already let you go, what else do you want?"

He winked at the team members beside him, who immediately threw an iron rod.

"Since you are also a member of the Jianghu, this is an opportunity for you to redeem your crimes, you can figure it out!"

The men headed by Tang Wuchao said.

The other party looked at his subordinates, then at Tang Wu and his group, grabbed the iron rod on the ground and gritted his teeth to stand up.

I saw him swinging the iron rod!





In the rainy night, there were screams one after another.

In Wang's Manor, Wang's second child is waiting for news.

He kept looking at the time, logically it should be almost there.

But time passed by, and there was still no news from the other party. Looking at the rain outside the window, he lit a cigarette.


There was a sudden sound of car horns outside, and a commercial vehicle drove over.

Wang Er Er heard the sound and got up quickly.

The car was parked at the gate, and the two headlights were always on, shining directly on the gate of Wang's house.

Wang Laoer's face was downcast, he was so unruly, he actually used a headlight to keep shining on Wang's house, what do you mean?

The butler rushed over from the backyard with a few security guards, looked at the car outside the iron gate and asked, "What's going on?"

"Go, go and have a look!"

Two security guards opened the iron gate, and the butler came over with an umbrella.

Several people gathered around and opened the door.

There was wailing in the car, and some people had passed out from the pain.

The leading man also had a broken arm and staggered out of the car.

Seeing this, Wang Xingguo's expression changed drastically.

Seeing the other party approaching, he shouted angrily, "What's going on?"

The leading man dragged his broken arm, "We missed

Yes, all the brothers had an arm broken. "

"Why don't you go to the hospital, what are you doing here?"

These idiots are really speechless.

The action failed, and he still ran towards himself. Isn't this to expose himself?

"Mr. Wang, shouldn't you immediately send someone to send the brothers to the hospital for treatment?"

"Instead of getting mad at me."

Wang Laoer said angrily, "You use money to do things, what does it matter to me if things are not done well?"

"And you shouldn't have come to me at all."

Seeing that he turned his face and refused to recognize anyone, the leading man also said angrily, "Yes, it's our fault that things didn't go well, but let me tell you, they don't plan to call the police. I think you should know what it means."

Wang Xingguo shuddered, "What does he mean?"

"How would I know?"

Wang Xingguo hesitated, "Send them to the hospital."

They have their own private hospital in Dagang, and several security guards immediately drove the car to send the group of people to their private hospital.

After watching the car leave, Wang Xingguo suddenly had a bad feeling.

The sound of car horns outside alarmed the old man who was resting, and he asked the people around him what was going on?

Someone told him the situation, and he immediately shouted, "Call the second child over."

When Wang Xingguo arrived, the old man asked for details.

Hearing that the people sent out by Wang Xingguo failed to accomplish anything, and instead came back with their arms broken, Mr. Wang's expression became extremely heavy.

"They said they were forced to come back, probably to show us some color."

At this moment, the old man also understood that he was warning the Wang family.

As for what happens next?

No one can predict.

And people don't even bother to call the police.

This means that others may also take their own way and treat their own body.

Thinking of this, even Mr. Wang was a little scared.

The Wang family has many descendants, since you can use this method, then fine!

If you have the ability, you can ensure that no accidents will happen to everyone in the Wang family.

In the dormitory of Blueprint Capital, Chen Fan had already returned, and Tang Wu came in to report the situation.

"Boss, do you want to show them some color?"

Chen Fan shook his head, "No need to do anything."


"If we don't move for a day, they have to tense their nerves and be on guard every day, and wait until they can't do it again!"

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